How Israel Stole the Bomb

JFK Assassination
John Zeroski
Posts: 31
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

How Israel Stole the Bomb

Post by John Zeroski »

An article at the Information Clearing House website by JFK author/researcher James Di Eugenio.This is an excellent review of the book by Roger Mattson titled Stealing the Atom Bomb:How Denial and Deception Armed Israel.Three good reasons for the assassination, in my view are1) Kennedy's wanting to limit the buildup of Israel's atomic buildup capability,2) Kennedy's wanting to limit the Federal Reserve's power to create moneyout of thin air and charging interest for it, when the Constitution expresslygives that power to the federal government, at no interest.3) Kennedy's wanting to cripple or eliminate the vast power of the CIA.All three reasons would slow down the globalist program for their New World Order.Plus all the other reasons gone over by the research community.http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf ... e45449.htm