"The Warren Commission" On Iraq:

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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"The Warren Commission" On Iraq:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, Bob, Jim Thomspon, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

While I see the "sense in the Iraq War" as I saw the "sense in the Viet Nam War," Bush and the War Profiteers then, as now, I nevertheless study and analyze everything that I can.

Is it me and "my cynical JFK - Viet Nam Era cynicism," or is this Iraq Report and all the related details just a "Smoke and Mirrors Warren Commission Style Report on Iraq ?"

While discussing Viet Nam vs. Iraq this week with Jimmy Files, Jimmy's arguement is that Bush, The Report and The Democrats even if they really wanted to, will not be successful in overcoming the CIA, DIA, The Pentagon, and The Joint Chiefs of Staff because the Military Industrial Complex and The War Profiters all want WAR - and right now we have an Iraq War that covers up tremendous corruption.

All of this debate on Iraq is lip service that stalls the issue, and the war continues.

Now Bush disagrees with The Report, and will wait till next year to speak.

Hence, a major stall technique, and "a Red Herring Iraq War Report that allows the war, and The War Machine, and The War Profiteers to proceed unimpeded. Nothing has been done. Nothing has changed. Lip service. Smoke and Mirrors for "...the people."

The Showdown is clear. Who is in control ?

The Citizens do not want this Iraq War, or War.

The War Machine wants this Iraq War, and War.

Who is in control of the US ?

Certainly not "...the people."

I would like to hear what JFK Forum Members think, Pro and Con.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Post by Bob »

Bruce, I agree with you and Jimmy. The MIC will not just walk away from this gold mine. Iran is next on the agenda. Maybe even Syria. A "staged" event will take place before Bu$h acts as per the modus operandi of this treasonous and greedy pack of thieves. That's why Bu$h doesn't give a shit now. He's making all his friends a lot of money. He doesn't care at what cost. None of the Bu$hes do. They never have. Remember Nixon's secret peace plan in 1968? Peace finally came in 1973. 5 years of more war profiteering. In the same 5 year period, the U.S. lost most of the 58,000+ they lost over the period of the war.
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Re: "The Warren Commission" On Iraq:

Post by Pennyworth »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, Bob, Jim Thomspon, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,While I see the "sense in the Iraq War" as I saw the "sense in the Viet Nam War," Bush and the War Profiteers then, as now, I nevertheless study and analyze everything that I can.Is it me and "my cynical JFK - Viet Nam Era cynicism," or is this Iraq Report and all the related details just a "Smoke and Mirrors Warren Commission Style Report on Iraq ?"While discussing Viet Nam vs. Iraq this week with Jimmy Files, Jimmy's arguement is that Bush, The Report and The Democrats even if they really wanted to, will not be successful in overcoming the CIA, DIA, The Pentagon, and The Joint Chiefs of Staff because the Military Industrial Complex and The War Profiters all want WAR - and right now we have an Iraq War that covers up tremendous corruption.All of this debate on Iraq is lip service that stalls the issue, and the war continues.Now Bush disagrees with The Report, and will wait till next year to speek.Hence, a major stall technique, and "a Red Herring Iraq War Report that allows the war, and The War Machine, and The War Profiteers to proceed unimpeded. Nothing has been done. Nothing has changed. Lip service. Smoke and Mirrors for "...the people."The Showdown is clear. Who is in control ?The Citizens do not want this Iraq War, or War.The War Machine wants this Iraq War, and War.Who is in control of the US ?Certainly not "...the people."I would like to hear what JFK Forum Members think, Pro and Con.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

I have heard that 'trillionaire' David Rockefeller runs the world..with 1000 billion dolllars its probably easy to do.....
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Post by Bob »

Speaking of Rockefeller and the New World Order...

"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promise of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries." - David Rockefeller, at a 1991 Bilderberger meeting.
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Post by Pennyworth »

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Conspiracy Planet....

Post by Pennyworth »

Conspiracy Planet - Bilderbergers - Bilderberg Conspiracy: Global ...CONSPIRACY PLANET. THE ALTERNATIVE NEWS & HISTORY NETWORK ... Conspiracy: Global Crime Cartel Meeting When banking and oil magnate David Rockefeller, ...
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Conspiracy Planet - Bilderbergers - Bilderberg Conspiracy: Global ...CONSPIRACY PLANET. THE ALTERNATIVE NEWS & HISTORY NETWORK ... However, banker David Rockefeller’s family has always had a heavy interest in oil and other ...
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YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.David Rockefeller admits he is conspiring to bring about a global ... prisonplanet.tv,http://www.angelfire.com/planet/channel26.ht ml (more) (less) ...
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Post by Pennyworth »


Sen. Rockefeller: "I Was Dead Flat Wrong."
by Armando
Sun Nov 06, 2005 at 08:34:38 AM PST
On Wolf Blitzer's show, Wolf showed Senator Jay Rockefeller's (D-WV) floor speech explaining his Aye vote for authorizing force against Saddam Hussein and Iraq. Rockefeller did the right thing and the smart thing - He admitted he was completely wrong in voting for the Iraq War. He said that if he knew then what he knows now, he would never ever would have voted for war in Iraq. He insisted that the reason he did not know then what he knows now was because the Bush Administration stovepiped the intelligence. In effect, he called them liars.

Senator George Allen (R-VA) said "mistakes were made" but now we have to win in Iraq. He didn't explain how we were going to do that.

And that begs the question, how can we believe the Bush Administration is telling the truth on "how we can win in Iraq" when they can not be trusted, either because of lack of competence, if you want to be charitable, or because they are liars, part of the truth of the matter, or both, the whole truth of the matter.

You can't trust the Bush Administration to tell the truth or to do the job. It is time that all Dems understand these central facts and take their positions based on these facts. Do what Sen. Rockefeller has done, admit your mistakes, and now act accordingly.

The Bush Administration does not tell the truth. The Bush Administration is hopelessly incompetent. You can not trust them on Iraq (or anything else for that matter.) To support the Iraq Debacle is to support incompetence and deception. No Dem should be for that.

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Post by Pennyworth »

West Virginia Senator on Iraq: "My Vote Was Wrong."
The Associated Press

Saturday 27 March 2004

CHARLESTON, W.Va. - U.S. Sen. Jay Rockefeller regrets his vote to authorize a war against Iraq.

"If I had known then what I know now, I would have voted against it," Rockefeller, D-W.Va., said Friday. "I have admitted that my vote was wrong."

The Democratic-led Senate approved the war resolution 77-23 on Oct. 11, 2002, one day after the U.S. House approved a similar resolution.

"The decision got made before there was a whole bunch of intelligence," said Rockefeller, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee. "I think the intelligence was shaped. And I think the interpretation of the intelligence was shaped.

"We had this feeling we could be welcomed as liberators. Americans don't know history, geography, ethnicity. The administration had no idea of what they were getting into in Iraq. We are not internationalists. We border on being isolationists. We don't know anything about the Middle East."

Rockefeller also said he is disturbed at the failure to involve the United Nations in creating a new government and finding peace in Iraq.

Many of the senator's feelings were strengthened last week during a weeklong trip with four other Democratic senators to Iraq and four other Middle Eastern nations.

In Iraq, the senators visited a team of researchers investigating the presence of weapons of mass destruction.

"They have three million pieces of paper," Rockefeller said. "But it is a sham. There is nothing to point to any weapons of any kind."

Rockefeller said the influence of terrorist groups, such as al-Qaida, is growing in Iraq. He estimated that only about 5 percent of insurgents in Iraq are recent arrivals, with the rest "homegrown."
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Post by Pennyworth »
