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Looking at Zapruder

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 6:44 am
by Ed Teach
I wonder if someone didn't call Mr. Zapruder up and say 'Hey you ought to go down to Dealey and stand over there and never take your camera off the President.' Funny how Mr. Zapruder was such a great videographer knew exactly where to stand for the best angle (and not an angle such that you could see a prime position for a shooter) or maybe it was just all lucky coincidence?So who exactly was Mr. Zapruder outside of some small video clip seen a gazillion times? Who were his friends? What is his photography background? His business and his contacts?

Re: Looking at Zapruder

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 10:56 am
by Bob
Ed, I have posted about who Abraham Zapruder really was many times here. He was not just a regular Joe, who just happened to have an office in the Dal-Tex Building. For instance, Zapruder also belonged to the Dallas Petroleum Club, whose membership also included D.H. Byrd (owner of the TSBD and founder of the LCAP), Poppy Bush, George deMohrenshildt and David Atlee Phillips.Also, in 1953 and 1954 a woman named, Jeanne LeGon worked closely with Zapruder at a high end clothing design firm called, Nardis of Dallas. LeGon designed the clothing and Zapruder cut the patterns and the material for her. LeGon later became Jeanne LeGon deMohrenshildt.Just coincidences? I think not.

Re: Looking at Zapruder

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 12:38 pm
by Bob Jonas
The fact that Mr. Zapruder left so quickly to lock up his film and eventually sell it leads me to believe that he knew what was going to happen. I wonder if any part of his space in the Dal-Tex Building faced Dealey Plaza and was used by Nicoletti (and Roselli) to fire from?On a related note, imagine how differently things would have been had he never filmed the shooting. Had his film never been seen, I suspect that 99.9% of the world would believe the lone nut theory. I consider his brief film the most valuable piece of evidence supporting a conspiracy.

Re: Looking at Zapruder

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 2:48 pm
by kenmurray
Zapruder Film Frame By Frame. "They Killed Him", "They Killed Him": ... recording/

Re: Looking at Zapruder

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 6:09 pm
by Bob
kenmurray wrote:Zapruder Film Frame By Frame. "They Killed Him", "They Killed Him": ... ng/Another great find, Abraken Linkin! That sort of proves my point, especially with the infamous Sixth Floor Museum involved in all of this. Who did Zapruder originally give his film to? That would be Time-Life, which was owned by Henry Luce. Luce coincidentally happened to be a member of Skull and Bones at Yale in 1920 and who was preceded by Prescott Bush in 1917 at that legendary secret society.We also know that the original film was longer than 26.6 seconds, based on what Dino Brugioni told Doug Horne. Horne wrote about this in Volume IV of Inside the ARRB.Volume IV proves conclusively to me that the Zapruder film was indeed altered and that the CIA had their hands on the film the very weekend of the assassination. Horne actually met with some of the people who attended those meetings.There were two separate NPIC (National Photographic Interpretation Center) events where the original Zapruder film was shown. One on the 23rd and one on the 24th. Brugioni was at the event on the 23rd. Homer McMahon and Ben Hunter were at the event on the 24th. Horne interviewed all of them. All of this...and much more (like what really occurred at Bethesda the night of the assassination) is in Volume IV of Inside the ARRB.Brugioni (the Chief Information Officer at the CIA's pre-eminent photographic analytical laboratory) says the Zapruder film we see today is nothing like the film he saw, especially with the head-shot sequence, which he said lasted much longer in terms of frames.In addition to that, Zapruder has said that he first started filming as the motorcade was still on Houston Street, yet we have never seen that portion of the film. Why?

Re: Looking at Zapruder

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 6:46 pm
by Bob Jonas
Part of me suspects Abraham Zapruder may have been part of the plot, but then when I consider that his film itself has caused the original plotters the most trouble, it makes me doubt him being part of it at all. I mean, why would someone knowingly take possibly incriminating footage of the hit and then sell it for the world to see...and thus conclude that it was obviously not the work of a lone nut shooting from behind? Makes no sense to me, which is why I have to follow logic on this one and ignore my heart. At this point, I feel strongly that Zapruder, who just happened to work in the Dal-Tex Building (along with a lot of other people in the Plaza that day), simply filmed the President going by and saw an opportunity to make some money with his film. Were he part of the plot, that film would not have made it back to Mr. Zapruder's office...and you can bet ol' Abraham wouldn't have made it out of the week alive for pulling such a stunt.

Re: Looking at Zapruder

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:09 pm
by Bob
There was a reason why this film was locked up and hidden from the public for 12 years. Hidden by Time-Life, who paid Zapruder $150,000. By the way, Abraham Zapruder had been dead for five years when it was finally released. The conspirators knew that the film would be picked apart due to the many inconsistencies in it, compared to what the witnesses in Dealey Plaza actually saw. Not to mention film experts who have since found a number of issues in the film.I'm sorry, but Zapruder's connections and associations to key people in the conspiracy to kill JFK is a big red flag in my opinion.

Re: Looking at Zapruder

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:27 am
by Slav
Is it possible that they used Zapruters office and in return he got a chance to film and make money, the conspirators never dreamed after they modified the film that they would be new technology and people who still wanted to see it or believed in the real story or a coup, the fact the George Demo married Zaprurers assistant shows this is all a related set up. I'm amazed to hear Zap assistant Married George D , really amazed .

Re: Looking at Zapruder

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 12:19 pm
by Bob Jonas
The fact that it made it to the cover and pages of Life magazine at all makes me doubtful that he was "allowed" to film the event. It's possible he did this without permission in order to take advantage of his foreknowledge. I would think that there would be no way on earth a single frame would be published if the conspirators had their say. He may have double crossed the plotters.

Re: Looking at Zapruder

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:00 pm
by kenmurray
The Time Line Of The Zapruder Film: