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A Review of Operation Northwoods

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 8:35 pm
by Bob
In March of 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff drew up and presented to JFK a plan called Operation Northwoods. Every one of the Joint Chiefs endorsed this plan, as did the CIA. ... ds.htmlJFK refused to implement this plan and soon Lyman Lemnitzer was forced out as chairman of the Joint Chiefs. As you review this plan, you will see a number of similarities between it and what happened on 9/11/2001. Instead of Cuba and then Vietnam in 1962, the plan in 2001 called for a war against Afghanistan and then Iraq.The Cuban Missile Crisis happened in October of 1962 and Lemnitzer had been replaced by Max Taylor as the chairman. It didn't really make a difference, as all of the Joint Chiefs and the CIA once again wanted to invade Cuba then. As we know now, had JFK agreed with them, there would have been a nuclear conflict and World War III would have started.On the link I provided, you can see almost the entirety of Operation Northwoods, including these four pages: ... .gifBottom line, once again in 2001, all of the Joint Chiefs had to have endorsed the events that took place on 9/11. As did others like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Tenet, Richard Pearl, Paul Wolfowitz and of course George W. Bush.

A Review of Operation Northwoods:

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 10:50 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
05.16.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:05.16.2015 - Bob Fox Posted this devastatingly powerful Headline. Analyzing, knowing, and understandingOperation Northwoods, its breadth, depth, and inter-connectedness is the Absolute Essential Crux and Hub of the Assassination of JFK, that paved the way for the Assassinations of MLK, and RFK. Forget chasing red herrings of how many autopsies, bullet holes, bullets, echoes, guns, pictures, shooters, sounds, videos, etc. This is a Complete Total Waste Of Time. In 51+ years The JFK Research Communityhas been chasing its tail. And it has only been successful at one thing. Making everybody outside of the JFKResearch Community think that All Conspiracy Theorists are lunatics. And within the JFK Research Communitythere is more anger, argumentation, dissension, and lack of coherence than the rest of the Apathetic Americans.Forget about LHO, David Ferrie, and all the others. They have come and gone. They were never essential. Theywere all either Dumb As Dirt, or They Knew What Was Happening And Did NOTHING To Successfully Prevent TheAssassination Of JFK. To say anything else is all speculation that is a Complete Total Waste Of Time.If you actually want a very intelligent Starting Point and Central Point of the JFK Assassination, Operation Northwoods IS IT. These men were all involved in The Planning, Cover-Up, and Beyond that led to wherewe are today.Study each and every signatory therein if you are serious about your research and study. Or spend the next51 years reading and re-reading the opinions of the last 51 years. You decide. What is your purpose ?Place additional or added emphasis on Allen Dulles, John Foster Dulles, Richard Bissell, Charles Cabell, LBJ,J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, GHWB, and a few other obvious names that will hit you in the face.And study the connections of each and every one of these men.Think Outside Of The Box.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: A Review of Operation Northwoods

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 6:08 pm
by Bob
Bruce, I always appreciate your input and opinion. One other name who I would add to your list is Ed Lansdale. In fact, Lansdale might be near the very top of the list of people who were behind the planning of Operation Northwoods and the JFK assassination.

Re: A Review of Operation Northwoods

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 6:36 pm
Bruce great post your right about us chasing our tail and Oswald being dumb as dirt. I don't get what he was thinking? If he knew the plan to assassinate Kennedy was on why would you stay in the lunch room and let it happen? You prevent it and come out and spill all and probably save your life, or sit back do nothing and be killed because you knew to much. Jim Garrison told Larry King when he was driving him to the airport, "If RFK doesn't come out and name the perpetrators they will kill him next. Two weeks latter RFK was dead. Just like they waited to long to bring out the indictments on Johnson. They wanted to wait until after the Dallas trip and then indict Johnson! Too late you lost your advantage.

A Review of Operation Northwoods

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 10:35 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
05.18.2015 Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Bob Fox - I completely agree with you that Edward Geary Lansdale was a Critical Operative OnLocation at Dealey Plaza on 11.22.1963. I am convinced by all of my interviews and research that Lansdale was Director Of Operations, or Ground Control. He has been given several titles by several that I have interviewed.JDB4JFK you and I are also in agreement. I can not believe the absolute Insanity and Stupidity of many of the Alleged JFK Researchers and/or Experts, constantly chasing their tails, and arguing endlessly about worthless facts, information, and opinions.The horses are out of the barn. 90 % of the silliness discussed and written about is a completewaste of time. My Opinion.Thinking Outside Of The Box is where the More Experienced Researchers need to focus. Quit arguing about the irrelevant and mundane that lead to nowhere.Quit looking from the ground up, starting with little and microscope arguments and facts. GoingNowhere Fast.With 51+ years Past The JFK Assassination, and almost 14 years Past 09.11.2001, we need to redirectour Effort And Focus. We Need to look at and analyze the Big Picture.NOTHING HAS BEEN CHANGED.NOTHING WILL BE CHANGED.THE HISTORY BOOKS WILL NEVER BE RE-WRITTEN.Do we really need to keep researching JFK's Assassination AS A POSSIBLE COUP D'ETAT ?Do we really need to argue about The Warren Commission still ?Do we really need to argue about The Magic Bullet Theory still ?Do we really need to argue about LHO vs. Billy Lovelady being in The Doorway ?LHO shot JFK alone. Greer shot JFK. Connelly shot JFK. Jackie shot JFK. The SecretService Agent shot JFK. Umbrella Man shot JFK. An Ice Bullet shot JFK. Etc., etc.I could go on and on and on. Certainly you get my point of view.There will never be JUSTICE in the Mind's of Everyone.JFK's body will never be Exhumed, even if it is there in his Alleged Grave.Nobody will be EVER BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE. WHAT IS JUSTICE ANYWAY ?DEFINE JUSTICE IN THE JFK SUBJECT MATTER ?95% OF ALL AMERICANS DON'T CARE ABOUT 09.11.2001 and that was only 14 years ago.The JFK Assassination was 51+ years ago and counting.How do you recommend that we gain focus on JFK, MLK, and RFK ?Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts,or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educated a Whole New Generation of JFKResearchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: A Review of Operation Northwoods

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 2:58 am
by Ed Teach
I would wager they plan to invade Cuba soon...that is what it was all about to begin with...pirates. Skull and Bones. The Business.