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Ms. Barbara Honegger, M.S.

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 7:56 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
05.13.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Ms. Barbara Honegger, M.S., has two (2) of many noteworthy accomplishments that I have recently becomeaware of listed below.1. OCTOBER SURPRISE, a May, 1989 book by Ms. Barbara Honeger, is a Phenomenal Work of Art that coversThe Iran Contra Scandal and a tremendous amount of facts and information, along with powerful details andreferences, leading up to and through this time period. The ramifications of all of this helped control, develop,and formulate more intensely the world we live in today, more so than you realize. I strongly recommend andsuggest that you read this book first and foremost above all others related to any Subject Matters on the JFKMSForum, second only to Ms. Barbara Honegger's work on The Pentagon Bombing of 09.11.2001.A Major Point that I would like to stress is The Amount of Pre-Planning that was secretly done by The ShadowGovernment.2. BEHIND THE SMOKE CURTAIN, a 01.12.2013 live presentation that is over 4 hours long presented by Ms.Barbara Honegger at the 09.11.2001 Truth Seattle Conference. I have recently concluded watching it four(4) times. I strongly recommend it. Literally Mind Blowing. Again, I suggest that you abandon anything else that you may be reading and studying relative to any Subject Matter here on the JFKMS Forum in favorof Ms. Barbara Honegger's work on The Pentagon Bombing of 09.11.2001. My Opinion.A Major Point that I would like to stress is The Amount of Pre-Planning that was secretly done by The ShadowGovernment.Ms. Barbara Honegger worked for Ronald Reagan during his Campaign for the Presidency of the U.S. She then went on to serve on Reagan's White House Staff as a High Level Domestic Policy Analyst. She laterserved with the Department of Justice.In 1983 Honegger was the First Resignation Of Conscience from the Reagan - Bush Administration. She feltthat "Their guiding principles were that loyalty to a Royalist Version of the Presidency was more important than the Constitution, and the truth was a 'problem to be solved."The Reagan - Bush Administration believed it was more important than the Constitution. They had contemptfor The Electorate. (You know, "We the people…).After leaving Washington, D.C., Honegger became the Senior Military Affairs Journalist for the Naval PostGraduate School.1. OCTOBER SURPRISE:Touching first on Honegger's book, OCTOBER SURPRISE, some of the Noteworthy Points for Introductory Discussionhere are as follows:One Major Allegation is that the timing of the Release of the Hostages and why the Reagan - Bush Administrationsent arms to the Iranians since 1981, even when there were not hostages. Few knew why the Pre - 1980 Negotiationsdied mysteriously. This was orchestrated behind the scenes by Reagan - Bush and the CIA. This becomes emphatically clear over time. The Development Of The Shadow Government Was Changing Gears HERE.In Chapter X, "The Sound Of Silence," the many attempts to break through the Censorship Of Network T.V. isdiscussed relative to all of this, and much more. Also think about this relative to JFK, MLK, RFK, the OklahomaBombing, 09.11.2001, and The Benghazi, Libya Attack, through today.The Congressional Committee that later investigated the Selling Of Arms to Iran also refused to look into anythingthat occurred before 1984. This was more than an arbitrary cut off point. No reason was ever given. The ShadowGovernment and The Control Of Main Steam Media Is In Full Operation HERE. Operation Mockingbird.Honegger was the first to write an excellent book on this Subject Matter. She noted that Richard Nixon was also involved in the 1968 similar type of affair where Nixon's people tried to sabotage the American - Vietnamese Peace Talks in Paris. That trick also worked. If the Truce Had Been Declared in 1968, only 22,000 Americanswould have died, and not the next 36,000. The Military Industrial Complex, the CIA, and The Shadow Governmentgot its way with Viet Nam, Laos, and Cambodia.Another Major Unreported Scandal of 1980 was the apparent sabotage of the Desert One Rescue Attempt. U.S.Helicopters were sent out over the desert WTHOUT AIR FILTERS. The combined dust and sand quickly ruined theengines. No Backup or Reserves were sent on this Critical Mission. The Failure Of The Rescue Mission preventedthe rest of the Rescue Mission from being carried out. Mission Success probably would have guaranteed PresidentCarter's re-election, instead of a Reagan - Bush Victory. Some suggest that the Military Industrial Complex wasrewarded by the drastic increase in Military spending during the Reagan - Bush Administration. Very Logical.My Opinion. We now clearly have:1. Actual Assassinations, i.e., JFK, MLK, and RFK.2. Character Assassination, i.e., Richard Nixon and Watergate.3. Event Assassination, i.e., Jimmy Carter, to Pave The Way For Reagan - Bush, THEN THE BUSH'S. THINK ABOUTIT DEEPLY. Who is the likely 2016 Republican Presidential Candidate ? Jeb Bush. My Opinion.Please note that some of the Arms Buildup WAS NOT FOR OUR FORCES. Honegger points out that arms sold to Iran came from REFORGER STORES, that were only intended for use in repelling a Soviet Bloc Invasion. Thiswould be strong misappropriation of U.S. Military Hardware. Treason ? Did you previously read about this ?Consider strongly these Questions.Was this scenario only a fantasy used to Justify Increased Military Spending ? Most likely.Did the U.S. encourage Iraq to attack Iran ? Most likely.DID WE SELL ARMS TO BOTH SIDES ? (As was begun during the Civil War, developed better during World War I,and made into an Art Form before, during, and after World War II by The Shadow Government. My Opinion.) GUARANTEED.What was the Cumulative Effect of all of this in the end ? THINK IT THROUGH. Where are we TODAY ?Was the Game Plan to Forment Wars To Sell Arms To Both Sides Long Term, and to "Mediate a Balance of Power ?OF COURSE IT WAS. THERE COULD BE NO OTHER GOAL OR PURPOSE. GUARANTEED. My Opinion.Isn't this the same Game Plan of a Former Empire that put them into World Wide Disrepute before its demise ?Think Adolph Hitler and Nazi - Fascist Germany.Honegger's book OCTOBER SURPRISE in My Opinion is Essential Reading for Boiler Plate Thinking and Understandingof How Things were functioning with the Military Industrial Complex and the CIA almost blatantly after the JFK,MLK, and RFK Assassinations. And How This Continued To Develop Into The Spring Board For 09.11.2001 and Beyond.THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT NOW DOES WHAT IT WANTS, WHEN IT WANTS, BECAUSE IT WANTS. My Opinion.2. BEHIND THE SMOKE CURTAIN:MOVING ON TO BEHIND THE SMOKE CURTAIN BY MS. BARBARA HONEGGER, M.S.Honegger alleges that "Everything you think you probably know about the Pentagon Attack is WRONG." At first I found this both alarming, and attention getting. I must admit that I learned 80 % more than I thoughtthat I knew and was certain about. Challenge and Test Yourself. Seek To Develop and Grow in Knowledge.The NEOCON PNAC, Project For A New American Century specifically called for a New Pearl Harbor.The 1993 Trade Center Bombing, and 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing WERE NOT SUFFICIENT. The Pentagon Attack made 09.11.2001 THE NEW PEARL HARBOR. It wasn't just another Trade Center Attack, or another Oklahoma CityBombing. THE DESIRED AND NECESSARY RESULTANT FACTOR HAD TO BE OVER THE TOP FOR NEVER ENDINGWARS.The Pentagon Attack Was Needed To Claim Justification For Endless Pre-Emptive Wars. The Twin Towers and WTC 7 was for Extra Effect to Cover Up The Pentagon Attack that ACTUALLY MAKES THIS ALL LOOK LIKE AMILITARY ATTACK WHEN PEARL HARBOR WAS ATTACKED. THIS CREATES APPARENT MILITARY LEGALITY FORTHAT ENDLESS STATE OF WAR AGAINST "TERRORISM" OR WHATEVER BOOGEY MAN IS CURRENTLY FASHIONABLE.Think this through very carefully. My Opinion.The 2000 Election had to be Won by George W. Bush, and ultimately stolen to get set for 09.11.2001. THIS WAS ESSENTIAL. AND FLORIDA, THE STATE WHERE JEB BUSH WAS GOVERNOR, WAS THE PERFECT CANVAS.The House Of Representatives, AND NOT THE SUPREME COURT, Should Have Decided The 2000 Election. The RepublicanBased Supreme Court delivered The Justice That Was Needed And Wanted To Go Forward. Don't think that this was anaccident, or occurred by chance.Honegger strongly asserts that The Attack On The Pentagon on 09.11.2001 was "…an inside attack which hasbeen proven." After studying her Work Product, I strongly agree with her.Honegger's work on The Pentagon Self Attack on 09.11.2001 has been described as "…the definitive work" onWHAT HAPPENED, AND WHAT DIDN'T HAPPEN at The Pentagon on 09.11.2001."This will transform the discussion of what happened on 09.11.2001. This presentation blew…me…away."Professor David Ray Griffin, World Dean of the 09.11.2001 Truth Research."Barbara Honegger is the most under appreciated, greatest 09.11.2001 Truth Person on the planet." RichardGage, Founder, Architects & Engineers for 09.11.2001."Honegger is "…the only Pentagon Researcher who is both honest and presents a coherent model." ProfessorKevin Barnett, 09.11.2001 author and radio talk host."Well done on an excellent presentation." Professor Niles Harrit."This is the very best I've seen on The Pentagon attack." Annie Machon, Former MI 5, British Intelligence."Breathtakingly amazing work ! Completely stunning in its logic, order of presentation and painstakingdetail of research." Gregory Ziegler, Former U.S. Army Counterintelligence."The talk was amazing and revolutionary - one of the most compelling I've seen on the 09.11.2001 Truth Movement. Lt. Dennis Morriseau, Vermont 09.11.2001 Truth."You've done a great job and an outstanding service to the 09.11.2001 Truth Community and to our country,tirelessly separating the wheat from the chaff on The Pentagon Question. We are all grateful for this."Dr. Tim Eastman, Ph.D., Plasma Physicist.On 09.10.2001 Donald Rumsfeld stated that $ 2.3 Trillion Dollars was missing, THE DAY BEFORE 09.11.2001.The CIA later admitted to $ 5.1 Trillion Dollars, or more was missing. (Approximation because all records weredestroyed.)The Last Count was almost $ 10 Trillion Dollars, or more was missing. (Approximation because all records weredestroyed.)The notes, people, and records were in a practically bomb proof room inside The Pentagon. This area wasdestroyed on 09.11.2001. HOW VERY CONVENIENT. PROBLEM SOLVED, AND ENDLESS WARS LEGALIZED.Ms. Barbara Honegger, M.S., and her Work Product absolutely deserve serious analysis and study. Take sometime and seriously study her Work Product. Then explain to me how anything can or will be changed in this country going forward ? YOUR OPINION.It is almost 14 years since 09.11.2001, and In Spite Of What Is Now Known, NOTHING IS CHANGING OR BEINGDONE DIFFERENTLY. This Is So IN YOUR FACE AMERICANS, THAT IT CAN'T GET ANY WORSE. My Opinion.But going beyond for a moment, I have found myself believing that Anything And Everything In The U.S. TodayIs So Far Out Of Control And Reach Of "We the People…" that I am Supremely Curious of what the thoughtsof others will be after studying the above referenced material and all Related Subject Matters ? YOUR OPINION.My Synopsis:12.07.1941 - The Bombing of Pearl Harbor has not been, and will never be, Completely and Truthfully Resolved.11.22.1963 - The Assassination of JFK has not been, and will never be, Completely and Truthfully Resolved.04.04.1968 - The Assassination of MLK has not been, and will never be, Completely and Truthfully Resolved.06.06.1968 - The Assassination of RFK has not been, and will never be, Completely and Truthfully resolved.04.19.1995 - The Oklahoma Bombing of The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building has not been, and will never be,Completely and Truthfully Resolved.09.11.2001 - The Bombing of The Pentagon, The Bombing of The Twin Towers, The Bombing of The WTC 7, the air planes, the passengers, and the bodies, etc., has not been, and will never be Completely and Truthfully Resolved.09.11.2012 - The Benghazi, Libya Attack has not been, and will never be Completely and Truthfully Resolved.The November, 2016 Presidential Election - Who Will Run ? Who Will Win ? Will It Matter ? How Many American'sHave Given Up On Our Electoral Process, Government, and Politics ? Where will we be headed in January, 2017when The Next President Of The U.S. is Sworn In with his/her hand on The Bible, Promising To Serve, Protect, And Defend The Constitution of the U. S. ?My Opinion.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspectof this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may notbe as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: Ms. Barbara Honegger, M.S.

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 6:17 pm
by Bob
Excellent thread, Bruce. I was not aware of Barbara Honegger, but I will be from now on. I plan on getting October Surprise at some point in the near future. I'm also going to check out her Behind the Smoke Curtain presentation in the next couple of days, as it sounds like it was a fascinating lecture by Ms. Honegger.Here is the presentation for anyone who would like to view it:

Ms. Barbara Honegger, M.S.

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 6:44 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
05.15.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Bob, Thank you as always for your input. We agree about 95 % of the time, and whether Pro or Con,your academic input is always music to my ears. Certainly, there is no disagreement here. I clarifythat for the Members and Readers here, especially newer ones. Bob and I are friends for well overten (10) years and routinely speak on the phone, and exchange Private Emails. We have achieved our own Base Line Level Of Knowledge And Communication such that, I have been advised by others,that we may communicate here at a level not always understood by others. Therefore, here I amtrying to "slow down to speed up communication" for the benefit of others.Bob, OCTOBER SURPRISE by Ms. Barbara Honegger, M.S., fits well into my Developmental Analysis andSequential Time Line Analysis of the U.S. Military Industrial Complex, the U.S. Financial Systems, and of course The Federal Reserve System, leading to the Full Fledged Development And Takeover By THETHE SHADOW GOVERNMENT OF THE U.S. Forget Forever "We the people…" My Opinion.As I have stated and written previously, and am seeking to develop more fully and completely for my future writings, the time before The Civil War and The Industrial Revolution was the perfect mating season of Soon To Be The Most Evil And Ongoing Forces Of The U.S., That The World Has Ever Known. My Opinion.The Fledgling Military Industrial Complex was able to build and supply War Time Ammunition, Beverages,Foods, Goods, and Weapons ALL HERE IN THE U.S. Convenience and Easy Profit at the onset. A CORPORATEADDICTION AND MIND SET THAT HAS NEVER BEEN OVERCOME, NOR WILL IT BE IN AMERICA. My Opinion.This WED The Industrial Revolution, The Fledgling Military Industrial Complex, and The Financial Structuresto a Philosophy and Policy Focused on War FOREVER. THIS CIRCUITOUS, EMBEDED, SELF PERPETUATINGPROCESS IS HIDDEN, IGNORED, AND NEVER COMPLETELY STUDIED. I see no apparent end in sight given ourcurrent state of affairs in the U.S., with The New World Order now firmly entrenched. My Opinion.Only two (2) U.S. Presidents in The History Of The U.S. EVER TOOK ON THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXAND THE FINANCIAL STRUCTURES, AND THEY BOTH TOOK ON BOTH AT THE SAME TIME.PRESIDENT ABRAHAM LINCOLN, AND PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDYAnd in Modern Times MLK and RFK tried to Walk In The Footsteps Of Lincoln and JFK.In the early 1900's, Samuel Bush was the CEO of Remington Arms. He Picked Up The Torch as The Next Generation of The Military Industrial Complex and The Financial Structures salivated over looming World War I. The War Profiteers were going to Sow and Reap a Major Harvest.And All Lessons learned here helped formulate the Desire and Need for World War II. My Opinion.OCTOBER SURPRISE by Ms. Barbara Honegger, M.S., helps focus how dastardly and evilly The Military Industrial Complex, The Federal Reserve, and The Shadow Government have advanced by the 1980's.A MAJOR POINT THAT I WOULD LIKE TO STRESS IS THE AMOUNT OF PRE-PLANNING THAT WAS DONE BY THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT. THIS IS INDICATIVE OF LIKE MINDED INDIVIDUALS IN A SELF PERPETUATING STRUCTURETHAT I REFER TO AS THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT. My Opinion.Honegger's book, OCTOBER SURPRISE is Essential Reading for Boiler Plate Thinking and Understanding of HowThings were functioning with The Military Industrial Complex, the CIA, and The Shadow Government blatantlyafter the JFK, MLK, and RFK Assassinations. AND HOW THIS CONTINUED TO DEVELOP AND ESCALATE INTO THESPRINGBOARD FOR 09.11.2001 AND BEYOND.THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT NOW DOES WHAT IT WANTS, WHEN IT WANTS, BECAUSE IT WANTS, AND PLANS FORAS IT WANTS. IT IS SO IN OUR FACES, AND THERE IS NOTHING THAT WE CAN DO ABOUT IT. My Opinion.MOVING ON: Ms. Barbara Honnerer, M.S., and her Work Product of BEHIND THE SMOKE CURTAIN, which I watched four (4)times in video, was a live presentation at the 09.11.2001 - 9/11 TRUTH SEATTLE PRESENTATION. It was sentto me as a video by a Research Associate. At this time I have no Links, but I will seek to obtain more information. And of course if Ken Murray, or anybody else can provide additional information, it will be greatly appreciated.Bob, as I related to you long before, the week after 09.11.2001 I was visiting with my friend, James Earl Sutton -Files. Like most Americans I was numb and reeling from that event and all unfolding events. Paraphrasing, Itold Jimmy how shocked I was at The Alleged Terrorist Attack. Jimmy basically said stupid, watch the videos.Those buildings were brought down in their own footprints. And the building Hit Second, Fell First. They mayhave Hit The Imploders Out Of Sequence. We made drawings and notes that I still have.Jimmy absolutely refused to believe that The Pentagon, the MOST SECURE BUILDING IN THE WORLD, was hitunless it was an inside job. PERIOD.Jimmy's Main Theory was that this was a FALSE FLAG OPERATION to generate another war. We did it, or it wasan inside job, or a combination thereof.From there I began intensely studying 09.11.2001.David Ray Griffin, Dylan Avery and many others produced profound works that I studied, and deserve much creditfor their ground breaking efforts.I certainly came to believe that The Twin Towers and WTC 7 were BROUGHT DOWN.I never believed that The Pentagon was hit by a passenger air plane after my initial studies.I long believed that it was probably a Cruise Missile, a Bunker Buster, or a Tomahawk Missile.Not until I watched four (4) times, the four (4) hour presentation by Ms. Barbara Honegger, M.S., did I come toappreciate and understand more fully what actually happened at The Pentagon on 09.11.2001.Honegger's Evidence and Theories strongly convinced me that The Pentagon WAS BOMBED FROM THE INSIDE WITHCORDITE, THERMITE, AND POSSIBLY OTHER SUBSTANCES.Honneger's Theory is that THE PENTAGON WAS HIT BY NOTHING. IT WAS BLOWN UP FROM THE INSIDE, OUT.The Pentagon Had To Be "HIT" to be able to Declare An Act Of War, AND HIDE THE MISSING $ 10 TRILLION DOLLARS.Paying closer attention to everything that I studied I noticed that more attention WAS ALWAYS FOCUSED ON THETWIN TOWERS. THE PENTAGON THEREFORE BECAME A GIVEN IN ACCEPTANCE AND UNDERSTANDING. YET THEPENTAGON BOMBING WAS ARGUABLY MUCH MORE IMPORTANT AND NEEDED BY THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT.A MAJOR POINT THAT I WOULD LIKE TO REITERATE AND STRESS IS THE AMOUNT OF PRE-PLANNING THAT WASDONE BY THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT. THIS IS INDICATIVE OF LIKE MINDED INDIVIDUALS IN A SELF PERPETUATINGSTRUCTURE THAT I REFER TO AS THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT. My Opinion.I reiterate: THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT NOW DOES WHAT IT WANTS, WHEN IT WANTS, BECAUSE IT WANTS, AND PLANS FOR AS IT WANTS. IT IS SO IN OUR FACES, AND THERE IS NOTHING THAT WE CAN DO ABOUT IT. My Opinion.The Assassination of JFK was a Fork In The Road for the U.S., that was reinforced by the Assassinations of MLK, and RFK. We need to study the present much more closely to understand the not so distant past. My Opinion.But 09.11.2001 is now almost 14 years ago. What have "We the People…" really accomplished ?11.22.1963 is now almost 52 years ago. What have "We the People…" really accomplished ?Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: Ms. Barbara Honegger, M.S.

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 1:51 pm
by kenmurray
December Surprise, September Surprise:

Re: Ms. Barbara Honegger, M.S.

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 2:37 pm
by Bob
I watched the entire presentation by Ms. Honegger. It was very good. We are living within in a shadow government. It's been that way since 11/22/1963, when JFK was murdered via a coup, which put the dark side in charge of the U.S. government A lot of the same entities who were responsible for JFK's murder were also responsible for what happened on 9/11/2001. Not to mention all the other False Flag events that have taken place. It doesn't really matter who (Democrat or Republican) occupies the White House nowadays, as the President is a just a puppet who is paraded in front of the people to do the bidding of the dark side.

Re: Ms. Barbara Honegger, M.S.

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 5:59 am
by ThomZajac
I interviewed Barbara Honegger many years ago regarding the October Surprise, and she was very convincing. More recently, she's produced a terrific video (very, very long though) as to what really happended at the Pentagon on 911.