Did umbrella man shoot a paralyzing dart into JFK's neck?

JFK Assassination
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Did umbrella man shoot a paralyzing dart into JFK's neck?

Post by myra »

So what do you all think? I've read a lot about the possibility that the Dealey Plaza umbrella could shoot paralyzing darts, and that's what caused the small wound on the president's neck, and that's why he seemed frozen for 2-3 seconds until the fatal head shot.

Here's a very good website on the subject:

Sorry if you address this in your book or DVD Wim. I just don't have 'em.

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Did umbrella man shoot a paralyzing dart into JFK's neck

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

09.17.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:10.21.2006 Ms. Myra Posted this intriguing Headline.There has never been any discussion or response.Crazy, ignored, impossible, impractical, improbable, no information, no interest, etc.Does anybody have any recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research,study, thoughts, or writings on this Subject Matter ?An Ice Dart would have needed a Refrigeration Unit as the Umbrella Man was there for quite a long time. I dispel that idea. My opinion.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: Did umbrella man shoot a paralyzing dart into JFK's neck

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

This is just more misinformation. And this one is pure WACKOOOOO. I posted this before that the more BS shoveled on the everyday Joe and Jane out here the more confused and totally bewildered people become and finally just give up trying to learn the real facts the real truth.Here are a few other BS theories.Kennedy shot from the drain gutter ?Kennedy shot by Secret Service agent in the followup car ?Kennedy shot by the driver ?Kennedy shot by man in black cape ?
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Re: Did umbrella man shoot a paralyzing dart into JFK's neck

Post by kenmurray »

Tommy, don't forget Kennedy shot by his wife Jackie theory! That's my personal favorite lol.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: Did umbrella man shoot a paralyzing dart into JFK's neck

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Ken your right that one is as bazaar as they come !!!! I am convinced that stories like these are planted on purpose to discredit all of us seeking the real truth.For all of us who are Legitimately seeking the truthful answers we end up being lumped in with a group of crack pots . LOL...
Tom Bigg
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Re: Did umbrella man shoot a paralyzing dart into JFK's neck

Post by Tom Bigg »

Preposterous, of course, Tommy!What I see in the Z film is that one of the first shots did paralyze Kennedy, a natural reflex would be to get down as quickly as possible, why did he not do that? His body was in shock, and don't forget that he had Addison's disease, he was on problematic drugs for a long time. A side note; I recently read Edward Kennedy's autobiography where the old man visited him after Edward's plane accident and insisted that he not have back surgery, remembering how JFKs surgery left him in terrible shape for years. Also, if the bullets were unusual, as some have hypothesized, ie mercury laden, etc., they would have carried extra paralyzing capability. Others have suggested that Kennedy's underjacket may have had a high tech paralyzing capability.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: Did umbrella man shoot a paralyzing dart into JFK's neck

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Well Tom what you have posted is something we should all look at and weigh the possibilities that that's what happened and should be looked at closely. I try hard not to slam doors on different ideals and theories . For myself I think John Kennedy on the moment of the first impact to his body most likely just froze out of complete shock to what was happening to him .And as we all know it got much worse and once that final skull shot hit it was lights out and fast. I would think after the skull shot he went unconscious instantly.
Tom Bigg
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Re: Did umbrella man shoot a paralyzing dart into JFK's neck

Post by Tom Bigg »

The simplest explanations usually suffices; with the conspirators nothing could be left to chance, I am sure they looked at all of the possibilities if the shots missed, if an SS agent jumped on the president like he was supposed to, if Greer sped up quickly like he was supposed to, if the president ducked down quickly as he should have, etc.. It all had to be carefully planned and mapped out. So no "umbrella man" is how the conspirators make the idea of conspiracy ludicrous, or a shooter from the grate in the sewer, or his wife(!!!) or the driver all ridiculous. But mercury tipped bullets, etc. would be useful as well as other paralyzing technology.
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Re: Did umbrella man shoot a paralyzing dart into JFK's neck

Post by JDThomas »

I am not at all convinced by the dart idea. Anyone who has fired one out of a rifle would know how inaccurate they are over relatively short distances. Even when Bulgarian communist spooks used something similar to kill dissident Georgi Markov in London some years later, they needed to hit him from point blank range.
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Re: Did umbrella man shoot a paralyzing dart into JFK's neck

Post by Bob »

Both "walkie talkie man" (Orlando Bosch) and "umbrella man" were essentially spotters for the shooting teams as they sat along Elm Street. Bosch used the walkie talkie to let the teams know details about JFK's wounds, whether mortal or not. The use of unfurling the umbrella repeatedly, as Michael Calder talks about in JFK vs. CIA, was also used to signal for more shots from the shooting teams because JFK had not been killed at that point.