The CIA Created the Term "Conspiracy Theorist"

JFK Assassination
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The CIA Created the Term "Conspiracy Theorist"

Post by Bob »

I was listening to Russ Baker last night on one of his radio appearances that he makes from time to time, and he brought up a very interesting observation. Russ said he went to a party in Manhattan not too long ago when a someone referred to him as a "conspiracy theorist" while talking with him.Russ said the term "conspiracy theorist" was hatched by the CIA in 1967. And Russ is 100 percent correct. ... challengeI guess the CIA felt that they needed to discredit people like Mark Lane and Jim Garrison with that phrase.And that term has become a talking point for 48 years now, both with those in the Lone Nut Club and also those in the MSM. That technique is used all the time now. The invasion of Iraq was allowed to happen because of the phrase, "weapons of mass destruction", which was uttered by Dumbya Bush every time he opened his mouth. That term was also used time and again by the bought-off minions in the MSM. I wonder who created that phrase? Well, we all know who controls the White House now. And has for over a quarter-century.Give me a C!Give me an I!Give me an A!
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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The CIA Created the Term "Conspiracy Theorist"

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

06.29.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:06.29.2015 - Bob Fox Posted this Important Headline for anybody interested in JFK and Related SubjectMatter's. Bob hits the nail on the head for me in more than one way.Thinking deeper, this is a procedure, and thought process right out of The David Atlee Phillips Playbook.Keep in mind DAP's numerous statements to James Earl Sutton - Files about being able to control, kill, orregulate more people with his typewriter than with firearms. Think Early Operation Mockinbird.OBFUSCATION. FADE TO BLACK. BLACKOUT.Additionally, the Main Stream Media and The Disinformation Agents waste no time using the term CONSPIRACYTHEORIST. Truly an abrasive, negative connotation and identification that sticks in the minds of many.However, historically a large portion of those self designated JFK and Related Subject Matter's Experts alsoconduct and present themselves is a disjointed, disorganized unprofessional manner. Justifiably many naiveAmerican's think All Conspiracy Theorists wear Tin Foil Hates, hear voices, and think aliens must be broughtinto the equation.Many of the JFK and Related Subject Matter's Experts are like Preying Mantis' eating their own young and mate.Often seen as chasing their own tails and tales.While I greatly respect Jim Marrs, I often get feedback that he speaks and writes equally about JFK and Aliens.Even if everything Jim promotes is true, you must get the Masses to Pay Attention. This presents a MarketingHurdle that must be overcome in my mind.51+ years after the JFK Event, The Sincere Students have achieved some resolution in their Own Mind's Eye.But My Opinions are:WE MUST DEVELOP AND THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX.IF YOU ALWAYS DO WHAT YOU ALWAYS DID, YOU WILL ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU ALWAYS GOT.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on anyaspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's who maynot be as well versed as you.Respectfully,BB.
bob franklin
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Re: The CIA Created the Term "Conspiracy Theorist"

Post by bob franklin »

I do get tired of the term & the unfortunate effect it has on so many researchers. We're admonished time & again to "stick to what we know", preventing a lot of out of the box thinking. If all you do is collect stats & facts, without any attempt to assemble them into a cohesive overview, or "theory", then at the end of the day you have a worthless collection of jots & tittles & nothing more. I go where the evidence takes me, & I'm unafraid of being seen as a conspiracy theorist. It's a minor annoyance. & who's the greater tinfoil hatter - The guy who suspects the largest clandestine ops & spy network in the history of the world of murdering our 35th president, or the spooks working for it who've come up with a couple of amazing conspiracy theories themselves? 1.) A former marine who defected to the USSR & returned without incident, & who could barely qualify on the gun range as a marksman brings his piece of shit Carcano to work the very day the president motorcades past his workplace, & uses this misaligned & severely worn weapon to perform one of history's most incredible displays of marksmanship. A post mortem paraffin test indicates that he hadn't fired a rifle that day, btw. He is then swiftly dispatched by Jack Ruby, ostensibly to save the 1st lady the agony of a drawn out trial.2.) 19 pissed off muslims, several of whom later turned up alive, hijack 4 jetliners with the intent to fly them into well known landmarks & hit 3 of 4 targets. We know it was them because of the passports that were later found on the street in virtually pristine condition. Subsequent relatively minor office fires cause the World Towers & Building 7 to collapse neatly into their own footprints, a feat never before seen & not since repeated. I could go on about Yellow Cake Uranium & WMDs - another conspiracy theory unto itself - but you get the idea. Here's a thought: lets not allow ourselves to be offended or intimidated by names like conspiracy theorist. I certainly don't. Let's fling that very same feces right back at them by throwing their own conspiracy theories (which are certainly far crazier than our own) in their faces. They wanna play monkey house? we can play monkey house. Our theories make more sense.