Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

JFK Assassination
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Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

Post by Mark68 »

I am still in disbelief at myself but it is now my opinion that Oswald was the lone assassin. I am NOT saying by any stretch of the imagination that he acted alone...far, very far from it. The "powers-that-be" had him convinced he was as Johnny Rivers says a "Secret Agent Man". He was young naive & gullible. He did not squeeze off 3 shots in 6 seconds as bandied about by everyone. It was 11 seconds. He shot Tippet as well scared as hell running to meet his contact who promised to fly him out of the country. The Mannlicher used a complete full metal jacket which w/ that power & at that distance easily passed through both JFK & Connolly. Its as "Mr X" said - guessing who shot from where, etc., etc. is as the intelligence community has done forever is DIS-information. Oswald was brainwashed into thinking he was part of secret society. A conspiracy yes but grassy knoll shooter, no.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... alone.html
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Re: Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

Post by ThomZajac »

Mark, Mark, Mark.....
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Re: Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

Post by JDThomas »

June 1st today - right? For a moment I thought it was April 1stNo need for further comment
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Mark68 keep an open mind now..It seems in your research you have run across somethings that seem to point the finger that Lee Oswald was the 6th floor shooter..We all have our opinions on what really happened.. Now some of the things you just pointed out do ring true..Lee Oswald was very young and very naive and o so very gullible..That's why they picked him..And it does seem that Lee Oswald did see himself as some sort of a "spy" or "secret agent".. Always remember Lee Oswald was schooled and mentored by one of the most deep cover covert intelligence operatives that ever lived George de Mohrenschildt. But in the end it was not Lee Oswald in that window that Friday noon time..You were correct again saying Lee Oswald ran scared..His youth really began to show at this point..He not only fled scared to death but began to realize that he was being set up and by the time the whole house of cards collapsed right on his head and he realized he was in the tar pit and could never get out again it was way to late..Within hours he was dead murdered in hand cuffs..Mark68 let me pass this small piece of information we found in our investigation..In one of the very last things that George de Mohrenschildt told to Willem Oltmans in Amsterdam The Netherlands .. Oltmans recorded in his private notes that de Mohrenschildt had expressed a great sadness of what had happened to Lee Oswald and a deep feeling of guilt. He openly had said “what a horrible shame it was that Lee had been put into the position that history had sealed for him”. He was innocent of what he had been accused of and George de Mohrenschildt knew it .
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Re: Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

Post by Slav »

It is April 1 in Homer Simpson land
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Re: Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

Post by JDB4JFK »

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSw9sjq ... ilpageYeah that Oswald was something else he called the 112 army General and got him to stand down, he was able to send the Chief of special ops to the South Pole for two weeks prior so he wouldn't be able to set up protection for the president, he also got the secret service to change the parade route so it would come right by his snipers nest, Oswald also got the secret service to not ride on the back of the limo, and last but not lease he was able to shut down the phone lines in Washington D.C. for an hole hour! HE WAS AMAZING!!!! NOT!
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Re: Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

Post by Mark68 »

Tommy Wilkens wrote:Mark68 keep an open mind now..It seems in your research you have run across somethings that seem to point the finger that Lee Oswald was the 6th floor shooter..We all have our opinions on what really happened.. Now some of the things you just pointed out do ring true..Lee Oswald was very young and very naive and o so very gullible..That's why they picked him..And it does seem that Lee Oswald did see himself as some sort of a "spy" or "secret agent".. Always remember Lee Oswald was schooled and mentored by one of the most deep cover covert intelligence operatives that ever lived George de Mohrenschildt. But in the end it was not Lee Oswald in that window that Friday noon time..You were correct again saying Lee Oswald ran scared..His youth really began to show at this point..He not only fled scared to death but began to realize that he was being set up and by the time the whole house of cards collapsed right on his head and he realized he was in the tar pit and could never get out again it was way to late..Within hours he was dead murdered in hand cuffs..Mark68 let me pass this small piece of information we found in our investigation..In one of the very last things that George de Mohrenschildt told to Willem Oltmans in Amsterdam The Netherlands .. Oltmans recorded in his private notes that de Mohrenschildt had expressed a great sadness of what had happened to Lee Oswald and a deep feeling of guilt. He openly had said “what a horrible shame it was that Lee had been put into the position that history had sealed for him”. He was innocent of what he had been accused of and George de Mohrenschildt knew it .I just can't see any evidence in the Zapruder film which shows JFK being hit from anywhere but the back.
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Re: Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

Post by Mark68 »

Although the possibility of a second shooter would explain why JFK's brain vanished.
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Re: Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

Post by JDThomas »

Mark68 wrote:Although the possibility of a second shooter would explain why JFK's brain vanished.The evidence that the shot that caused JFK's back wound did not transit the body screams-out that there was second shooter
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Re: Oswald was the lone assassin IMO

Post by Mark68 »

If there had indeed been a grassy knoll shooter, although boring to conspiracy theorists, the Zapruder film would have shown a mist to the left of president as even a .223 has much too much power to be stopped by a human skull at such a close range as there was as the shot from the rear did as it exited the president's skull forward. Oswald, or someone from the SBD, shot JFK from the rear. Thats it. We're only talking about 7 seconds at the most.Again I am not by any stretch of the imagination saying it was ALL Oswald. He was set up by a entire network of like minded individuals. Most of which had no idea who was yankin' they're chain or why. I also don't buy the "single bullet theory". Its just too neat of a package. The fact Hoover, LBJ & Ford all conspired to move the bullet hole up which IMO demostrates evidence it was Oswald shooting & missing, as does the windshied pillar shot.