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Poppy Bush Breaks Neck Bone in Fall

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 2:37 pm
by Bob
In a very ironic story, Poppy Bush fell and broke a neck bone on the very same day that Gary Mack passed away. ... k-n392906I know what it's like caring for a person who gets to Poppy's age. I was the primary caregiver for my dad the last eight years of his life, and he really had some mobility issues the last four of five years before he passed. At times, he needed a wheelchair, but most times he was able to use a walker. He also had a number of falls, although we tried to make his environment as safe as possible. It was tough for my dad to be in that condition, as he was once very strong and athletic. I don't wish that situation for anyone, even Poppy.That being said, Poppy has now lived to almost exactly twice the age of JFK when he died. Dying at age 46 is truly a tragedy. And Poppy was part of the coalition who had JFK assassinated. JFK was not the only one who Poppy and company eliminated either. For instance, think about Barry Seal. Also think about the many who were eliminated before the HSCA hearings. People like Sam Giancana, Johnny Roselli, Chuck Nicoletti, George de Mohrenshildt and Roger Craig. You can be pretty certain that Poppy played a part in their departure from life here on earth.Bottom line, I won't shed a tear when Poppy passes. I may even hoist one or two beers in celebration. I can only hope that all the evil that he and his family have done will at one point become part of the real history taught in our schools and reported by the media. I know the odds of that happening are slim and none, but at least we can continue to educate some via the internet and with sites like Wim's.

Re: Poppy Bush Breaks Neck Bone in Fall

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:01 pm
by Mark68
If, repeat, IF all things we've been taught about what happens to you after you die just imagine how horrible of a place Bush (Sr. & Jr) are going to be once they die. JFK, RFK, MLK, & JFK Jr. truly will have the last laugh. Sr. thinks F'in Alistair Crowley's illegitimate ass-faced daughter is gonna help him once he checks out...boy is he in for surprise. A human passes by like the blink of an eye.

Re: Poppy Bush Breaks Neck Bone in Fall

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 7:43 pm
by Bob
I'm sure at times people will read some of my posts and think that I'm a bit too harsh in my criticism of the Bush family. Sorry, but that opinion will never change. Especially when I hear about stories like this: ... al-warsThe Bush family tries to portray themselves as patriots, when in reality, they are nothing but traitors. Going back four generations. You will never hear that from the bought-off MSM though.

Re: Poppy Bush Breaks Neck Bone in Fall

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:02 pm
by kenmurray
It should be a slap in the face to every one who has served! Despicable!

Re: Poppy Bush Breaks Neck Bone in Fall

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 12:34 am
by Bob
kenmurray wrote:It should be a slap in the face to every one who has served! Despicable! Indeed, Ken! It all comes back to not having any moral decency and always being about blood money. That is the modus operandi of the Bush family.Dynasty of Death (Part 1)Schuyler EbbetsThere is no historic parallel that can be drawn, nothing compares with the accomplishments of the Bush family. No dictator or tyrant can equal the suffering and destruction they have wrought on humanity, as they are not mere tyrants themselves, but the makers and breakers of tyrants, the organizers and profiteers of war and death. They are not alone and solely responsible for creating the present day military industrial complex, however since 1915 the Bush family has been directly involved in World War One and Two, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, numerous CIA secret wars, the Gulf War, and now a “Never Ending War”. The past four generations of this one family have had a hand in promoting and profiting from most of major wars that America has waged since the beginning of the industrialized age.The nightmare for the world began in 1915, with the establishment of an unholy partnership between the U.S. Government and the ‘War Industries Board', for-runner of America's present day 'military-industrial complex'. Some of those seated on the board of directors were Samuel P. Bush, great grandfather of George W. Bush, and so-called chief of Ordnance for the Small Arms and Ammunition Section, Wall Street banker Clarence Dillon, Samuel Pryor, executive committee chairman of Remington Arms, and Bernard Baruch, who, as head of the War Industries Board profited in excess of $200,000,000.The members of the Board aptly came to be known as the "Merchants of Death." Using the facade of government to legitimize their operations, the War Industries Board represented the big munitions makers of the day who dispatched agents around the globe to sell the weapons and materials of war to both sides of any conflict. They bribed government officials and used their corporate influence and capitol to increase international tensions, which in turn generated demand and maximized profit.It was during the First World War that Samuel P. Bush and the other board members amassed fortunes selling the weapons and materials of war not only to America but also to Germany. Most of the records and correspondence pertaining to Samuel P. Bush's activities on the War Industries Board were later burned mysteriously, "to save space" in the National Archives. When their business venture officially ended on November 11, 1918, some 37,508,686 human beings had been killed. It set a dangerous precedent for the destiny of America and the destiny of civilization itself. A small group of corporate manufactures, bankers, and industrialists had formulated a devilishly effective method by which profit is extracted from human suffering, war, and death, and their dark technique would be repeated and refined.In 1922 while George Walker, was president at W. A. Harriman & Co, Averell Harriman went to Berlin to set up a branch bank for the company. While in Berlin Averell Harriman met with Fritz Thyssen, prime sponsor of the German politician Adolph Hitler. It was at that time that preliminary arrangements were made to establish a bank for Thyssen in New York. Two years later, in 1924, W. A. Harriman & Co. formally began the Union Banking Corporation in Manhattan, chiefly to handle German funds supplied through the Thyssen-owned Nazi front Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart (BHS), in the Netherlands, for the mass purchase of American commodities. The W. A. Harriman & Co executives labeled these dealing as the "Hitler Project".On May 1st 1926 Prescott Bush, grandfather of George W. Bush, close friend of Bunny Harriman and fellow Bonesmen from their Yale class of 1917 joined W. A. Harriman & Co. as its vice president under the bank's president and his father-in-law George Walker. In that same year an associate of Prescott Bush's father, Samuel P. Bush, and “Merchants of Death” board member Clarence Dillon, acquired $70 million dollars from Fritz Thyssen to set up a massive organization named the Vereinigte Stahlwerke (United Steel Works Corporation, or the German Steel Trust). This would become Germany's largest industrial corporation.Although Thyssen's accounts were run through the Walker-Bush organization and the German Steel Trust did its corporate banking separately through Dillon Read Company, U.S. government investigations revealed that Bush's Nazi-front bank had actually worked directly with Fritz Thyssen’s United Steel Works Corporation which had produced; 50.8% of Nazi Germany's pig iron, 41.4% of Nazi Germany's universal plate, 36.0% of Nazi Germany's heavy plate, 38.5% of Nazi Germany's galvanized sheet metal, 45.5% of Nazi Germany's pipes and tubes, 22.1% of Nazi Germany's wire, and 35.0% of Nazi Germany's explosives.On Oct. 20, 1942, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of all banking operations being carried out by Prescott Bush for the Nazis, under the Trading with the Enemy Act, however by that time he and the other associates at W.A. Harriman & Co. had already made their fortunes financing and arming Adolph Hitler. Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, the government was able to take over Union Banking Corporation, and The U.S. Alien Property Custodian, seized the Union Banking Corporation stock owned by Prescott Bush, E. Roland Harriman, and his associates until the war ended. Prescott Bush eventually sold his holding in Union Banking Corporation for $1,500,000.Although the “Hitler Project” had resulted in a second world war and 62,537,400 human beings had been killed, Harriman and Bush and the other Bonesmen in Union Banking Corporation were never prosecuted for helping Adolph Hitler, and their identities were never publicized by the media. During his vice presidency with Union Banking, Prescott Bush had shrewdly hired lawyers, Allen and John Foster Dulles, international attorneys for many Nazi enterprises, to represent him and Fritz Thyssen. Sons of wealthy influential families, the Dulles brothers had also worked with the War Industries Board beginning their lucrative careers along side Samuel P. Bush and the other, ‘Merchants of Death’.In 1950, President Truman charged International attorney John Foster Dulles with the task of concluding a peace treaty with Japan. Before the treaty was signed on September 8, 1951, Dulles used his position to lay the seeds for yet another profitable war by advising South Korean president Rhee that, “if he was ready to attack the communist North, the U.S. would lend help.” South Korea immediately launched a series vicious cross boarder attacks to provoke the North into war. For the benefit of North Korea, ''U.S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson (close friend of Harriman) publicly stated that South Korea would not be defended if attacked. This was seen by North Korea as an America approval for whatever actions they decided to take to defend themselves. On June 25, 1950, eight divisions and one armored brigade, (90,000 soldiers) of the North Korean People's Army attacked in three columns across the 38th parallel invading the Republic of Korea. Not surprisingly, Acheson had lied and on June 27, President Truman ordered U.S. forces into Korea.Harriman couldn't resist the lure and the profit of the death game. In September of 1951, using his considerable political influence, Harriman had himself appointed to serve as President Truman's Mutual Security Agency director, which also made him the U.S. chief of the Anglo-American military alliance and an adviser, to “oversee national security affairs”. His business partner, Robert Lovett, became Assistant Secretary of Defense. It seemed as though things were developing into yet another profitable war coupled with the spoils of victory. The American military had easily conquered Seoul and the North Korean capital Pyongyang.On Oct. 26 the Chinese army under the command of Mao Tse Tung, put an abrupt end to the scheme. Entering the war with 300,000 men, China beat the U.S. back to the 39th parallel. By the time of the Armistice negotiations of 1953, North and South Korea, and China combined had suffered a total of 3,822,000 casualties mostly from U. S. aerial bombing, but America had lost 54,000 service men and women and was dealt a crushing defeat. General Omar Bradley described the entire debacle as "The wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time and with the wrong enemy." But it was never the wrong war for the merchants of death and the Bonesmen, as war made big money.Financing his campaign with Union Banking blood money Prescott Bush became elected as Republican Senator from Connecticut In1952. In 1953 President Dwight Eisenhower appointed John Foster Dulles as his secretary of state and Allen Dulles, became director of the CIA. It would be the beginning of a glorious era of war and profit. Alan Dulles immediately pursued a policy of aggression and strength toward the Soviet Union and China, officially initiating the ‘Cold War’, and the largest military industrial buildup in American history.Prescott Bush knew there would never be a better time to bring his son, George Herbert Walker Bush, father of George W. bush, into the fold of a new and emerging military industrial power structure. After Young George had followed in his father’s footsteps through Yale and into the Skull and Bones society, Allen Dulles welcomed him into the CIA, and John Foster Dulles acted as his friend and mentor among the right wing power elite.President Dwight D. Eisenhower was under no allusion about the ominous changes being brought about by men like Prescott Bush, Averell Harriman, the Dulles brothers and many others. During his Farewell Address to the Nation January 17, 1961, Eisenhower tried to warn the American people saying: "We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions…we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted”.On January 20, 1961, John F. Kennedy officially took office as President of the United States. During his brilliant state of the union address Kennedy said, "The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life.” And Kennedy clarified his position by stating his, “unwillingness to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed”.Before Eisenhower left office he allowed the appropriation of $46,000,000 dollars to pay for a CIA scheme to invade Cuba at the Bay of Pigs. When Kennedy was told about the plan he voiced serious doubts, but he didn’t want to be seen as soft on communism and his advisers convinced him that Castro was an unpopular leader with the Cuban people. Dulles and others in the CIA theorized-fantasized that the Cuban citizens would hear of the attack and help the CIA trained Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro. Kennedy decided the plan's requirement of 16 U.S. Navy planes was too obvious and would reveal American military involvement. He cut the number down to six. As the date of the invasion neared, Kennedy had second thoughts and decided against the plan altogether. At a press conference on April 12, five days before the invasion President Kennedy was asked if the U.S. government was making preparations to stage an uprising in Cuba. The President answered; "First, I want to say that there will not be, under any conditions, an intervention in Cuba by the United States Armed Forces. This government will do everything it possibly can, I think it can meet its responsibilities, to make sure that there are no Americans involved in any actions inside Cuba… The basic issue in Cuba is not one between the United States and Cuba. It is between the Cubans themselves.”Allen Dulles, ignored the warning contained within Kennedy’s announcement and on April 12, 1961 proceeded with attack preparations, giving the order to CIA official Fletcher Prouty to make the delivery of three ships to then CIA agent George Bush for use in the invasion. Bush christened the ships the Barbara, the Houston, and the Zapata - after his oil company that later flopped. Bush had spent 1960 and '61 recruiting right-wing Cuban exiles in Miami for the invasion. He was living in Texas with his wife Barbara and flying from Houston to Miami weekly. It was during this time that Bush met Felix Rodriguez, the CIA operative who had hunted down and murdered Che Guevara. Bush and Rodriguez spent nearly two years working closely with the right wing Cuban community building their hopes and trust, and training them as marksman for the invasion.On April 14, 1961 a total of five merchant ships carrying a paramilitary force of 1,400 Cuban exiles arrived at the Bay of Pigs, Cuba. The landing and subsequent battle went badly from the start. Two of the ships were sunk including the ship carrying most of the equipment and supplies. Two of the planes that were attempting to provide air cover were shot down. The CIA requested that Kennedy immediately call in more planes and military reinforcements, but Kennedy would not allow America to be manipulated into a conflict with Cuba and a potential war with Russia. Within seventy-two hours the ‘Bay of Pigs’ invasion had ended in tragic defeat. Instead of fueling the conflict into a raging inferno, which threatened to engulf the world, Kennedy had allowed the flames of war to flicker and die. The CIA and others in the extremist ‘right’ were bitterly angry with Kennedy for his refusal to provide air cover. The CIA had lost 15 men; another 1100 of their faithful Cuban exiles were captured. All those whom young George H. Bush had inspired to arms with his words, all those who had believed in him, trusted him, and befriended him were gone - imprisoned or killed. From that day forward, there was a bitter hatred for the imagined betrayal by Kennedy.Dynasty of Death (Part 2)Schuyler EbbetsWhen John F. Kennedy inherited the responsibility of the presidency he also inherited the wars that banking and the military industrial complex were heavily invested in promoting and profiting from. Presidents Truman and Eisenhower had subsidized the French war against Vietnam under the auspices of the Marshall Plan from 1948 to 1952, giving France five billion two hundred million dollars in military aid. By 1954, the U.S. was paying approximately 80% of all French war costs. In 1951 the Rockefeller Foundation had created a study group comprised of members from the Council on Foreign Relations and England's Royal Institute on International Affairs. The panel concluded that there should be a British-American takeover of Vietnam as soon as possible. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles one of the CFR founders and his brother, CIA Director Allen Dulles and many others immediately championed the council's goals.Vietnam had fought against the French occupation since 1884. By 1947 Vietnam was considered a valuable colony to be exploited by both French and American interests. In the countryside, peasants struggled under heavy taxes and high rents. In corporate factories, coalmines, and rubber plantations the people labored under abysmal conditions barely able to survive. The Vietnamese people rose up against the poverty and enslavement imposed upon them and fought the powerful French Foreign Legion, which was funded by America, and in 1954 the Vietnamese people took back their country. With the ejection of the French, the Geneva Agreements were signed on July 21,1954, officially ending the hostilities in Indochina. The agreement prohibited foreign troops and arms from entering Vietnam, and stipulated that free Democratic elections were to be held in 1956, allowing the people of Vietnam to determine their country's future.South Vietnam's corrupt Prime Minister Diem was completely opposed to the Geneva Agreements, and the elections. CIA research had proven that if free democratic elections were held, Diem would lose and Vietnam would become a unified country. France and America would loose their slave colony and the profitable Vietnam War venture would end. The Dulles brothers urged Eisenhower to intervene militarily, and invade Vietnam, but Eisenhower refused.The potential for arms production profits from an Asian country divided by civil war were staggering, particularly if the war could be made to last twenty years or more. Allen Dulles acting independently from President Eisenhower, with the support of Clarence Dillon's son Douglas, Averell Harriman, Prescott Bush and many others sent 675 covert military operatives into Vietnam headed by Air Force officer Edward Lansdale. Their mission was to help Diem stop fair and democratic elections and to prevent the establishment of a united Vietnam. The National Security Council's planning board assured Diem that if hostilities resulted, United States' armed forces would help him oppose the North Vietnamese. With the backing of America, the dictatorial Diem claimed that his government had never signed the Geneva Agreements and was not bound by them, and he promptly cancelled the elections. In 1958 Civil War started, and within two years guerrilla war erupted throughout Southern Vietnam. Diem asked Washington for assistance which resulted in yet another profitable war for America's military industrialists.Dean Rusk (Secretary of State) and Robert McNamara (Secretary of Defense) hounded Kennedy into sending 10,000 Special Forces troops to Vietnam between 1961 and 1962. Kennedy was privately and publicly against the Vietnam War created by the military industrial complex. He didn't buy into their manufactured propaganda about the worldwide communist menace. Kennedy said, "I can not justify sending American boys half-way around the world to fight communism when it exists just south of Florida in Cuba." Kennedy stressed that Diem needed to win the hearts and minds of his people in the struggle against communism. Kennedy said, "I don't think that unless a greater effort is made by the Government to win the popular support that the war can be won out there. In the final analysis, it is their war. They are the ones who have to win it or lose it". Kennedy knew that only with all of the South Vietnamese people fully behind him could Diem hope to defeat the North.Diem ignored Kennedy's advice and behaved like a dictator and his heavy-handed tactics continuously eroded the support of his people. America's ten thousand soldiers and a constant rain of bombs proved to be inconsequential in the effort to suppress the Vietnamese population. Allen Dulles, Dean Rusk, and Robert McNamara kept the truth about the deteriorating Vietnam situation hidden from Kennedy. The military industrial power structure surrounding Kennedy would only say that the war was going exactly as planned, that the Vietnamese people were being liberated, and that they liked Prime Minister Diem. Kennedy had reasons to doubt their word, as he had caught Allen Dulles covertly attempting to train a second group of Cuban exiles for another Cuban invasion. Kennedy had sent FBI agents in to destroy Dulles's training camps and confiscate the weapons, letting the matter end there.Kennedy no longer trusted the Dulles brothers, Rusk, McNamara or Dean Acheson, his so-called Democratic foreign policy advisor, or for that matter, most of the people in the corrupt government he had inherited. Kennedy decided that he needed to monitor the Vietnam War and the men conducting it more closely. He formed a panel, appointing Allen Dulles and others to keep him apprised on a constant basis as to the status of the war.On March 13, 1962, the Northwoods document was brought to Kennedy's attention. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and Allen Dulles had drawn up a plan to launch a series of terrorist attacks within the United States, combined with a media blitz blaming Cuba for the attacks. They believed this would frighten the American public into overwhelmingly supporting a second invasion of Cuba. The Northwoods plan called for Pentagon and CIA paramilitary forces to sink ships, hijack airliners and bomb buildings. When Kennedy heard of their plan, he was furious. The corrupt military industrial power structure within the American government knew no bounds, not even the lives of their own countrymen mattered in their quest for power and profit. Kennedy removed CIA director Allen Dulles, deputy director Richard Bissell and General Lyman Lemnitzer, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, for their parts in the plan. Within weeks Prescott Bush who had close dealings with these individuals, chose to retire prematurely from politics for supposed health reasons.Kennedy realized that the CIA was a focal point of corporate war planning, from which emanated a secret agenda that threatened the security and freedom of the American people. He said, "I will shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the winds". Kennedy intended to do battle with a terrible evil and take America back from the military industrial complex and those who financed it. He began by founding a panel that would investigate the CIA's numerous crimes. He put a damper on the breadth and scope of the CIA, limiting their ability to act under National Security Memorandum 55.With the CIA temporarily under control he turned his attention to the task of gathering real information on the war by sending McNamara and Taylor- an aide he trusted, to Vietnam. Based on their memo entitled, Report of McNamara-Taylor Mission to South Vietnam, Kennedy decided that America needed to withdraw immediately from the unwinnable and immoral Vietnam War. Kennedy personally helped draft the final version of a report wherein it stated; "The Defense Department should announce in the very near future presently prepared plans to withdraw 1000 U.S. military personnel by the end of 1963." Kennedy soon issued National Security Action Memorandum 263, and forty pages in the Gravel Pentagon Papers that were devoted to the withdrawal plan. With this new Memorandum Kennedy began to implement the removal of U.S. forces from Vietnam.Many individuals in the U.S. government were CFR members, an organization that was openly pushing the Vietnam War, and these same people had close ties to the privately owned Federal Reserve banking system, a chief financial promoter and profiteer of war. Kennedy intended to stop the Vietnam War and all future wars waged for profit by America. He intended to regain control of the American people's government and their country by cutting off the military industrial complex and Federal Reserve banking system's money supply.Kennedy launched his brilliant attack using the Constitution, which states "Congress shall have the Power to Coin Money and Regulate the Value." Kennedy stopped the Federal Reserve banking system from printing money and lending it to the government at interest by signing Executive Order 11,110 on June 4, 1963. The order called for the issuance of $4,292,893,815 (4.3 trillion) in United States Notes through the U.S. treasury rather than the Federal Reserve banking system. He also signed a bill backing the one and two-dollar bills with gold which added strength to the new government issued currency. Kennedy's comptroller James J. Saxon, encouraged broader investment and lending powers for banks that were not part of the Federal Reserve system. He also encouraged these non-Fed banks to deal directly with and underwrite state and local financial institutions. By taking the capital investments away from the Federal Reserve banks, Kennedy would break them up and destroy them.It was at this time that the corrupt politicos and CFR members, representatives of organizations who stood to profit most from the Vietnam War and loose the most from the Federal Reserve deconstruction, revealed themselves publicly as a group against President Kennedy. They were all considered the pillars of right wing American establishment and their protests and accusations became more bellicose after initial troop withdrawal plans were announced on November 16, 1963. The Council on Foreign Relations, the Morgan and Rockefeller interests and the CIA had been extensively intertwined for years in promoting the Vietnam War and other wars, and their motives were the same.Kennedy was facing the fight of his young life against a group of wealthy powerful bankers and industrialists who had their representatives deeply implanted within American Government and business. The names of some of these people and the organizations they represented were:• Nelson Rockefeller - New York Governor• David Rockefeller - Chase Manhattan Bank president, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission• Douglas Dillon - Kennedy's Treasury Secretary and CFR member• The Wall Street Journal• Fortune Magazine editor Charles J. V. Murphy• Dean Rusk - Secretary of State and Iron Mountain panel member• Robert McNamara - Secretary of Defense until 1968, and later President of the World Bank (an adjunct of the United Nations and CFR)• McGeorge Bundy - National Security Advisor and Iron Mountain panel member• William Bundy - editor of the CFR's Foreign Affairs• Averill Harriman - director of the Mutual Security Agency, and chief of the Anglo-American military alliance.• Henry Cabot Lodge - U.S. Ambassador to Saigon• The Joint Chiefs of Staff• John J. McCloy - Assistant Secretary of War (WWII) and Kennedy advisor• Cyrus Vance - Secretary of the Army• Walt Rostow - State Department's Policy Planning Council and LBJ's National Security Advisor• Dean Acheson - Truman Secretary of State and Democratic foreign policy advisorPrime Minister Diem was loosing control of South Vietnam and growing impatient with the American war. He had begun negotiations with Ho Chi Minh, leader of the North, which unlike the Vietnamese election could not be prevented or rigged. A potential unification might occur quickly. The Vietnam War moneymaking engine was in grave danger from both the actions of Diem and Kennedy. The military industrial complex had their cadre Henry Cabot Lodge conveniently positioned within the US State Department and the Kennedy administration as a Vietnam War advisor and U.S. Ambassador to Saigon. Lodge made secret arrangements with CIA operatives in Vietnam to have Diem assassinated on November 2, 1963. Kennedy had not authorized such an order and after Diem's assassination he immediately instituted an investigation to find out who was responsible.Ten days later on November 12, 1963 Kennedy publicly stated, in a speech delivered to hundreds of students and teachers at Columbia University; "The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American people's freedom, and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of this plight."Eight days later on November 20, 1963 Vietnam War advisor Walt Whitman Rostow was somehow granted a personal meeting with Kennedy to attempt to sell him on the Vietnam War with a plan he called "a well-reasoned case for a gradual escalation". Kennedy had already rejected a similar plan to escalate the war in 1961, he had publicly announced his own plan of withdrawal from the war, but the corrupt power structure wouldn't accept it. The meeting was Kennedy's last chance. Two days after rejecting Rostow's transparent plan for war, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who alone had dared to stand against the military industrial complex and the Federal Reserve banking system, was murdered in Dallas, Texas at 12:30 p.m. CST on November 22, 1963, in a bloody "coup d'état".On that day America ceased to be a democracy of, by, and for the people. From that day forward the leaders of the American government have only been the willing puppets of corporations and an international banking cartel that profits from war.The day after Kennedy's brutal murder, the 23rd of November 1963, CIA director John McCone personally delivered the pre-prepared National Security Memorandum #278 to the White House. The handlers of newly installed President Lyndon B. Johnson needed to modify the policy lines of peace pursued by Kennedy. Classified document #278, reversed John Kennedy's decision to de-escalate the war in Vietnam by negating Security Action Memorandum 263, and the Gravel Pentagon Papers. The issuance of Memorandum 278 gave the Central Intelligence Agency immediate funding and approval to sharply escalate the Vietnam conflict into a full-scale war.On November 29, 1963 Johnson created the Warren Commission to investigate the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States. Publicly he directed the Commission to evaluate all the facts and circumstances surrounding the assassination and the subsequent killing of the alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. It had been prearranged among members of the commission, those with connections to the industrial and banking cartel, that there would only be one conclusion, Oswald must be seen as the lone assassin. Incredibly, Allen Dulles, the man who hated Kennedy for not backing his Bay of Pigs fiasco, and for stopping his Northwoods plan, and dismissing him as head of the CIA, was appointed to the Warren commission to preview all evidence gathered by the CIA and FBI and determine what the other commission members would be allowed to see!Some of the information that Dulles may have prevented the other commission members from seeing was a couple of internal FBI memos from J. Edgar Hoover’s office, which raise far more questions than they answer. The first memo dated 1:45 PM November 22, (an hour and fifteen minutes after Kennedy’s murder) states that: “Mr. GEORGE H.W. BUSH, President of the Zapata Off-shore Drilling Company, Houston, Texas, residence 5525 Briar, Houston, furnished the following information to writer by long distance telephone call from Tyler, Texas. (approximately 90 miles from Dallas where Kennedy was murdered, a fast one hour drive) BUSH stated that he wanted to be kept confidential, but wanted to furnish hearsay that he recalled hearing in recent weeks, the day and source unknown. He stated that one JAMES PARROTT has been talking of killing the President when he comes to Houston.”The other memo states that: “An informant who has furnished reliable information in the past and who is close to a small pro-Castro group in Miami has advised that these individuals are afraid that the assassination of the President may result in strong repressive measures being taken against them and, although pro-Castro in their feelings, regret the assassination. The substance of the following information was orally furnished by George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency and Captain William Edwards of the Defense Intelligence Agency on November 23, 1963" (the day after Kennedy’s Murder)George H.W. Bush made his temporary exit from the CIA, soon after the Kennedy murder, and in 1964 ran as a Goldwater Republican for Congress, campaigning against the 'Civil Rights Act' and the 'Nuclear Test Ban Treaty'. He stated in his campaign speeches that America should arm Cuban exiles and aid them in the overthrow of Castro. He denounced the United Nations and said the Democrats were "too soft" on Vietnam. He recommended that South Vietnam be given nuclear weapons to use against North Vietnam. Although Bush had powerful backers like, 'Oil Men for Bush', who agreed with his apocalyptic visions, the American voters were not yet ready for Bush's brand of fascist extremism and he lost the election.In 1966 Bush ventured forth again as a political candidate, toning down the apocalyptic rhetoric. He ran as a moderate Republican and was elected to the first of two terms in the House of Representatives from the 7th District of Texas. In 1970 Bush lost a Senate race to Lloyd Bentsen. It was not the end of his political career, but rather the redirection of it. A recognized soldier among the corporate military industrial elite, he was destined for a position of power when the time was right and when America had been dragged far enough to the right. In the interim, his wealthy friends kept him busy working behind the scenes in a number of appointments: UN Ambassador for Nixon in 1971, GOP national chair in 1973, and special envoy to China in 1974.On January 27, 1973, in spite of American saturation bombings during the peace talks, the United States, North Vietnam, South Vietnam and the National Liberation Front's provisional revolutionary government signed a peace agreement. The treaty stipulated the immediate end of hostilities and the withdrawal of U.S. and allied troops. The US involvement in the Vietnam 'slaughter for profit war' had lasted 25 years and resulted in 3,000,000 Vietnamese and 58,000 Americans killed. $570 billion taxpayer dollars were consumed in the war, generating obscene profits for the Federal Reserve banking system and the military industrial complex.

Re: Poppy Bush Breaks Neck Bone in Fall

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 3:00 pm
by Bob
Dynasty of Death by Schuyler Ebbets gives one a very deep background into the Bush family history of war profiteering. That being said, Ebbets does not mention the attempted coup of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933 by Prescott Bush and people of his ilk. ... up.htmBush, along with other bankers and industrialists, went to General Smedley Butler to lead the coup. Prescott and his friends wanted the coup because it would lead to a fascist government similar to that of Hitler's Germany. Butler played along for awhile and then blew the whistle on the ringleaders in front of the House Committee on Un-American Activities. But the committee refused to even question the people named by Butler and his testimony was omitted from the record. Like today, I guess money and power could buy you a lot of things back then. And like today, the media for the most part never tried to report the story at the time.

Re: Poppy Bush Breaks Neck Bone in Fall

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 3:08 pm
by Bob
Back to Poppy Bush. The other night I saw another MSM talking-head call Poppy a true World War II war hero. Really? Please check out this part of George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography by Webster Tarpley, which talks about Poppy's "heroism" in World War II.On September 2, 1944, Bush and three other Avenger pilots, escorted by Hellcat fighter planes, were directed to attack a radio transmitter on Chichi Jima. Planes from the USS Enterprise would also join in the attack. On this mission Bush’s rear-seat gunner would not be the usual Leo Nadeau, but rather Lt. (jg) William Gardner “Ted” White, the squadron ordnance officer of VT-51, already a Yale graduate and already a member of Skull and Bones. White’s father had been a classmate of Prescott Bush. White took his place in the rear-facing machine gun turret of Bush’s TBM Avenger, the Barbara II. The radioman-gunner was John L. Delaney, a regular member of Bush’s crew.What happened in the skies of Chichi Jima that day is a matter of lively controversy. Bush has presented several differing versions of his own story. In his campaign autobiography published in 1987 Bush gives the following account:The flak was the heaviest I’d ever flown into. The Japanese were ready and waiting: their antiaircraft guns were set up to nail us as we pushed into our dives. By the time VT-51 was ready to go in, the sky was thick with angry black clouds of exploding antiaircraft fire.Don Melvin led the way, scoring hits on a radio tower. I followed, going into a thirty-five degree dive, an angle of attack that sounds shallow but in an Avenger felt as if you were headed straight down. The target map was strapped to my knee, and as I started into my dive, I’d already spotted the target area. Coming in, I was aware of black splotches of gunfire all around.Suddenly there was a jolt, as if a massive fist had crunched into the belly of the plane. Smoke poured into the cockpit, and I could see flames rippling across the crease of the wing, edging towards the fuel tanks. I stayed with the dive, homed in on the target, unloaded our four 500-pound bombs, and pulled away, heading for the sea. Once over water, I leveled off and told Delaney and White to bail out, turning the plane to starboard to take the slipstream off the door near Delaney’s station.Up to that point, except for the sting of dense smoke blurring my vision, I was in fair shape. But when I went to make my jump, trouble came in pairs. In this account, there is no more mention of White and Delaney until Bush hit the water and began looking around for them. Bush says that it was only after having been rescued by the USS Finnback, a submarine, that he “learned that neither Jack Delaney nor Ted White had survived. One went down with the plane; the other was seen jumping, but his parachute failed to open.” The Hyams account of 1991 was written after an August 1988 interview with Chester Mierzejewski, another member of Bush’s squadron, had raised important questions about the haste with which Bush bailed out, rather than attempting a water landing. Mierzejewski’s account, which is summarized below, contradicted Bush’s own version of these events, and hinted that Bush might have abandoned his two crewmembers to a horrible and needless death. The Hyams account, which is partly intended to refute Mierzejewski, develops as follows:…Bush was piloting the third plane over the target, with Moore flying on his wing. He nosed over into a thirty-degree glide, heading straight for the radio tower. Determined to finally destroy the tower, he used no evasive tactics and held the plane directly on target. His vision ahead was occasionally cancelled by bursts of black smoke from the Japanese antiaircraft guns. The plane was descending through thickening clouds of flak pierced by the flaming arc of tracers.There was a sudden flash of light followed by an explosion. “The plane was lifted forward, and we were enveloped in flames,” Bush recalls. “I saw the flames running along the wings where the fuel tanks were and where the wings fold. I thought, This is really bad! It’s hard to remember the details, but I looked at the instruments and couldn’t see them for the smoke.”Don Melvin, circling above the action while waiting for his pilots to drop their bombs and get out, thought the Japanese shell had hit an oil line on Bush’s Avenger. “You could have seen that smoke for a hundred miles.”Perhaps so, but it is difficult to understand why the smoke from Bush’s plane was so distinctly visible in such a smoke-filled environment. Hyams goes on to describe Bush’s completion of his bombing run. His account continues:By then the wings were covered in flames and smoke, and the engine was blazing. He considered making a water landing but realized it would not be possible. Bailing out was absolutely the last choice, but he had no other option. He got on the radio and notified squadron leader Melvin of his decision. Melvin radioed back, “Received your message. Got you in sight. Will follow.”[...] Milt Moore, flying directly behind Bush, saw the Avenger going down smoking. “I pulled up to him; then he lost power and I went sailing by him.”As soon as he was back over water, Bush shouted on the intercom for White and Delaney to “hit the silk!” [...] Dick Gorman, Moore’s radioman-gunner, remembers hearing someone on the intercom shout, “Hit the silk!” and asking Moore, “Is that you, Red?”“No,” Moore replied. “It’s Bush, he’s hit!”Other squadron members heard Bush repeating the command to bail out, over and over, on the radio.There was no response from either of Bush’s crewmen and no way he could see them; a shield of armor plate between him and Lt. White blocked his view behind. He was certain that White and Delaney had bailed out the moment they got the order. Hyams quotes a later entry by Melvin in the squadron log as to the fate of Bush’s two crewmen: “”At a point approximately nine miles bearing 045′T (degrees) from Minami Jima, Bush and one other person were seen to bail out from about 3,000 feet. Bush’s chute opened and he landed safely in the water, inflated his raft, and paddled farther away from Chi-Chi Jima. The chute of the other person who bailed out did not open. Bush has not yet been returned to the squadron…so this information is incomplete. While Lt. j.g. White and J.L. Delaney are reported missing in action, it is believed that both were killed as a result of the above described action.” But it is interesting to note that this report, contrary to usual standard navy practice, has no date. This should alert us to that tampering with public records, such as Bush’s filings at the Securities and Exchange Commission during the 1960′s, which appears to be a specialty of the Brown Brothers, Harriman/Skull and Bones network.For comparison, let us now cite the cursory account of this same incident provided by Bush’s authorized biographer in the candidate’s 1980 presidential campaign biography:On a run toward the island, Bush’s plane was struck by Japanese antiaircraft shells. One of his two crewmen was killed instantly and the aircraft was set on fire. Bush was able to score hits on the enemy installations with a couple of five-hundred pound bombs before he wriggled out of the smoking cockpit and floated towards the water. The other crewman also bailed out but died almost immediately thereafter because, as the fighter pilot behind Bush’s plane was later to report, his parachute failed to open properly. Bush’s own parachute became momentarily fouled on the tail of the plane after he hit the water. King’s account in interesting for its omission of any mention of Bush’s injury in bailing out, a gashed forehead he got when he struck the tail assembly of the plane. This had to have occurred long before Bush had hit the water, so this account is garbled indeed.Let us also cite parts of the account provided by Fitzhugh Green in his 1989 authorized biography. Green has Bush making his attack “at a 60-degree angle.” “For his two crew members,” notes Green, “life was about to end.” His version goes on:Halfway through Bush’s dive, the enemy found his range with one or more shells. Smoke filled his cabin; his plane controls weakened; the engine began coughing, and still he wasn’t close enough to the target. He presumed the TBM to be terminally damaged. Fighting to stay on course, eyes smarting, Bush managed to launch his bombs at the last possible moment. He couldn’t discern the result through black fumes. But a companion pilot affirmed later that the installation blew up, along with two other buildings. The navy would decorate Bush for literally sticking to his guns until he completed his mission under ferocious enemy fire.Good! Now the trick was to keep the plane aloft long enough to accomplish two objectives: first, get far enough away from the island to allow rescue from the sea before capture or killing by the enemy; second, give his planemates time to parachute out of the burning aircraft.The TBM sputtered on its last few hundred yards. Unbeknownst to Bush, one man freed himself. Neither fellow squadron pilots nor Bush ever were sure which crewmember this was. As he jumped, however, his parachute snarled and failed to open. Green writes that when Bush was swimming in the water, he realized that “his crew had disappeared” and that “the loss of the two men numbed Bush.”For the 1992 presidential campaign, the Bushmen have readied yet another rehash of the adulatory “red Studebaker” printout in the form of a new biography by Richard Ben Cramer. This is distinguished as a literary effort above all by the artificial verbal pyrotechnics with which the author attempts to breathe new life into the dog-eared Bush canonical printout. For these, Cramer relies on a hyperkinetic style with non-verbal syntax which to some degree echoes Bush’s own disjointed manner of speaking. The resulting text may have found favor with Bush when he was gripped by his hyperthyroid rages during the buildup for the Gulf war. A part of this text has appeared in Esquire Magazine. Here is Cramer’s description of the critical phase of the incident:He felt a jarring lurch, a crunch, and his plane leaped forward, like a giant had struck it from below with a fist. Smoke started to fill the cockpit. He saw a tongue of flame streaming down the right wing toward the crease. Christ! The fuel tanks!He called to Delaney and White–We’ve been hit! He was diving. Melvin hit the tower dead-on–four five hundred pounders. West was on the same beam. Bush could have pulled out. Have to get rid of these bombs. Keep the dive….A few seconds…He dropped on the target and let ‘em fly. The bombs spun down, the plane shrugged with release, and Bush banked away hard to the east. No way he’d get to the rendezvous point with Melvin. The smoke was so bad he couldn’t see the gauges. Was he climbing? Have to get to the water. They were dead if they bailed out over land. The Japs killed pilots. Gonna have to bail out. Bush radioed the skipper, called his crew. No answer. Does White know how to get to his chute? Bush looked back for an instant. God, was White hit? He was yelling the order to bail out, turning right rudder to take the slipstream off their hatch…had to get himself out. He levelled off over water, only a few miles from the island…more, ought to get out farther….that’s it, got to be now…He flicked the red toggle switch on the dash–the IFF, Identification Friend or Foe –supposed to alert any US ship, send a special frequency back to his own carrier…no other way to communicate, had to get out now, had to be … NOW.It will be seen that these versions contain numerous internal contradictions, but that the hallmark of “red Studebaker” orthodoxy, especially after the appearance of the Mierzejewsky account, is that Bush’s plane was on fire, with visible smoke and flames. The Bush propaganda machine needs the fire on board the Avenger in order to justify Bush’s precipitous decision to bail out, leaving his two crew members to their fate, rather than attempting the water landing which might have saved them.The only person who has ever claimed to have seen Bush’s plane get hit, and to have seen it hit the water, is Chester Mierzejewksi, who was the rear turret gunner in the aircraft flown by Squadron Commander Douglas Melvin. During 1987-88, Mierzejewksi became increasingly indignant as he watched Bush repeat his canonical account of how he was shot down. Shortly before the Republican National Convention in 1988, Mierzekewski, by then a 68 year old retired aircraft foreman living in Cheshire, Connecticut, decided to tell his story to Allan Wolper and Al Ellenberg of the New York Post, which printed it as a copyrighted article. “That guy is not telling the truth,” Mierzejewski said of Bush.As the rear-looking turret gunner on Commander Melvin's plane, Mierzejewski had the most advantageous position for observing the events in question here. Since Melvin's plane flew directly ahead of Bush's, he had a direct and unobstructed view of what was happening aft of his own plane. When the New York Post reporters asked former Lt. Legare Hole, the executive officer of Bush's squadron, about who might have best observed the last minutes of the Barbara II, Hole replied: "The turret gunner in Melvin's plane would have had a good view. If the plane was on fire, there is a very good chance he would be able to see that. The pilot can't see everything that the gunner can, and he'd miss an awful lot, " Hole told the New York Post.Gunner Lawrence Mueller of Milwaukee, another former member of Bush's squadron who flew on the Chichi Jima mission, when asked who would have had the best view, replied: "The turret gunner of Melvin's plane." Mierzejewksi for his part said that his plane was flying about 100 feet ahead of Bush's plane during the incident - so close that he could see into Bush's cockpit.Mierzejewki, who is also a recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross, told the New York Post that he saw "a puff of smoke" come out of Bush's plane and quickly dissipate. He asserted that after that there was no more smoke visible, that Bush's "plane was never on fire" and that "no smoke came out of his cockpit when he opened his canopy to bail out." Mierzejewski stated that only one man ever got out of the Barbara II, and that was Bush himself. "I was hoping I would see some other parachutes. I never did. I saw the plane go down. I knew the guys were still in it. It was a helpless feeling."Mierzejewski has long been troubled by the notion that Bush's decision to parachute from his damaged aircraft might have cost the lives of Radioman second class John Delaney, a close friend of Mierzejewksy, as well as gunner Lt. Junior Grade William White. 'I think [Bush] could have saved those lives, if they were alive. I don't know that they were, but at least they had a chance if he had attempted a water landing,'" Mierzejewski told the New York Post.

Re: Poppy Bush Breaks Neck Bone in Fall

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:20 pm
by Bob
WhoWhatWhy, which is Russ Baker's site, was the first to report on the story I started this thread with. I just wanted to give credit to where it was due. ... y-notices/