A shot from the front

JFK Assassination
Bob Jonas
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A shot from the front

Post by Bob Jonas »

If you believe, as I do, that Lee Harvey Oswald was set up to be the patsy, then the likelihood of a shot coming from the front is highly unlikely. Why would conspirators go through the trouble of setting up Lee as a lone assassin who would be shooting from the rear, only to have a sniper take an early shot from the front? Makes no sense at all. I know this will upset all the conspiracy folk who think shots were coming from the front (and a bunch of other directions). The plot, as laid out by Files and Holt, is quite simple and brilliant. Plant a few "Mexican loads" into JFK from (likely) the Book Depository Building that can be traced back to Oswald, then Nicoletti will hit him in the head with the last shot. Files, by shooting a second early, threw the fly in the ointment by giving witnesses the impression that the last shot came from the front right. Had he waited a second longer, Nicoletti's head shot would have completed the job and everything would have come from the back. Oswald would have gone down in history as the lone shooter with little argument. Instead, we have witnesses (and the Zapruder Film) that emphatcally suggest the Grassy Knoll shot.
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: A shot from the front

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Very interesting thoughts Bob..I was in the last several days going over some photographs that I have saved over the years and found these 2 very telling .The 1 slug indention in the upper frame of the windshield proves beyond any doubt that at least 1 shot came from the rear.And this 2nd picture shows what appears to have been a shot from the front.But after a close inspection in my observation it is so far to the right of the rear view mirror it would seem almost impossible for it to have been the Jimmy Files shot from behind the Grassy knoll fence.normal_CE350.gif.jpg
Tommy Wilkens
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Re: A shot from the front

Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Just a short reply to my last reply to Bob.I know the subject of the windshield bullet hole has been discussed here at length before but here is a much closer look at the windshield.For myself I do believe it to be from the front.So in my thinking there were at least 2 shooters .CE351.jpg
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Re: A shot from the front

Post by JDB4JFK »

Definitely frontal entrance probably from the south knoll, and probably the throat shot. Obviously the frontal shooters must not have been worried about shooting from the front, which tells me they had something set up at Parkland to alter these wounds, but the wrong doctors took over instead so the Secret Service had to rush the body out of Parkland at gunpoint. MY TWO CENTS!
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Re: A shot from the front

Post by Bob »

In terms of the shooters, we know for certain that there were more people who fired at JFK than just Chuck Nicoletti and Jimmy Files. As Files has said, he only knew of he and Nicoletti being shooters, but that is just the way the CIA works. Everything is compartmentalized. One team may not know of another team's assignment that day.There is a decent chance that David Morales and/or Mac Wallace were in the Texas School Book Depository on the sixth floor (based on the testimony of witness Arnold Rowland and the fingerprint of Wallace which was found there) and were shooters/spotters. Other possibilities include the participation of Charles Harrelson, Marshall Caifano and "Milwaukee" Phil Alderisio. Files saw a lot of his CIA buddies in Dealey Plaza that day. Files saw Frank Sturgis, Orlando Bosch and also Ed Lansdale for instance. In addition, myself and others believe that Bosch was "walkie talkie man" near Elm Street. Bosch's buddy Luis Posada Carriles could have been a shooter on the Records Building, as he was also in Dealey Plaza that day.In terms of shooters who may have fired from the front (besides Files), two possible names come to mind in my opinion. One would be Harrelson, who was one of the "Three Tramps" found in the railroad car after the assassination.Another possibility is the participation of Jack Lawrence, who may have situated himself down the fence line near the overpass in a sewer.http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKlawrence.htmAs we have learned from David Lifton on his recent appearance on Black Op Radio, the original plan was to have doctors who were bought off take care of things at Parkland regarding JFK's wounds. There was never supposed to be an autopsy at Bethesda. Everything was supposed to be done in Dallas. But the fact that John Connely was also wounded really screwed up the plan, as did the participation of other doctors at Parkland who weren't bought off.All that being said, I do believe it was the simultaneous shots from Nicoletti from behind in the Dal-Tex Building and Files from the Grassy Knoll which killed JFK. I also believe he was not shot in the throat. I thought so at first, but you never see blood in the throat area of JFK, even in close-ups on the Zapruder film. I believe his reaction to that shot was from a back wound. As I've said a number of times, like JFK, I too have had back problems (five herniated discs), and when I am poked in the back, my arms fly up just like JFK's did after he was shot. I believe that the wound that doctors saw on his throat at Parkland was an exit wound from the shrapnel from the mercury load Files used on his Fireball. Also, recall the notes that Thom Robinson took at the pre-autopsy procedure and the actual autopsy at Bethesda. He said there were a couple of exiting shrapnel wounds on JFK's face. I believe the same thing occurred with JFK and his throat wound. It was exiting shrapnel from the mercury load Files fired.
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Re: A shot from the front

Post by JDB4JFK »

Bob, Jack Lawrence is still alive lets go talk to him?I'm in and I agree he was involved!
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Re: A shot from the front

Post by Slav »

https://www.google.ca/amp/www.craveonli ... mpHarelson worked as a bouncer for Ruby, never heard that before.
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Re: A shot from the front

Post by Slav »

http://z313.blogspot.ca/2010/05/arrest- ... .html?m=1I believe there were a few shooters from the frontOne in the sewer along the fenceSecond on the south knollAnd others Where was Harelson
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Re: A shot from the front

Post by Bob »

JDB4JFK, I don't know of the current status of Jack Lawrence. I'll keep looking. If I can't find out, I'm sure Ken, aka Abraken Linkin, will get the information.Let's also not forget that Doug Horne, Dr. David Mantik and others believe that JFK was shot in the head twice from the front (besides the shot from the back as well). Please see this video by Horne which talks about the three head shots that JFK received.http://www.fff.org/explore-freedom/arti ... art-3/This entire presentation by Horne is fantastic and has five segments.Horne believes that JFK was shot in the head three times. One shot from behind via the Dal-Tex Building (Nicoletti), one from the picket fence area on the grassy knoll (Files), which was the shot which hit the right temple area and one from further up near the overpass (Lawrence) which went above JFK's right eye near the hairline.Horne believes that the shot above JFK's right eye exited in the left portion in the back of JFK's skull. He believes that the shot in the right temple was the one which caused the massive exit wound in the right-back of JFK's skull.
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Re: A shot from the front

Post by JDB4JFK »

Bob I know the current status of Jack Lawrence and he's alive and well. See above I asked you if you wanted to go talk to him with me? I will try and copy you his whereabouts.