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Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 2:28 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
07.23.2017:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:JAMES JESUS ANGLETON (JJA) IS THE KEY TO THE JFK ASSASSINATION.Since Cain killed Abel, there has never been a more effective way to defeat your opposition.Pontius Pilot vs. Jesus Christ, Brutus vs. Caesar, etc., etc. All the way up to Abraham Lincoln, JFK, MX,MLK, and RFK. HISTORY IS WRITTEN BY THE SURVIVORS, THE KILLERS.Drugs, Hypnosis, Mind Control, MK Ultra, and Thought Control Methodologies were/are pursued in partto lessen the body counts.If you are not going to deeply and exhaustively analyze, read, research, and study JJA, then your arecompletely wasting your time about the JFK Removal, unless it's just a hobby. (07.23.2017, BB).The Tin WhistleExplorations in lesser-known cracks and crevices of the counterculture.JAMES JESUS ANGLETON IS THE KEY TO THE JFK ASSASSINATION:Angleton In the 1960s, was known around Langley by his CIA code name: Kingfisher.It’s probably not a good idea to take on an exalted title like that unless you have some real power to wield and as the director of counterintelligence, Angleton was responsible for a lot of the dirty tricks at CIA during his reign. He’s become the subject of dozens of books and movies, most recently The Good Shepherd, although his multiple connections to the JFK hit never seem to surface in the mainstream media.Angleton got his powerful post after serving as the Vatican’s OSS liaison during WWII, working closely with Allen Dulles to shield important Nazis who were given new jobs working for US interests after the war. According to Angleton, before getting his promotion, he had to promise Dulles never to put him or any of his Wall Street-connected cronies on lie detectors in order to question them about financial relations with Germany during the war. You see, many US corporations employed neutral countries to trade with the enemy, including Standard Oil, a company owned by Dulles’ cousin by marriage David Rockefeller. If you want to get really rich during war, sell to both sides.Not only did Angleton remain in charge of the important CIA-Vatican connection, he also became the strategic CIA link to Israel and their efficient Mossad, an intelligence agency not hampered by red tape.The sad reality is that after he got his post, Angleton was swiftly compromised by British double agent Kim Philby, who gleaned many secrets before departing back to England. Philby had spent many nights plying the chain-smoking Angleton with liquor so they could talk shop. The main subject of conversation was the suspected mole inside British intelligence who kept the KGB one step ahead of Angleton, and who might that mole be ? Before long, a nest of Soviet spies (the Cambridge 5) was uncovered and a few revealed, although Philby was exonerated and Victor Rothschild never seriously investigated. Philby began working as a journalist covering the Middle East, while secretly reporting to MI6. Butin 1961, Anatoliy Golitsyn, a KGB major, defected to the West and established his bona fides by offering up Philby as KGB and part of the Cambridge ring that had been operating since before WWII.CIA spook William Buckley would write the first major book on how Angleton went crazy after Philby was unmasked. Buckley is Skull & Bones and card carrying member of the oligarchy, just like Angleton, only maybe a little higher on the pecking order. But Golitsyn was a fake defector seeding disinfo. His major thrust was that many highly placed people in Western power were really KGB, just like Philby. Golitsyn even claimed British Prime Minister Harold Wilson was a KGB spy. And he also claimed there was another KGB spy was very high up in the US government as well. Obviously, these rabbit holes served mostly to amp up Angleton’s paranoia. He’d spend the next few years hunting for an imaginary highly-placed mole in Washington DC, and at one point accused just about everyone in power. Did Golitsuyn also finger JFK as well as Wilson? I think this seems pretty likely. Strangely, Golitsyn became an Honorary Commander of the British Empire. And what do you think would have happened if Angleton had written a report saying JFK was a Soviet spy? Would that have justified a national security project to remove JFK from power ?But after JFK was assassinated, along came a real Soviet defector name Yuri Nosenko, who arrived in 1964. Since Nosenko did not concur with much of anything Golitsyn had been saying, and, in fact, was more highly situated and knew more than Golitsyn, Nosenko was held prisoner for four years and tortured continuously and fed LSD and other drugs in an attempt to break him down. And the entire time Angleton kept telling everyone Nosenko was a fake whose only mission was to discredit Golitsyn.In retrospect Angleton seems borderline incompetent since he’d been played by Philby and Golitsyn. One wonders how Angleton kept his job so long, although keep in mind his files were probably more explosive than J. Edgar Hoover’s.(Excerpted from Killing Kennedy: The Real Story. To read the rest of the essay, buy the book.As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts,or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFKResearchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.


Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 4:38 am
by Slav


Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 2:36 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
07.26.2017:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:07.23.2017 - I originally Posted this Focused, Pointed Headline and Supporting Informationabout a Subject Matter that is of Very Strong Interest to me - James Jesus Angleton.07.25.2017 - Slav, an Outstanding, and Consistently Brilliant Contributor to the JFKMS Forumfor over a decade Posted Powerful Additional Supporting Material that I have not seen. Again, Kudos to Slav for additional information on James Jesus Angleton.For those who have not broached this Subject Matter, I can not recommend your doing sostrongly enough.For those you who are familiar with this Subject Matter, I can not recommend your continuedefforts strongly enough. My Opinion.Slav, YOU CAN'T FIGHT A BATTLESHIP WITH A BB GUN, RIGHT ?As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts,or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFKResearchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.


Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2017 4:50 am
by Slav
This really is my favourite lifetime quote and a reality check for our fight against the systemYou can't fight a battleship with a BB gun Is in comparison in we are the BB gun and the secret government is the battleship.Best Quote I ever heard.I love it.....


Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 4:15 pm
by kenmurray


Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 2:41 am
by Slav
I believe Allen Dulles is the guy who gave the order to the cia, to remove Kennedy and Jesus was second in charge when Dulles was fired, I believe the reason the cia, the fbi, the secret service and everyone got on board was because the official excuse given is because he was a security threat to the world together with sharing secrets with the Russians, this was a government hit with Dulles, LBJ, Hoover and Jesus leading the way, that is the reason it has been covered up so long, and the reason people were killed off even 15 years later thanks to G Bush sr. They can’t cone out and say we killed our own president instead of impeaching arresting or voting him out they killed him.This is my opinion of these thugs.


Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 9:45 am
by Phil Dragoo
Angleton sent the false defectors--and handled Oswald's file with special care.The Mexico City charade was impossible without Angleton's associates--including Phillips.Phillips and McCord did the FPCC op--McCord was the key to taking down Nixon.Phillips was seen by Veciana with Oswald in Dallas.Colby got Angleton in '74--but Colby got his in '96.Tenet figured as one of Kevin Ryan's Another Nineteen.Of course Angleton gave aid to Israel, allowing the theft of fissionable material.Philby's father Jack was named St. John. Who named his son St. John?Jack worked for House of Saud.Now, if one is playing chess and Kennedy is colluding with Khrushchev why then one removes both.Was Angleton all that upset over Philby or was it the love of the game for both?Angleton was careful to clean up after Win Scott and Mary Meyer.Morley/Ghost was not revelatory. Better is Lisa Pease. ... -iiNosenko said KGB not interested in Oswald.But Marina mistook Lee for Robert Webster--she was tasked with dealing with these false defectors--by KGB.No doubt she was sent over with its blessing.She worked with Ruth Paine and Robert Oswald to frame the Man Who Shot Nobody.Golitsyn more closely fit the Red Plot which was laid with the false defection, the FPCC leafleting, the Mexico City Kabuki Theater.This was facilitated by the perfectly timed lifting of the Flash on Oswald, assuring Secret Service would not be alerted to his presence.The National Security Action Memorandum Number 273 written by McGeorge Bundy and signed by Johnson the day after the funeralwas the bridge document between 263 (Kennedy's withdrawal) and 288 (Johnson's declaration of war).Yet Johnson would not fight to win and would chicken out March '68 before King and Bobby fell, Chicago blew up, Nixon was elected.Nixon was doing detente with China for which Helms axed him using McCord and Woodward the ONI weasel.Prolong the game. Don't stop the Silver Train.And we are in Afghanistan. Guarding the smack.One last thing. Saint John was an Arabist as was the father of Obama's mother.An Arabist professor at American University of Beirut.Daughter a Lebanese actress who caught the sperm of Malcolm of Chicagoeither in '59 when MX was in the ME or in '60 when MX was establishing NOI Temple No. 67 in SeattleAnd this son would be 45 and his DCI would be Brennan the Muslimwho stipulated jihad is a legitimate religious tenet--Tenet again.While "Assassins" typically refers to the entire sect, only a group of acolytes known as the fida'i actually engaged in conflict. Lacking their own army, the Nizari relied on these warriors to carry out espionage and assassinations of key enemy figures, and over the course of 300 years successfully killed two caliphs, and many viziers, sultans, and Crusader leaders.[2][2] Acosta, Benjamin (2012). "Assassins". In Stanton, Andrea L.; Ramsamy, Edward. Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa: An Encyclopedia. Sage. p. 21. Retrieved October 13, 2015.


Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2018 9:10 pm
by kenmurray
Very good Phil! By the way Lisa Pease book on RFK Assassination should be coming out sometime in 2018. I believe forum member Michael Caulder has correspond with her from time to time.


Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 5:37 am
by Slav


Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:43 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
01.25.2018:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:07.23.2017 - I originally Posted this Analytical, Attention Getting, Thought Provoking Headline and Supporting Material.This received substantially less attention and academic contributions than I expected.Perhaps this year may bring renewed focus and interest about James Jesus Angleton and ALL RELATED SUBJECT MATTERS._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________"SO THAT THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF IS NOT THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF AT ALL. HE IS JUST A PROBLEM. YOU DO NOT WANT TO INFORM HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE, BECAUSE HE MIGHT SAY NO ! THAT IS THE TRUTH OF IT. AND WHEN HE DID SAY NO !, YOU DISREGARD IT AND THEN YOU CALL HIM THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF."Senator Frank Church to CIA Chief of Counterintelligence, James Jesus Angleton, 1975._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________My Opinion: I have always felt that the Church Committee WAS MORE BARK THAN BITE. It barely scratched the surface. (01.25.2018, BB).As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.