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Jimmy at the Harlo Grill

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 11:41 am
by Davyjones
This photo was posted on E Bay.....the money goes to charity.

Re: Jimmy at the Harlo Grill

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:07 pm
by Davyjones

Re: Jimmy at the Harlo Grill

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:30 pm
by Bob Jonas
I would love a print of that photo! Kudos to the photographer for their composition and execution.

Re: Jimmy at the Harlo Grill

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 9:09 am
by Davyjones

Re: Jimmy at the Harlo Grill

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 9:10 am
by Davyjones

Re: Jimmy at the Harlo Grill

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 9:13 am
by Davyjones
These look copies etc.......the photo is no doubt well set and interesting.