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Now the big question: what side was Oswald on?

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:41 am
by myra
I think it's pretty clear that the patsy, Oswald, was an FBI informant (#179) and a CIA "assett." What isn't clear to me though, and may never be clear, is: did he think that he was infiltrating a plot to kill the president or that he was part of the plot to kill JFK?

What do you all think?

I just have this gut feeling that he wasn't evil, but I probably just want to think that.


Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 5:32 pm
by Billy Boggs
When ever a "Souled" person comes into contact with pure evil, in its many covert, misleading, disguises, there is a price to pay.

Oswald like many who have attempted to serve this nation, was in way above his patriotic head, and didnt know who he was really dealing with. I believe he was a good person who was used to a bad end. He, like Kennedy didnt know the real people they were dealing with. That ignorance was the true killer, of both.

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 8:36 pm
by myra
Billy Boggs wrote:When ever a "Souled" person comes into contact with pure evil, in its many covert, misleading, disguises, there is a price to pay. Oswald like many who have attempted to serve this nation, was in way above his patriotic head, and didnt know who he was really dealing with. I believe he was a good person who was used to a bad end. He, like Kennedy didnt know the real people they were dealing with. That ignorance was the true killer, of both.

That was beautifully stated. Thank you Billy.

It certainly was...actually *is* pure evil. As pure as any that's ever existed on the planet. And given how widespread the conspiracy, the implications are pretty horrifying.

Obviously I wish both JFK and LHO had understood what they were facing, but at that time I don't think it was possible to grasp the true depth and scope of the darkness. Even three years later, five years later, Malcolm X and RFK didn't really know.

MLK though, I think he had a pretty good inkling. At least his last--"I've been to the mountaintop"--speech indicates that he did.

Re: Now the big question: what side was Oswald on?

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 6:22 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
09.15.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:10.21.2006 - Ms. Myra Posted this powerful, inquisitive Headline.I think that LHO was either:1. Dumb as dirt,2. Or knowingly involved at some level.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, or writings to add to this Stream of Thought ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: Now the big question: what side was Oswald on?

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 1:59 am
by Douglas 606
Public Library records reveal that Oswald had checked out all of the James Bond novels. What does that tell you?His wife stated that cars would stop by the house and that Lee would go outside, sit in these cars and talk to the occupants. He never told what they talked about. She also used to taunt him about all of his "black operations".Oswald was a false defector to the USSR [undercover spy]. He was prepared for his time in Russia by being trained at the Marine Corps base in California.Oswald somehow did not go outside his rooming house and talk to the cops when they tooted their car horn after the assassination [as reported by his landlady]. Instead he grabbed a pistol and headed to the Texas Theatre. He did not pay to enter. He was carrying 1/2 of a cereal box top. He sat by at least four people hoping to connect with his 'contact' person. I assume by then he realized he had either goofed up or had been abandoned by his handlers. We all know what happened after that.On that same note, he may not have known there was going to be an actual assassination that day. Chancey Holt claims that he was told there was going to be a "disturbance" on Nov 22 and that he was not told there was going to be an actual assassination.Need to know.

Re: Now the big question: what side was Oswald on?

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 4:28 am
by Douglas 606
I seriously doubt that Oswald was a real double agent. That being said, he could have been a false double agent.

Re: Now the big question: what side was Oswald on?

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:11 pm
by Douglas 606
New Orleans Public Library records reveal that Oswald had checked out all of the James Bond novels. What does that tell you?His wife stated that cars would stop by the house and that Lee would go outside, sit in these cars and talk to the occupants. He never told what they talked about. She also used to taunt him about all of his "black operations".Oswald was a false defector to the USSR [undercover spy]. He was prepared for his time in Russia by being trained at the Marine Corps base in California.Oswald somehow did not go outside his rooming house and talk to the cops when they tooted their car horn after the assassination [as reported by his landlady]. Instead he grabbed a pistol and headed to the Texas Theatre. He did not pay to enter. He was carrying 1/2 of a cereal box top. He sat by at least four people hoping to connect with his 'contact' person. I assume by then he realized he had either goofed up or had been abandoned by his handlers. We all know what happened after that.On that same note, he may not have known there was going to be an actual assassination that day. Chancey Holt claims that he was told there was going to be a "disturbance" on Nov 22 and that he was not told there was going to be an actual assassination.Its all about ""Need to know"".

Re: Now the big question: what side was Oswald on?

Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:53 pm
by Tommy Wilkens
On February 23,1977 in the Zale Library on the Bishop College Campus in Dallas Texas George De Mohrenschildt told investigative journalist Willem Oltmans that he and Oswald had talked on many occasions of murdering John F. Kennedy. In Willem Oltmans private notes written in his own hand writing he tells how George De Mohrenschildt takes responsibility for Lee Oswalds actions. The notes in detail describe how De Mohrenschildt instructed Oswald how to set the entire event up.In a very calm but sad tone in a corner table in the Zale Library the real story of what happened in Dallas was revealed. Oltmans describes a re leaved George De Mohrenschildt once he has revealed what he had done. Oltmans ask's De Mohrenschildt why are you now telling me this and George says.I am now 65 years old,I am at the end of a long way he said sadly. Oltmans then asks "Why do you only now come with this sensational confession?” George reply's "It's time now ,how do I tell the truth and not end up in prison ?

Re: Now the big question: what side was Oswald on?

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 12:05 pm
by Bob
Good stuff, Tommy. One month and six days later, George DeMohrenshildt was dead. Supposedly due to "suicide". Uh huh, right. On the very same day DeMohrenshildt was killed, so was Chuck Nicoletti. Two more witnesses who would never appear in front of the HSCA.As we look back at LHO's behavior before the assassination, we have to realize that he was both a CIA operative and a FBI informant. Wasn't it a guy named Lee who warned of a possible assassination plot in Chicago. Also, who sent the teletype message to FBI offices a few days before 11/22/1963 warning of a possible attempt on JFK's life in Dallas? I think there is a reasonable chance the person was Lee once again.

Re: Now the big question: what side was Oswald on?

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 1:58 pm
by kenmurray
Oswald was not the only one that was a defector to Russia: ... ector.html