Similarities In the JFK And MLK Assassinations

JFK Assassination
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Similarities In the JFK And MLK Assassinations

Post by kenmurray »

Since yesterday 04/04/17 marked the 49th anniversary of the MLK Assassination, I want to bring up these similarities which I believe are not coincidences:1. Both Oswald and Ray had handlers. Oswald's was David Atlee Phillips. Ray's was the mysterious Raoul.2. Howard Brennan was the only witness who said he saw Oswald on the 6th floor sniper's nest although he was about as blind as a bat! Charles Quitman Stephens was the one who told authorities that he saw Ray leave the rooming house where the shot was allegedly fired was drunk as a skunk that day!3.Both Oswald and Ray had aliases.4. Myron Phillips a Mob gopher, said there was meeting in Upstate NY between Giancana, Roselli and members of the FBI to discuss a contract to kill MLK. Roselli was in Dallas on 11/22/63.5 A few Memphis PD officers were told to leave the area of the Lorraine Motel in the afternoon before the Assassination took place. Dallas PD protection along with Secret Service was stripped down in the JFK Motorcade.6. Former Missouri County Deputy Jim Green tells of an incredible story that he was offered an assignment and to be paid 10,000 dollars to kill James Earl Ray. Oswald was gunned down by Jack Ruby. See attached link on Jim Green! to come!
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Re: Similarities In the JFK And MLK Assassinations

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:Since yesterday 04/04/17 marked the 49th anniversary of the MLK Assassination, I want to bring up these similarities which I believe are not coincidences:1. Both Oswald and Ray had handlers. Oswald's was David Atlee Phillips. Ray's was the mysterious Raoul.2. Howard Brennan was the only witness who said he saw Oswald on the 6th floor sniper's nest although he was about as blind as a bat! Charles Quitman Stephens was the one who told authorities that he saw Ray leave the rooming house where the shot was allegedly fired was drunk as a skunk that day!3.Both Oswald and Ray had aliases.4. Myron Phillips a Mob gopher, said there was meeting in Upstate NY between Giancana, Roselli and members of the FBI to discuss a contract to kill MLK. Roselli was in Dallas on 11/22/63.5 A few Memphis PD officers were told to leave the area of the Lorraine Motel in the afternoon before the Assassination took place. Dallas PD protection along with Secret Service was stripped down in the JFK Motorcade.6. Former Missouri County Deputy Jim Green tells of an incredible story that he was offered an assignment and to be paid 10,000 dollars to kill James Earl Ray. Oswald was gunned down by Jack Ruby. See attached link on Jim Green! to come!Excellent observations, Ken! Yes, it appears that the CIA used similar tactics not only in the JFK and MLK assassinations, but also the RFK assassination as well. There were multiple Oswald stories in the JFK assassination, plus there is the Lee and Harvey saga as well. Plus, Billy Lovelady, who also worked at the TSBD, looked very similar to LHO.The RFK assassination had the real Sirhan and a lookalike, based on the affidavit of Evan Freed, who witnessed the shooting. Our friend Michael Calder (JFK vs. CIA) alerted us to that fact. Both Sirhan and the lookalike fired, but it was the lookalike who was directly behind RFK and who fired the fatal head shot. Sirhan was always in front of RFK and never got closer than three to six feet from Bobby. The fatal head shot behind RFK's right ear was fired at almost point blank range. This is part of the affidavit Freed signed talking about the RFK assassination:On the evening of the 1968 California primary, I was present at the Ambassador Hotel in a room directly adjacent to Senator Kennedy’s. We had been awaiting election results. Eventually the Senator and his staff left to go downstairs to the Embassy Room to deliver a victory speech. I accompanied the Senator on the elevator, and entered an area of the Embassy Room set aside for press photographers.During the Senator’s speech, a scuffle broke out where I was standing among several news photographers, and I was hit in the face with a large newsreel camera. My camera was also broken in the scuffle, and I decided to go to a quiet area to attempt repairs. I immediately went into the Embassy Room pantry area, arriving there about 5 minutes prior to the end of the Senator’s speech.Nothing in the pantry area seemed unusual, however, I do recall the following. Two men who looked very similar in appearance and clothing were moving about the pantry area. One man was wearing lighter clothing than the other, and he was holding a drink glass in his hand. The 2nd man was standing near the south wall of the pantry, directly across from a large metal serving table. The men never stood together, however, they appeared to be looking at each other from time-to-time. I did not pay particular attention to the 2nd man, although I do recall thinking that he was the other man’s brother. I assumed that they were in the pantry to avoid the large crowd in the Embassy Room.At one point, the man with the drink asked me how long the Senator’s speech would last, and I told him I did not know. He also asked hotel kitchen employees in the pantry where he could get some ice for his drink, and they directed him to an ice machine next to the door leading into the Embassy Room. The man with the drink was Sirhan Sirhan.When the Senator entered the pantry, he was followed by a crowd of reporters and guests. I was standing at the entrance to the pantry, and walked along the Senator’s right side until he paused near the metal serving table inside the pantry. There appeared to be some confusion at that time with some persons telling the Senator to go back up the freight elevator, and others telling him to go into an adjacent room (I believe the California Room) where the press were waiting. I assumed he would go to meet the press, and I took a few steps in front of him. I was facing the Senator’s right side at that time, about 4 feet away. It was at this time that shooting began.I saw the 2nd man (wearing the darker clothing) who had been in the pantry with Sirhan during the speech pointing a gun in an upward angle at the Senator. Based on the sound I heard, I believe the first shot came from this man’s gun. In the background, about 6-8 feet from me, I could see Sirhan firing a revolver held in his right hand in the direction of the Senator. People in the crowd were screaming and grabbing Sirhan, and I remember they were holding his arm as he was shooting. I cannot say how many shots were fired by Sirhan or by the second gunman.As the crowd rushed towards Sirhan, they passed by the 2nd gunman. He was backing away, towards the east end of the pantry. I was shoved by the surge of the crowd back against the south wall of the pantry, where I was alone next to another door that exited into the Embassy Room.At that time, I observed the 2nd gunman running in my direction. He was not holding a gun at that time. Another man was running behind him in the same direction yelling at me, “Stop that guy, stop him.” There was no one else other than the 2nd gunman that he could have been yelling at. This took place just as I was opening the door to the Embassy Room to get some help.As the 2nd gunman came to the door, the man pursuing him yelled to me again, “Get him, get it!” As the 2nd gunman passed through the door, the man pursuing him tried to grab him but failed. Both men ran into the Embassy Room. The 2nd gunman ran directly out the east doors of the Embassy Room. The man running after him almost fell as he came through the pantry doors, and he continued running in the same direction as the second gunman. I never saw either of these men again.Plus, MK-Ultra was used on Sirhan, which turned out to be another pattern for future assassinations or assassination attempts (Arthur Bremer/George Wallace, Mark David Chapman/John Lennon and John Hinckley/Ronald Reagan).
Barry Cheney
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Re: Similarities In the JFK And MLK Assassinations

Post by Barry Cheney »

Don't forget Teddy Kennedys set up or the John Kennedy Jnr's "air crash".I have been a professional pilot for 45 years and that investigation just doesn't cut the mustard with me. That aircraft was fully equipped with an auto pilot capable of a "hands off" coupled approach. Nothing stacks up to me.
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Re: Similarities In the JFK And MLK Assassinations

Post by Slav »

The whole story stinks, they can't locate the plane for a long time, the co pilots chair is missing , George Bush is in hiding that weekend, it was an obvious ambush, too bad he would of been a great Senator and President .
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Re: Similarities In the JFK And MLK Assassinations

Post by kenmurray »

7. Is there a connection between Ray and Joseph Milteer? After the Assassination of MLK Ray drove his White Mustang to Atlanta Ga and left the car abandoned 3 miles from his rooming house! The FBI was never able to find any cab driver or bus driver who took Ray to Canada. Lamar Waldron claims that Milteer may have given Ray a ride. Milteer later admitted to an associate that he was near the place in Atlanta where Ray abandoned his car.