Questions of the day?

JFK Assassination
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Questions of the day?

Post by JDB4JFK »

Q#1 Why kill JFK in broad daylight with hundred's of witnesses to see how it happen, and chance the American people finding out THE TRUE conspirators?Q#2 If Kennedy had all these so called affairs, why not just release a couple of them and he's done and no messy assassination needed, which has cost them millions of dollars covering it up?My answers of the two questions above:A#1 TO prove their superiority over the people and the media, and to see if they could get away with it so they could than do it again! Think about it they had several fall guys beside Oswald! (Mafia, Cubans, Russia)A#2 They didn't have solid proof no love letters, pictures, blue dress etc, or B he didn't have them he just had woman friends who informed him!
Bob Jonas
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Re: Questions of the day?

Post by Bob Jonas »

Great questions!I would guess the answer to the 1st question is that it was done in plain sight so the patsy could be framed. However, when the frontal shot came in, that threw the monkey wrench into things. Had Files not fired, the shots would have all come from behind and Oswald would have been easier to frame. However, when the front shot hit, too many witnesses said it appeared to be from the front right and even stating that they thought the final shot was from atop the Grassy Knoll.The second question is a good one too. I think the press was more or less in the tank for JFK and would have done everything to keep that kind of information from being released. However, today it would be easier to "put stuff out there" without going through the mainstream media. Wikileaks got the e-mails out there even thought the mainstream media all but ignored it. It was a different time.
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Re: Questions of the day?

Post by Slav »

I think something is going to happen , with these demonstrations that are well funded and planned I think we will again have a lone nut jumping out of the crowd. Do you really think the establishment and secret government are going to sit back and let a new king take over there business, I don't think so, what did the mob do to another player who moved into there area? Something is cooking.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: Questions of the day?

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Very well said Slav......Not only do I believe indeed something is cooking but the broilers are on full blast...From the reaction we are seeing from some very pissed off people this thing could end really fast and possible very violent !!! I also think it is passed time we do away with the Electoral College....It just makes our country seem strange and not fair at all...How do you get more votes from registered US citizens and then lose the election.... Think about that ,,,very strange ...
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Re: Questions of the day?

Post by JDThomas »

I actually disagree with you about the Electoral college Tommy - getting rid of it is just the excuse the Washington set need not to give a flying F*** about vast swathes of the country - "Screw Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas and the like - not enough votes there to even campaign let alone promise to do anything for them"A popular vote difference of less than 1/2 a million in country the size of the US is insignificant - more important is reasoning why many millions didn't vote at all.Else consider this:The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the Federal Government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State Governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace negotiation, and foreign commerce;...The powers reserved to the several states will extend to all the objects, which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the state.What rights do the Federal government really have?
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Re: Questions of the day?

Post by Slav »

They say if hey got rid of the electoral college they would only campaign in a few big states as California and forget about the rest of the country.Tommy you owe me a new iPhone I started to read your post and took a drink and got to the part where the boilers are on full, what a mistake my drink ended up all over my iPhone from busting into laughter, I believe your right on the boiler and the boiling point has been reached and the blow off valve is ready to explode. I bet there are meeeting on a clean up mode taking place of how to go about it without looking so obvious. Nobody wants to lose there cash cow to an outsider.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: Questions of the day?

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

JD thanks for your reply and I always respect others opinion's and I always remain open minded...Now back to my thoughts on the Electoral College. I totally understand why we have the system in place....But even though I do understand it it just plain is not fair...What it does is it makes a sham out of all this "get the vote out". Get your Mother to vote get your brother to vote, ask your neighbor to vote go door to door canvas the neighborhood to get out the vote, ring the vote bell near and far...I've even heard this one "your one vote might even change the election"The every vote counts is all a bunch of "BS"...The system we have in place now does not reflect the wishes of the popular vote of the citizens of the United States plain and simple ..Just my two cents worth !!! LOL
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Re: Questions of the day?

Post by JDB4JFK »

I agree with you JD without some kind of electoral college the only states that would matter would be the large states! With that said I still don't like the way the electoral college is set up to favor the large states. If we are truly "The United States" than all states should have the same electoral votes! Each state no matter of population, gets to send 2 Senators to the Senate! So why not give each state 3 electoral votes. If you don't win the state by 2 percent or more you split the electoral votes!Also keep in mind over 40 percent of the eligible voters didn't vote and a great deal of that could be because they already know how their state will end up! For instance if you lived in California or New York and you wanted to vote for an Republican President would you waste your time and vote or stay home?
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Re: Questions of the day?

Post by JDThomas »

If don't know if this is true, so correct me if I'm wrong:Hillary is said to have won only 300 out of 3,007 counties - on a map, it looks like hardly anything at all.Over half the U.S. population lives in only 146 countiesHere is the county result in 2016 - Trump is Red, Clinton is Blue:

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Re: Questions of the day?

Post by Bob »

JDThomas wrote:If don't know if this is true, so correct me if I'm wrong:Hillary is said to have won only 300 out of 3,007 counties - on a map, it looks like hardly anything at all.Over half the U.S. population lives in only 146 countiesHere is the county result in 2016 - Trump is Red, Clinton is Blue:United_States_presidential_election_results_by_county,_2016.png