Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

JFK Assassination
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Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Bob »

Even as Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have gained huge momentum so far for the possible nominations for the Republican and Democratic parties respectively, don't get too excited. Both parties are run by the Big Three. That would be Big War, Big Banking and Big Oil. Although Sanders is obviously against those three industries, Trump also has pissed off many in Big Banking, although he seems to be okay with those in the other two big entities.Bottom line, expect the final two Presidential candidates to be in the status quo. Then it's a matter of who the dark side wants to be elected. Not only nationally, but statewide and locally as well.What has really changed since 2000, when Dumbya Bush was basically coronated, due to the Supreme Court (Bush v. Gore) to be sure, but also election fraud as well?See this:http://whowhatwhy.org/2015/09/22/will-y ... -fairness/
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

09.23.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:09.22.2015 - Bob Fox Posted this Perceptive, Powerful Headline that I think is today the Most Important Factor, and Will Be The Most Telling Indicator, of Where "We the People…" are today, and Where "We the People…" are headed for the Next Eight (8) Years as the U.S. Also, Whether We will either Continue To Try to Finance and Lead the World on Borrowed Credit and Money, or Continue to Follow The New World Order's Directions and Orders on an Increasing Basis.Last week former Texas Governor Rick Perry dropped out of the Republican Primary.Yesterday Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker also dropped out of the Republican Primary.As crazy as it was, and still is, I enjoyed seeing all of the Republican Candidates. It amusedme, and almost made me think that Many People Actually Care About This 2016 Election.So far the Democrats give us only Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Right now their Hail MaryPass for many is Joe Biden.Allegedly Obama has secretly told Biden that Obama will back Biden if Biden agrees to only One Term, and Obama gets to pick Biden's V.P. Partially like the Deal Cut with LBJ.Of the last 56 years since JFK was Elected, we have had 28 years of Democrats, and 28 years of Republicans. One Heck of a coincidence.And 20 years of Bush's and Clinton's in the White House.Hillary thinks it's her turn. Democrat.Jeb thinks thinks it's his turn. Republican.The Bush's have more allegiances, stronger allegiances, more money, a better global network, more players, more roots, more soldiers, and a History of Being Trusted to The Majestic 12, The High Cabal, The Military Industrial Complex, and the Federal Reserve.Jeb often looks to me like the cat who knows he's going to eat the canary.I have to believe that the Election will be Jeb vs. Hillary based upon Power Corrupts, and AbsolutePower Corrupts Absolutely Theory of thinking.Will there be an Air Plane crash ?Will there be a Family Tragedy ?Will there be a Heart Attack ?Can't be a Removal. All those Pesky Conspiracy Nut Cases. You Can Fool Some Of The PeopleAll Of The Time. You Can Fool All Of The People Some Of The Time. But You Can't Fool AllOf The People All Of The Time.MAYBE YOU CAN.To start Academic Debate, Discussion, and Thinking Out Loud:JEB BUSH WILL RUN THE TABLE. My Opinion.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, orwritings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher'swho may not be as well versed as you ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Bob Jonas
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Bob Jonas »

I honestly don't know where this election is going. The 'Blame-a-Bush' crowd is scared senseless about the prospect of Jeb winning. The more they insult Jeb, the more scared they come across but their hatred is blinding them to the disastrous prospects of a Hillary or Biden White House. I for one fail to see any energy or desire at all in the Jeb camp. I don't think he even wants it. Sanders is no Democrat. He's a pure Socialist and unelectable. Hillary is Nixon. Biden makes W. Bush seem like a scholar. Trump is no Republican but oddly electable due to the phenomenon of an uninformed voting public who are more in tune with singing and dancing shows than what candidates actually stand for. That's his advantage.That said, I honestly believe there will be deaths or other "issues" on both sides of the aisle in order to ensure that certain candidates are their party nominees come the conventions.
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Slav »

I believe something has to happen how else will they stack the deck the way they want it, imagine the elections become so obvious that there not real, everyone's talking about it.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Dealey Joe »

Maybe it's time for the Vatican to show it's true colors?The pope and Obama are meeting today, WOW!
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Bob »

Another important aspect of the 2016 election, and all future elections, brings us back to the Supreme Court. Their ruling in the Citizens United case in 2010, has given corporations and people like the Koch brothers, the ability to buy politicians and to have laws passed which favor their agenda. Buying politicians has been happening forever, but it is more obvious than ever now. The Citizens United ruling led to the rise of SuperPACs (which both parties use), which are allowed to raise and spend unlimited amounts because they don’t contribute directly to candidates and are purportedly independent and not corrupt. Uh, huh. Yeah, right.
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by kenmurray »

From Tosh Plumlee: Politicians are bought and payed for by brutal drug cartels:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXtEMD1eTa4
Bob Jonas
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by Bob Jonas »

I know first hand of voter fraud in Ohio during the 2008 Presidential election. A relative of mine was a little too loose with the lips... I didn't even tell my relative I heard the discussion. It involved driving people to multiple precincts to vote under different names using fake IDs. Apparently, it was a very elaborate setup orchestrated from very high up. Brief accusations hit the news, but the story never got traction at the national level. I still vote in every election, but I think of what I heard every time I do and it makes me sad.
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Re: Who Will Be Coronated in the U.S. in 2016?

Post by JDThomas »

For GOP this is certainly an odd election campaign - tradditonally it could be said that the candidates had to become the standard bearer of the right wing to get the party nomination and then dash for the center ground to court the wider public to win the election itself. With Trump, the other candidates have been outflanked - they couldn't go any further right and retain any credibility and as a result they don't seem to have anything to say or else understand what they should be saying.The Democrats seem like they are trying to lose the election; darling Hillary cannot shake-off her email server scandal and really shouldn't be allowed to either - this was a disgraceful act and gives her zero credibility with REAL National Security, but she should never have been allowed to go down that road in the first place - somebody high up must have known what she was doing and should have stopped her in the name of National Security (hated and mis-used term that it is). Why she wasn't stopped should ring alarm bells in itself. I agree that Sanders is too left wing to be allowed to become President, Biden just seems like Hillary with a friendlier face and the rest seem to be a list of those who couldn't get on 'Dancing with the Stars'.Who will win is anybody's guess right now and that is the only interesting thing so far.