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Beyond Conspiracy

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:19 pm
by Cappy Erikksen
I just watched "JFK: Beyond Conspiracy" on the History Channel a couple of nights ago and couldn't believe what I saw. THC has sold out, and I mean BIG TIME. How could these same people who, three years ago, presented the boldest documentary on the JFK conspiracy/cover-up, ever to be shown on television, suddenly do a complete flip-flop and throw in the 2-hour quagmire of government horseshit (or mule-and-elephant shit, in this case) that I just viewed the other night?

That's not a rhetorical question. Does anybody know why? I'm kicking around the idea that A&E/History Channel got in such hot water by showing "TMWKK: The Final Chapter" in 2003, that now they're having to tap dance to keep from being victimized by the rich Texans who were offended by it; i.e. friends, family and business associates of the late Lyndon B. Johnson.

The Final Chapter was full of credible witnesses who claimed that LBJ, "without a doubt", played a huge role in the conspiracy. Also were witnesses who knew about many other things that point indisputably to a major plot and cover-up. These witnesses included Johnson's own lawyer, for Chrissakes! These are people who were in the loop...folks who have nothing to gain by lying.

What kinds of witnesses did they have on "Beyond Conspiracy"? Oswald's brother? That poor old guy could obviously be cajoled into saying anything, by threat or bribe. Old, retired law enforcement officials and ex-members of the Warren commission? I don't even need to point out how ridiculous that is! The whole one-sided affair was obviously staged to confuse those of weak spirit and wobbly conviction.

Jeez, I kept wanting to turn it off, but I had to sit it through to the end, just to see if they ever said anything honest. If they did, I never knew it.

Re: Beyond Conspiracy

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 3:55 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers;11.27.2006 - Cappy Erikksen Posted this Headline about JFK: Beyond Conspiracy.Looking back, it seems that there has always been a steady flow of material to muddy The Waters of The JFK, MLK, RFK, 09.11.2001, et al., Events.Not only do I see a consistent pattern, I tend to believe that there is A Master Script to handle The Long Term Cover Ups of "these types of events."Hind site seems so 20 - 20.To me, clearly "We, the people..." have lost site, insight, care, concern, interest, and focus on "our own combined futures"Does the 2012 Presidential Election really matter, and at what level(s) ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.