Whats happened with our Forum ??

JFK Assassination
Tommy Wilkens
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Whats happened with our Forum ??

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Is it just me or has our Forum gone into neutral mode.Seems since the release of James Files from State prison our Forum has been very few and far in between posts of any substance on subject.I guess for myself I am waiting on Bruce Brycheck to post something.This absence and no contact in any way throws a real curve ball at what I guess a whole lot of us had been convinced was the real story.Searching for answers !! Anybody else wondering or is it just my paranoid delusional state !
Bob Jonas
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Re: Whats happened with our Forum ??

Post by Bob Jonas »

I think we're all a bit anxious. Personally, for me, Jimmy has done so much to help my understanding of what occurred on 11.22.63. Therefore, it's only natural for me (and perhaps others here) to crave more details. I hope Bruce and Jimmy are ok and throw us a crumb of further understanding soon. Either that, or just a brief hello.
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Re: Whats happened with our Forum ??

Post by Bob »

The forum is fine and will continue to be fine. Take it from someone who has been here since day one. Yes, the forum does have it's ebbs and flows at times. But we have always been able to discuss many facets of the JFK assassination and related material at an outstanding level. That will continue. In terms of Jimmy Files, take a look at the subjects of the various threads in the forum. I would say that less than 10 percent of the threads talk about the Files situation regarding the JFK assassination. Yes, Files is the key ingredient of this website in general. He along with Chauncey Holt. But Wim has also accumulated some incredible information about many other aspects of the assassination. Like I've always told any new members to the forum, take some time and look at all the material Wim has put out there to educate the masses on just the site. The forum information is also outstanding, as is our membership.In terms of Bruce, again, if one looks at the entire history of this forum, there have been other times when Bruce has focused on other things besides the forum. And good for him! Likewise, there are times when I have been absent from the forum for days and even weeks. We all have different priorities at times regarding what we do in life in a given day, week or month.Right now, we just have to let Jimmy and Bruce have some space. They both deserve it. Until a couple of months ago, Jimmy has spent the past 25 years behind bars. But in a way, so has Bruce. Why? Besides being very good in his line of work, Bruce always made sure that he would see Jimmy on a weekly basis over those 25 years. Nobody has been a better friend to Jimmy than Bruce. Nobody.As I've gotten to be good friends with Bruce over the past decade or so, I know that loyalty is one of Bruce's key virtues. That and a thirst for knowledge. About many subjects. That's why if you look at his posts here in the forum, Bruce not only states facts, but he also asks the forum members to study some pertinent questions regarding a number of subjects. Bottom line, the forum is alive and well.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: Whats happened with our Forum ??

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Very well said from both Bob's....I commend you both for being here and for your leadership and en depth knowledge.I say "here here" long live the Forum !!!
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Re: Whats happened with our Forum ??

Post by kenmurray »

Yes indeed the forum is alive and well!
Tommy Wilkens
Posts: 26
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Re: Whats happened with our Forum ??

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Thanks Ken....
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Re: Whats happened with our Forum ??

Post by Bob »

In terms of the forum, I think Aristotle said it best:“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”
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Re: Whats happened with our Forum ??

Post by kenmurray »

On the other side of the coin, referring to John McAdams google forum, I submit this quote; "Abandon hope all ye who enter here.' ....Dante
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Re: Whats happened with our Forum ??

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:On the other side of the coin, referring to John McAdams google forum, I submit this quote; "Abandon hope all ye who enter here.' ....Dante That quote is also very apropos for any student McAdams taught at Marquette. In other words, you won't get information, you'll get disinformation.
Barry Cheney
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Re: Whats happened with our Forum ??

Post by Barry Cheney »

Personally I think it's all coming to an end.Questions have been answered, conclusions have been reached. We know who when and why but can do naught about it.I have asked so many Americans "who or why do you think JFK was assassinated" and receive the reply " it was too long ago". Those of us who still hold an interest are a dying breed.Those many responsible have got away with murder. Not just any murder but the murder of a President.