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Chief Curry

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 9:47 pm
by John Zeroski
I was reading some time ago an assassination author whom I admire and was surprised to discover that he valued the opinion of Chief Curry concerning the Dallas events, particularly the two or three days immediately following the assassination.
But I would like to suggest to this forum some facts regarding the Chief's actions in the aftermath that might lead one to believe that the Chief must be viewed with a certain amount of scepticism.
In the first place, the chief served as a personal chaffeur to some VIP's (was it the presidential party?) and drove them to Love field, where he hung aroung long enough to be seen in the photograph of LBJ taking the oath of office. Now, was it possible for a chief of police in any large American city to NOT be sweating bullets when the President of the US is shot and killed in the city in which he is head of the Police Department?
Wouldn't it be more than likely that Curry could behave so cavalierly because he KNEW that, whatever happened, all contingencies would be covered. He must have known of the capture of Oswald at the Texas Theater. It would boggle the mind if he did not. And, yet, he still felt it was the right thing to do, to take the boys to Love Field.
Secondly, when the Dallas PD learned on the night shift that there would be an attempt on Oswald's life, Curry could not be reached, and so he was not made aware of this information! In the normal scheme of things, Curry would have been notified, he would have immediately gone to the HQ, and Oswald would have removed during the cover of night. This would seem to indicate the plan for the killing of Oswald was already in place, and that Curry was made aware of the plan.
Thirdly, another indication that Curry was aware of when and how Oswald was to be assassinated was Curry's not going down to the basement in the elevator. The story of the call from the Mayor's office was never substantiated, was it?
I believe these observations might have become public knowledge a long time ago, time enough for this author to be a little skeptical concerning Chief Curry's opinions about anything regarding the assassination.

Re: Chief Curry

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:51 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. John Zeroski, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:10.24.2006 - John Zeroski Posted this Headline about Chief Curry. He raised some interesting points that still have yet to be addressed.Since then has any JFK Forum Member developed research and study on this Subject Matter ?More simply put, who could have been directly controlling Chief Curry with apparent advance knowledge ?Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Re: Chief Curry

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:19 pm
by kenmurray

Re: Chief Curry

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:03 pm
by andries
brother love cabbelsmoke lies and horsedump, all in one,he had all reason and power for it,