Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

JFK Assassination
John Zeroski
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Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

Post by John Zeroski »

I'm not quite sure of the timeline, so I am wondering when it was that Clint Hill first expressed his observations about the back of the president's head.
The reason I ask is a very simple one. Hill, if I recall correctly, stated that he saw pretty much the back of President Kennedy's head blown away.
But from the artist's sketch that was approved by Dr McClellan of Parkland Hospital, and I believe agreed to by other witnesses, the hole in the back of the head was about the size of a man's fist, or an orange.
It seems to me an average person of average intelligence, which I believe Clint Hill was, would be able to make this crucial distinction, even under great emotional distress. There is a huge difference between a large hole and the entire back of the head, in my opinion. Of course, the answer may be fairly simple. There might have been such a mess of blood and brains and skull when Hill was on the limo that it could easily have appeared to him that, in fact, the whole back of the head was missing.
What I am wondering is this: why did agent Kellerman take agent Hill to view the body's wounds for one final time after the autopsy was over?
A worst case answer might be that at this time Kellerman might have shown Hill the back of the head wound, and suggested to him that this was what he really saw. This would suggest that Kellerman was somehow involved in the plot, and in a discussion with Hill brought him to change his mind about what he saw. Maybe he didn't even need to have a discussion. He just needed to show Hill the back of the head wound, and the rest was silence.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

11.01.2012Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:12.08.2006 - Mr. John Zeroski Posted this Headline, and a very interesting analysis complete with observations.The more closely you study all aspects of the Assassination of JFK, the more it seems to me that they literally screwed up at each and every important opportunity. It is beyond a comedy of errors to me. With the quality of work done back then, you couldn't have hoped to prove anything after 50 days, let alone after 50 years. This comedy of errors is now entrenched in the history books and writings of our country. Seriously, what can we hope to accomplish today ?Does anybody seriously believe that any major progress, revelations, or truth will be revealed 11.22.2013 ? Any new real evidence ?If so, in what aspect of the JFK Assassination - Coup D'etat ?Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts,or writings about any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

Post by RobertP »

From the testimony of SA Clinton J. Hill to the Warren Commission, 3/9/1964:Mr. Specter. What did you observe as to President Kennedy's condition on arrival at the hospital? Mr. Hill. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.
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Re: Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

Post by kenmurray »

Secret Service Agents drinking the night before. Was Clint Hill one of them? ... 38385.html
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Re: Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

Post by kenmurray »

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Re: Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

Post by kenmurray »

Ft. Worth Police Officer debunks Clint Hill and Gerald Blaine's latest story on JFK: ... ture=share
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Re: Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

Post by kenmurray »

The Dirty Secret of the Secret Service: ... have-lived
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Re: Secret Service Agent Clint Hill

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:The Dirty Secret of the Secret Service: ... -lived“All the advantages went to the shooter that day- we didn’t have a chance to do anything to prevent it”- Clint HillWhat a heaping crock of shit! Clint may not have been involved with those in the Secret Service who helped to plan and execute the assassination of JFK that day in Dallas, but he is one of the biggest cover-up artists for them since then.First of all, it was Winston Lawson of the Secret Service in Dallas who approved the motorcade route thorough Dealey Plaza. Yep, we didn't have a chance. We also know that Emory Roberts waved off the two agents who would have stood on the back of JFK's limo throughout the motorcade at Love Field, much to one of the agent's dismay. men could have protected JFK as soon as the first shots rang out. Yeah, we didn't have a chance. Then we have the actions (or non-actions) of Roy Kellerman, who was in the front passenger seat of the limo and the driver, Bill Greer. We can argue whether or not Greer stopped or just slowed down on Elm Street when the shots were fired (I now believe he stopped), but the plain fact is that he broke every protocol about protecting the President once shots were fired. Kellerman did not move at all when the shots were fired. Not one inch, except to take a look back to make sure that JFK was indeed murdered, just as Greer did. Doug Horne proves once and for all their involvement, not only in the assassination, but also in the cover up, with his Volume IV of Inside the ARRB, which first talks about all the shenanigans that went on at Bethesda the night of the assassination. Shenanigans which were led by Kellerman and Greer to cover up how JFK was actually killed.