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Altgens #5 (Dal-Tex shooter) photo/web page Francois found

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:09 am
by myra
(Continued from "James Files in the Moorman photo" thread.)

Here is a very rough/babelfish translation of the web page Francois found:


501 Elm Street - Dal-Tex Building! Located at the angle of Elm and Houston Street, Dal-Tex Building since years is suspecté to be one of the "probable" places from where a team of gunners would have made fire on the Presidential Procession. By team of gunners, it is necessary to at least hear three people, a sniper, a spotter and a guettor. Lately on the private Forum of Rich DellaRosa, JFKResearch, two independent researchers posted their respective study of the team of Dal-Tex Building. By concern of returning the result of their work the accessible to greatest number I decided, in dialogue with these same researchers and friends, to open Mag by the publication of their work. No the value judgment of my share, simply pleasure of publishing their illustrations which, I am certain, will not fail to intrigue more than one person among you. Of with dimensions we have Duncan MacRae (the United Kingdom) and other, Christian Toussay (France.) Both make prowesses in the field of the digital processing of the images. Their work is exclusively based on the famous photograph #5 of James Altgens having been the subject of this article in the Small Gazette. In more of their work, "Dunc" and "Chris" deliver to us their opinion and/or motivations relating to the assassination of the 35ème President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Good Reading... James Altgens (Associated Press) - Photo #5 - Dal-Tex Building

Duncan MacRae I was born in February 1955 in Glasgow (Scotland), I were eight years old at the time the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. My interest for this disaster event goes up at the day even assassination. I remember it as if it were yesterday, we returned from a visit in friends of my parents, I learned the news via a news bulletin televised. I could not explain why but for this day there I have been haunted by the assassination of JFK. With the end of my studies I was completely monopolized by a profitable career of professional musician, and this until 1993 when my interest for the assassination remade surface. I devoted all my leisures to the reading of all that had been published on the attack of Dallas, I were in particular deafened by the divergences and/or anomalies in the depositions of the witnesses. In 2001 I acquired of a computer and launched me in the study and analyzes films of Abraham Zapruder, Orville Nix, Marie Muchmore, etc... I found fascinating to be able to put in parallel the declarations of the witnesses with films and the photographs of the assassination. Since, I regularly have the result of my work on the JFKResearch Forum where I receive support and encouragement on behalf of the members. I was often attacked - sometimes gotten rid of - on other Forums where I also presented, from time to time, the result of my research. I am convinced that these attacks come people whom I would describe as agents of misinformation. Lately I succeeded in highlighting two members of the team placed in Dal-Tex Building. I thank Marcel Dehaeseleer for placing at the disposal of the public for French expression the result of my research.

Duncan MacRae The Dal-Tex Shooter by Duncan MacRae Dal-Tex Shooter by Duncan MacRae Click to increase... (103 KB) Ci-contre the work of Duncan MacRae on which the gunner (on the left) and the spotter appear clearly (on the right.) While clicking on the image opposite you will obtain a larger and more detailed version. The icon below will reveal "Dynamic Overlay" (dynamic covering) consisted of the not worked over again image and final image obtained by Duncan MacRae

Click to see animation... All Graphics © 2006 by Duncan MacRae Christian Toussay

In term of "theories" I thus remain very careful and open to all new information. That allows not to lock up in school of thought, which is unfortunately the problem of many "researchers" whose only and single objective is to validate, costs that costs, their small personal theory... and obliges, by definition, to revalue in a regular and systematic way the unit of the file. It is true that it is more comfortable to be walled in certainty... This posed, I have nevertheless some certainty on this file: - It acted of a plot. - the media and the American institutions have - according to the cases, consciously or not - taken part to occult the truth. - This plot finds its roots mainly in the opposition to the foreign politics of John Fitzgerald Kennedy - in particular on the cuban question - but overall for its attitude vis-a-vis with the Soviet "threat". - This plot could not have taken place without the complicity and/or the tacit agreement of the military hierarchy (JCS) and the highest authorities of the Services of Information. - the Document "Northwoods Operation" is a crucial part of the puzzle which details the reasons and the action plans intended to handle the public opinion for a war against Cuba. Y appears, in good place, a whole series of violent actions against the American interests, including against high representatives of the State...

Those (alas many...) which did not include/understand anything in Dallas cannot include/understand large thing either with the events of September 11. It is in the sense that, even 40 years after the facts, the attack of Dallas keeps all its topicality. After enumeration of the facts above, here my theory. Once the decision taken to eliminate JFK one needed a plan - not only which functions (to kill JFK) but especially - which guarantees that the truth is never discovered. Tuer wasn't JFK was not most difficult, incidentally that raises the question of the selected modus operandi in Dallas, there simpler? On the other hand the second part of the plan is much more complex, how to proceed? Here, in my opinion, which occurred once that the decision to eliminate JFK was taken. A group of exiled anti-castrites - of which hatred with respect to JFK is known - was handled by son/ses contacts within the American information. The fact that this group is financed and/or armed by the Maffia - and that the latter takes part in the attempts against Castro organized by the CIA - is more interesting for the sleeping partners.

Soft food: Lee Harvey Oswald, which itself is on mission or preparation of mission on behalf of the CIA. The plan suggested with exiled cuban consists in making wear the hat of the assassination of JFK to LHO, which (officially) has the perfect profile of the Communist pro-Cuban. The goal: to oblige the United States to avenge their President by invading the island. One will probably give to exiled cuban of the insurances that, within the Administration, many which is those think that "JFK has to go" and that their company will be helped and supported. What the members of this commando do not know (who will make fire since the TSBD) they are that acting of a Coup d'etat, the sleeping partners cannot take the risk to entrust their destiny to a group of men, certainly decided, but whose concrete results - against the life of Castro, for example - are ineffective with the possible one. Just like LHO, in fact, this commando the antione is useful, without the knowledge, of "second cover", if something would turn badly. Who in 1963, would be able to make the difference, in the event of arrest, between a Cuban anti-castriste and one supposed double agent of Castro...

Two commandos of killers, resulting from Military Intelligence, covered uniforms and carrying the accreditations necessary, will be positioned with the back (Dal-Tex) and with before (Knoll) of the zone of shooting. Their mission is to ensure the success of the operation, some is the effectiveness of the cuban team. This scenario is the only one which, for the moment, makes it possible my opinion to reconcile apparently contradictory aspects of the attack and of Cover-up which followed. I am in particular turlupiné by the choice of the weapon of Oswald, with his many limitations in term of power AND speed. Why "to have equipped" Oswald with such a weapon? Was this a means of obliging the team of the TSBD to draw only one limited number of blows?

Overall in my opinion, the assassination of JFK lies within a scope much broader, which relates to the way in which decides and sets up the foreign politics (which in addition, can be regarded as an extension of the economic policy...) of the United States. The assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK (principal opponent with the war of Vietnam at the time of its assassination) are dependent, as are dependent the failure of the Conference of Vienna (after the fall, first of the kind, a U-2 plane) the Incident of the Gulf of Tonkin which will lead to the climbing in Vietnam, or on September 11, which will carry out where one knows...

I had started, a few years ago, a test entitled "Secret History of the United States For 50 years." I was interested in particular in the many "accidents of the history" which regularly seem to mark America. It would be time that I recover there... Christian Toussay - © April 2006 per Christian Toussay for Mag of the Small Gazette Copweb JFK

The Dal-Tex Shooter by Christian Toussay Dal-Tex Shooter by Christian Toussay Click to increase... (103 KB) Ci-contre the work of Christian Toussay on whom the gunner appears clearly. While clicking on the image opposite you will obtain a larger and more detailed version. The icon below will reveal "Dynamic Overlay" (dynamic covering) consisted of the not worked over again image and final image obtained by Christian Toussay

Re: Altgens #5 (Dal-Tex shooter) photo/web page Francois fou

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:13 am
by myra
myra wrote:(Continued from "James Files in the Moorman photo" thread.)Here is a very rough/babelfish translation of the web page Francois found:...

They sure connect a lot of dots: JFK murder, 911, RFK murder, MLK murder...

That would never happen in American mass media.

Re: Altgens #5/Translated Copweb JFK Newspaper website

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:01 am
by myra
Ah geez, the website magazine has more pages. I only translated one page in the previous post.

But I found a better translation site anyway, so here are (very rough) translated links to all pages:

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:52 am
by francois bertrand
yep, that blow-up of Altgens #5 is amazing.... Rosselli at right as spotter and Nicolletti at left aiming his gun toward JFK... Mr Altgens took other razor sharp photos... Altgens #2: the motorcade on Houston Street, just before turning on Elm Street...
We see the Daltex building and the fire escape with the man on it.... as a spotter, i'm pretty sure that spotter took a look to see coming up the motorcade...
any blow-up of that photo ?

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:06 pm
by myra
francois bertrand wrote:yep, that blow-up of Altgens #5 is amazing.... Rosselli at right as spotter and Nicolletti at left aiming his gun toward JFK... Mr Altgens took other razor sharp photos... Altgens #2: the motorcade on Houston Street, just before turning on Elm Street... We see the Daltex building and the fire escape with the man on it.... as a spotter, i'm pretty sure that spotter took a look to see coming up the motorcade... any blow-up of that photo ?

Ohmygod--I've never seen that photo--#2.

That's just chilling, just unbelievable. There's no godamn way those secret service jerks could have failed to see a big ol' spotter sitting on the fire escape. Ohmygod, so horrible.

Francois, are you naming Rosselli and Nicolletti in the window based on Files' remarks? Any idea who the spotter on the balcony is? The article you posted said he was black, if that helps. I can't really tell if he is or isn't. I suppose he could have been Cuban. Anyway, dark.

Yes those Altgens photos have amazing depth and detail. I'm amazed the CIA and FBI didn't take them away from him like they did so many other photos.

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:13 pm
by francois bertrand
well, it's my bad english ... i don't think the man in the fire escape is the spotter... what i mean, it's, with an extreme blow-up, maybe we can see somebody at the window.... Rosselli, the spotter...

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 5:42 am
by myra
francois bertrand wrote:well, it's my bad english ... i don't think the man in the fire escape is the spotter... what i mean, it's, with an extreme blow-up, maybe we can see somebody at the window.... Rosselli, the spotter...

No *my* bad English. The only language I speak.

You say it is Roselli and Nicoletti in the window.
Do you base your conclusion on what James Files has said?


Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:44 pm
by Billy Boggs
You are speaking of the window directly below the black fellow sitting on the fire escape. Im going to go way out on a limb here about the other window, the one to the right that clearly shows two individuals standing. Im going way out here and suggest one of them is non other than George Bush himself. The one on the right side.

This demands a closer look, anyone able to enhance this area?

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:05 pm
by francois bertrand
Billy Boggs wrote:You are speaking of the window directly below the black fellow sitting on the fire escape. Im going to go way out on a limb here about the other window, the one to the right that clearly shows two individuals standing. Im going way out here and suggest one of them is non other than George Bush himself. The one on the right side. This demands a closer look, anyone able to enhance this area?

the man on the right side have the right hand up in the air... Seems unlikely to me, if it's GWB, that he waves like that....

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:12 pm
by francois bertrand
Billy Boggs wrote:You are speaking of the window directly below the black fellow sitting on the fire escape. Im going to go way out on a limb here about the other window, the one to the right that clearly shows two individuals standing. Im going way out here and suggest one of them is non other than George Bush himself. The one on the right side. This demands a closer look, anyone able to enhance this area?

3 (not two) individuals standing. i blow up with Office Picture Manager...