CIA Routinely Destroyed or altered files - Plausable Denial

JFK Assassination
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CIA Routinely Destroyed or altered files - Plausable Denial

Post by JDThomas »

James Wilcott worked in CIA finance and claimed that it was common knoweldge in the CIA Japan station at the time of the Assassination that Oswald was a CIA agent. It's intersting what he had to say to the HSCA about record keeping: Mr. Goldsmith. To your knowledge, would any records at CIA Headquarters document that Oswald was a CIA agent? Mr. Wilcott. I believe they would at one time. Whether they are there now or not is hard to say. Mr. Goldsmith. Do you have any personal knowledge that any records at CIA Headquarters were ever destroyed? Mr. Wilcott. No. Mr. Goldsmith. Do you have any knowledge of any record of the CIA at the XXXXXXXX Station ever being destroyed out of the ordinary course of business, not as a matter of routine? Mr. Wilcott. Yes. Mr. Goldsmith. To your personal knowledge, CIA records XXXXXXXXXX were destroyed? Mr. Wilcott. Destroyed or changed. Mr. Goldsmith. Could you give an example of that? Mr. Wilcott. Yes. Let us say, for instance, that there was a certain project going on, and the project was one that became known that this project was being carried out -- and we call it "flaps," -- and the Case Officer in charge might get word that somebody from headquarters was coming to review the files to investigate the flap. Well, they would go through the files and take out anything that they thought was, say, indicative of how this flap occurred and change the files. For instance, in accounting, when we had our audits, for instance, in most of the audits, he would call up some body -- let's say in China Branch -- and say "I know you were having problems with this, would you like to look it over before the auditors come?", and they might look it over and retype the accounting for funds for their project and, you know, make changes that they might think were in their interest to do. Mr. Goldsmith. Did you ever actually Xerox records being destroyed or changed? Mr. Wilcott. Yes, I did. Mr. Goldsmith. And have you just described one of those instances to us? Mr. Wilcott. Yes. Mr. Goldsmith. Mr. Wilcott after leaving the XXXXXXXXX Station, was there any other time when you came across any information that indicated that Oswald was a CIA agent? Mr. Wilcott. In conversation. Mr. Goldsmith. Is the answer to that "yes"? Mr. Wilcott. Yes. Mr. Goldsmith. When did that occur? Mr. Wilcott. From the time I left I talked at various times, especially at parties and things like that, on social occasions, with people at headquarters and with people at my station, and we would converse about it and I used to say things like, "What do you think about Oswald being connected with the CIA?", and things like that. Mr. Goldsmith. What was their response? Mr. Wilcott. The response was, among quote a few people "Oh, well, I am sure he was." Mr. Goldsmith. What were these people's names? Mr. Wilcott. Well, George Breen, again, after we came back from XXXXXXXX, for instance, XXXXXXXX was a person that I knew before I had gone to XXXXXX Station, and I met with him, and I had dinner at his house with his wife and my wife.Blakey did his best to bury and discredit Wilcott's evidence.Full HSCA testimony here:
Bob Jonas
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Re: CIA Routinely Destroyed or altered files - Plausable Den

Post by Bob Jonas »

This is precisely why the eventual release of records and files will likely shed very little on the situation regarding 11.22.63. There has been too much time to scrub the files clean. Of course, there is still the chance that they missed something, but I would doubt it. Most, if not all, that the CIA eventually releases will be so sanitized and altered that it will all point to Lee as being the lone assassin.
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Re: CIA Routinely Destroyed or altered files - Plausable Den

Post by JDThomas »

What you say is true Bob, researcher Bill Kelly pointed-out a little while ago at some of the best information in recent years has come from where information was mis-filed - information is released by mistake - the file where it was meant to be has been carefully filleted and is clean as a whistle. I also remember Harold Weisberg had many requests refused by the CIA for NATIONAL SECURITY, but found that they had been released by another agency who had been copied-in and hadn't seen the relevance. Of course, there was no real element of NATIONAL SECURITY hardly ever in these releases, just a convienient blanket to hide information from the public that made the agency look bad.
Bob Jonas
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Re: CIA Routinely Destroyed or altered files - Plausable Den

Post by Bob Jonas »

True JD. I just hate the so-called data/files releases because what the CIA lets go is usually of no relevance and they end up spinning it into the usual narrative of "see, there's nothing incriminating in our files. This just proves that Oswald did it alone." I truly wish someone would have forced their way in and made a copy of certain records to possibly use later on as a 'get out of jail free' card. Wouldn't it be amazing to see that someone from within had done just that and their stash is found when they died?!? It would blow the cover off the whole affair! One can only hope...
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: CIA Routinely Destroyed or altered files - Plausable Den

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Very good post JD Thomas. I sure know from our experience in our research of George de Mohrenschildt that files and recordings were destroyed which left any chance of researching or analyzing the destroyed material impossible. When we contacted the Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office concerning the strange death of George de Mohrenschildt we were told they didn't have a file or any record of his death.Is it just me or wouldn't one think a key individual who had very questionable ties to the murder of President John F. Kennedy any and all records no matter how trivial would be saved from the destroy pile.I've told this story here before.When we were down in Palm Beach County Florida doing the hands on research of de Mohrenschildt's death we kept hitting stop signs at every turn.No one would speak other than to pass us down the line which finally ended up at the State Attorney Generals door step.We were told it was standard practice after a certain amount of time had passed to destroy files and anything associated with the case.I will say it blew us away to think that this death of this individual one of THE most mysteries individuals of all concerning the assassination of John Kennedy to lump his file in with all the common day criminals the everyday Joe's convicted of some petty crimes was just unbelievable !! So we did not stop there we kept on digging for the truth and the real story. It took us a while but we located an individual who worked within the Palm Beach County Coroners Office who agreed to do some behind the scene looking around for us.We wanted that De Mohrenschildt death tape to analyze our-self. So things were moving along and after no more than a week our inside contact abruptly informed us that they could not do anything any longer concerning the de Mohrenschildt file.We were informed that if they continued there job would be in jeopardy.But we did get a copy of de Mohrenschildt's original autopsy report and there was another tape mentioned that came into the Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office the night of de Mohrenschildt's death that the official Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office switch board operator recorded from an unidentified informant concerning de Mohrenschildts afternoon death and kept because switchboard operator thought it important enough that Palm Beach County Detectives should hear it.That tape is no were to be found either. I just want to say here that we will NOT STOP and we will continue to dig under ever stone every hidden crevice until we find the truth.
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Re: CIA Routinely Destroyed or altered files - Plausable Den

Post by kenmurray »

Declassified: CIA's Internal Draft-History Of Watergate..... ... ed-cias-in