Umbrella man not a conspirator

JFK Assassination
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Re: Umbrella man not a conspirator

Post by Bob »

I would respectfully disagree with the assertion that "Umbrella Man" was not part the shooting that took placed in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963.First look at this image:The photo shows "Walkie Talkie Man" sitting next "Umbrella Man" near the curb of Elm Street. Behind them, we can see Jimmy Files leave the scene (back right) after the assassination has taken place.Many of us believe that "Walkie Talkie Man" is really Orlando Bosch.See this from Wim's section on George H.W. Bush:Orlando Bosch is released in 1987 under diplomatic pressure of the then US ambassador for Venezuela Otto Reich. Otto Reich is from Cuban descent and an avid anti Castro Cuban exile. He was recently appointed assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell in the current Bush administration. Back in Miami, Orlando Bosch is released from house arrest by presidential order as soon as Bush is president. No outcry was reported by the mainstream press.While incarcerated in Caracas, both Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch were visited and interviewed by HSCA investigator Gaeton Fonzi. Not surprisingly they denied being in Dallas on November 22, 1963. However, neither of them could give a verifiable alibi. For a more in depth story by Geaton Fonzi documenting these intimate connections: or read his excellent book "The Last Investigation" online: believe both men were there to signal some of the shooters. Bosch was there to communicate via the walkie talkie, while "Umbrella Man" was there to signal whether or not the shooting had been successful from his vantage point. When JFK was shot in the back and his hands were raised upwards, limo driver Bill Greer braked very suddenly. At that point "Umbrella Man" started to rapidly and repeatedly unfurl his umbrella.Why? JFK had not been killed. After JFK was fatally wounded and people are diving on the grass for cover, Bosch and "Umbrella Man" calmly sit on the curb and talk with each other. Do you think Bosch would talk to somebody not involved in the assassination? Bosch then turns toward the knoll and speaks into his walkie talkie to warn the bogus CIA agents that a large crowd is rushing up towards the knoll.
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Umbrella man not a conspirator

Post by Mark68 »

Again, it really doesn't matter who shot from where, why an umbrella was opened when, etc., etc., etc.. What matters why was Kennedy killed & who benefited.
Posts: 2652
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Umbrella man not a conspirator

Post by Bob »

Mark68 wrote:Again, it really doesn't matter who shot from where, why an umbrella was opened when, etc., etc., etc.. What matters why was Kennedy killed & who benefited.I know what you are saying Mark, but that is not what the title of this thread inferred.
Posts: 16
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Umbrella man not a conspirator

Post by Mark68 »

Ok, the popular conspiratorial theory that "umbrella man" was a CIA agent is IMO just pure garbage. ... .htmlBosch maybe so.