JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

09.12.2017:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:HILLARY CLINTON IS NOT VERY BRIGHT !THE ADVERTISING AND IMPLICATIONS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THAT HILLARY CLINTON IS INTELLIGENT.MAYBE SHE'S NOT !MAYBE SHE'S BEEN A GOOD TEST TAKER ?MAYBE SHE'D BE A NOBODY IF SHE DIDN'T MARRY BILL CLINTON AND PUT UP WITH MORE OPEN SEXUAL AFFAIRS THAN JACKIE KENNEDY EVER DID WITH JFK !MAYBE HILLARY CLINTON HAS BEEN GOOD AT GETTING ELECTED !WHAT HAS HILLARY CLINTON EVER ACCOMPLISHED FOR "We the People..." ? (09.12.2017, BB).'Hillary Clinton’s Not Very Bright’: Steve Bannon Says President Trump Is Smarter Than Ex-Secretary of StatePeople Maria Pasquini, People 8 hours ago In his first television interview since leaving the White House, President Donald Trump‘s former chief strategist Steve Bannon appeared on Sunday’s 60 Minutes, where he asserted that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is “not very bright.”“Everybody says she’s so smart, so much smarter than Donald Trump,” Bannon said of Trump’s 2016 presidential rival. “She doesn’t really have a grasp. She doesn’t have a grasp on what’s important and what’s not. And that’s what’s essential in a leader.”“Donald Trump has a grasp on what’s important and what’s marginalia,” Bannon, 63, added.For example, Bannon pointed to Clinton’s campaign-season criticism of Breitbart News, the far-right news website Bannon co-founded and once described as a platform for the so-called “alt-right.” Bannon, who returned to the website as its executive chairman after he was fired by Trump last month, said Clinton’s charge that the website supported white supremacists “landed flat” because it was “morally wrong” and “totally irrelevant.”Bannon also faulted Clinton for what he said was her failure to understand the importance of the “populist economic nationalist movement.”“Economic nationalism is what this country was built on. The American system, right? We go back to that. We look after our own. We look after our citizens. We look after our manufacturing bases and guess what? This country’s gonna be greater, more united, more powerful than it’s ever been,” Bannon said.“And this is not astrophysics. And by the way that’s every nationality, every race, every religion, every sexual preference. As long as you’re a citizen of our country, as long as you’re an American citizen, you’re a part of this populist economic nationalist movement. And by the way, that’s 65-70 percent of the country,” he continued.Bannon added that “the smart guys in the Democratic party” do understand this.“Sherrod Brown gets this. Tim Ryan gets this … the guys around [Chuck] Schumer get this. They understand this. They’re trying to get the identity politics out. They’re trying to run,” Bannon said.“The only question before us: Is it going to be a left-wing populism or a right-wing populism?” he added. “And that is the question that will be answered in 2020.”Bannon’s comments faced some backlash on Twitter, where former Obama advisor Dan Pfeiffer called the Breitbart head “a dumb person’s idea of a smart person.”Fallon: Bannon 'evil' but not a 'genius' The Lead's political panel discusses the latest news regarding former White House strategist Steve Bannon. ...Steve Bannon’s Long Struggle With the Catholic ChurchNewsweek Conor Gaffey,Newsweek 10 hours ago Steve Bannon did not hold back in his 60 Minutes interview, broadcast Sunday on CBS News, taking potshots at various targets including the Republican establishment, Jared Kushner, and the Catholic Church.For seasoned Bannon watchers, the last target is both surprising and unsurprising. Bannon, who hails from an Irish Roman Catholic background, has powerful allies in the church. But at the same time, he has looked increasingly at odds with the stance taken on social issues by Catholic bishops, particularly under Pope Francis.When questioned about the opposition expressed by some U.S. bishops to President Trump’s decision to rescind immigration protections afforded under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, Bannon accused the church of supporting immigration for economic reasons and because “they need illegal aliens to fill the churches.”Bannon’s comments prompted an angry response from senior Catholic bishops in the United States, who dismissed the remarks as “preposterous” and claimed the Bible required Catholics to look out for immigrants.Here’s a short history of Bannon’s long struggle with the Catholic church.Coming home to the Catholic ChurchBannon was raised in a “blue-collar, Irish Catholic, pro-Kennedy, pro-union family of Democrats,” as he told Bloomberg News in 2015. He attended Catholic schools and went to Mass with his family as a child, but later flirted with various world religions while serving in the Navy. This included a period of practicing Buddhism, according to Joshua Green, who has written a biography of Bannon. Steve BannonThen White House Senior Adviser Steve Bannon attends a roundtable discussion held by U.S. President Donald Trump with auto industry leaders at the American Center for Mobility in Ypsilanti Township, Michigan, March 15. Jonathan Ernst/ReutersBannon eventually returned to his Catholic faith, and Green told the Washington Post that he believes the former White House strategist’s worldview is significantly informed by his religious faith. In particular, Green said that Bannon is “captivated by this idea that the world is in decline,” which is partially rooted “in some medieval variant of Catholicism.”Breitbart’s Bureau in RomeBannon became Breitbart News’ executive editor in 2012 and, two years later, decided to set up a permanent bureau in Rome, the Italian capital and heart of the Roman Catholic Church. Bannon chose Thomas D. Williams, a former Catholic priest, to lead Breitbart’s coverage from Rome; Williams regularly writes about church affairs and Pope Francis, an unpopular figure with Breitbart’s readership.In summer 2014, Bannon also gave a talk via Skype at a conference held in the Vatican and hosted by the Human Dignity Institute, a conservative think tank that says its mission is to defend “the Judeo-Christian foundations of Western civilization.” In the speech, Bannon lamented a “crisis both of our church” and Western capitalism in general and called upon believers to fight against the “new barbarity” of “Islamic fascism” and global financial elites.Bannon’s Ties to Pope Francis’s CriticsDuring the 2014 double canonization of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II, Bannon broadcast his Breitbart radio show from the Vatican. During that visit he held a meeting with Cardinal Raymond Burke, a conservative American cardinal. Burke has been characterized in the media as Francis’s arch-opponent in the Vatican, clashing with the Argentinian pope to the degree that Burke had to clarify that he had not accused Francis of heresy. Raymond BurkeU.S. cardinal Raymond Leo Burke walks on St Peter's square after a cardinals' meeting on the eve of the start of a conclave at the Vatican, on March 11, 2013. JOHANNES EISELE/AFP/GettyBenjamin Harnwell, a confidant of Burke who organized the 2014 meeting with Bannon, told the New York Times that he was not surprised by the pair’s connection. “When you recognize someone who has sacrificed in order to remain true to his principles and who is fighting the same kind of battles in the cultural arena, in a different section of the battlefield, I’m not surprised there is a meeting of hearts,” said Harnwell.Pope’s Allies Compare Bannon’s Ideology to Islamist FundamentalismAn article published in July in La Civiltà Cattolica, a Vatican-vetted journal, criticized the strain of “evangelical fundamentalism” in the United States that had set up threats to Western, Judeo-Christian values as equivalent to Armageddon. In particular, the article singled out Bannon as a “supporter of apocalyptic geopolitics,” the logic of which is “no different from the one that inspires Islamic fundamentalism.”While it is not clear whether the pope approved of the content of the article, the journal’s contents are vetted by the Vatican secretary of state—the church’s top diplomat—before publication. The two authors are also close allies of Francis: one was Antonio Spadaro, a Jesuit journalist who has interviewed the pope; the other was Marcelo Figueroa, an Argentinian friend of Francis.The DACA DebateIn his 60 Minutes interview, Bannon—who actually said that he did not agree with Trump’s decision to end DACA—laid into the American Catholic hierarchy for supporting undocumented immigration Steve Bannon, TrumpPresident Donald Trump stands alongside Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon upon arrival at Snap-On Tools in Kenosha, Wisconsin, April 18, prior to signing the Buy American, Hire American Executive Order. Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images“The Catholic Church has been terrible about this,” said Bannon. “You know why? Because unable to really come to grips with the problems in the church, they need illegal aliens, they need illegal aliens to fill the churches...They have an economic interest in unlimited immigration, unlimited illegal immigration.”Bannon said that while he respected the pope and bishops on doctrine, immigration was a matter of national sovereignty. “And in that regard, they’re just another guy with an opinion,” he said.The comments prompted curt responses from U.S. Catholic leaders. Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the archbishop of New York, described Bannon’s remarks as “preposterous and rather insulting” and claimed that the church’s support for immigrants is rooted in the Bible, in an interview with Cathoic radio station Sirius XM.Dolan’s response was backed up by an official statement issued by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on Thursday. “Our pro-immigration stance is based on fidelity to God’s word and honors the American dream. For anyone to suggest that it is out of sordid motives of statistics or financial gain is outrageous and insulting,” said James Rogers, the USCCB’s chief communications officer.As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts,or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFKResearchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Post by bobspez »

She fought a losing campaign like Kerry and Gore. Full of platitudes and slogans with no real substance. Like Gore she was an empty suit, a party hack, looking to slide into office on the coat tails of the previous charismatic president, and beholding to the people who donated big money and influence. Gore could have won the election if he had adopted even a single plank of Ralph Nader's 18 point progressive platform. Nader said he would endorse Gore if he just adopted a single plank. Gore ignored him. I voted for Nader and enough others did to cost Gore the election. Hillary would have won in a landslide had she made Bernie her running mate. She essentially ignored him and lost. People saw Bernie's endorsement of her for what it was. A party obligation at odds with the things he had campaigned for.
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Post by kenmurray »

Hillary wanted to make Voodoo Dolls:http://www.breitbart.com/big-government ... ium=social
Phil Dragoo
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It is not a matter of native intelligence

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Hillary did her sealed Wellesley thesis as a paean to Saul Alinsky, headed for Communism through demagoguery not armed revolution.Rush points out she's held to be "Smartest Woman in the World" by the left--which runs media and academe.She failed to push Hillary Care in 1993, though did end Vince Foster, intimidate Webb Hubbell (Chelsea's father), stop Ron Brown from testifying, and Jim McDougal as well.She got rid of JFK, Jr. and crushed Lazio. As a senator she went along with the Iraq war----as SoS she threw accelerant on the Arab Spring and in particular made a hash of Libya.She would have had us in a hot war with Russia in Syria while bringing in tens of thousands of jihadis in refugee drag.Her 2008 run was thwarted by John Edwards--who split the not-Obama vote, allowing Obama to win.She let Obama pay her debt while assuming the position of foreign policy future saleswoman----hence 33,000 deleted emails re yoga.In 2016 she conspired with Wasserman-Shultz, Brazille, and Podesta to cheat Bernie Sanders out of the nomination.She presented as a crook flaunting Benghazi (What difference does it make) and emailGate (Like with a cloth or something)while Comey revealed what the Lynch/Clinton meet discussed and Assange confirmed our suspicions.When she wasn't falling down from "pneumonia" she was calling Trump unfit--ignoring her rapist husband.Her body person is hardwired into Muslim Brotherhood leadership and she raked in hundreds of millions from Gulf States----then sold Russia a fifth of our uranium for a big kaching to her cash machine while accusing Trump of some Ruskie hustle--Now she blames humidity and a poor soybean crop for her failure to steal the 2016 election----her "popular majority" was Cook County graveyards, California remittance militia, and Felons for Emanuel and McAuliffe.It was a Mad as Hell election and Bernie might've done better----but she lost it all on her own, without anybody's help, and the party that now shuns her knows it best of all.
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Post by kenmurray »

As always Phil Dragoo hits a home run with his post!
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Post by Bob »

Hillary just needs to go away. As Bernie Sanders has said many times as of late, after she bashed him in her book, it's time to look forward, not backward. Hillary is blaming everyone but herself for the loss to the Donald. It was James Comey's fault or Bernie's fault. Uh huh. Yeah right. This is not to say that there wasn't any Russian collusion in the election, as I believe there definitely was, but HRC still should have won had she made better decisions. Hillary didn't read the tea leaves correctly about what the American populace was thinking, unlike Humpty Trumpty and Bernie. Also, as Phil stated, she and her minions basically stole the Democratic nomination from Bernie. Hillary's final fatal mistake was not naming Bernie as her VP. Instead, her ego and her total lack of understanding the sentiments of the majority of voters in the U.S. made her pick lackluster Tim Kaine instead. JFK didn't want to pick LBJ as his VP, but he did so to win. And he was victorious. Ronny Reagan didn't want to pick Poppy Bush as his VP, but he did so to win. And win he did. Those decisions later came back to haunt JFK and Reagan, but at the time it was the right thing to do to win the Presidency. Because Hillary didn't pick Bernie as her running mate, a number of his supporters stayed home or crossed over to Trump. Bottom line, Hillary is on this book tour, not to add some insight about politics in the United States today, but rather to add to her already bloating income and to cast blame for her embarrassing Presidential loss to everyone but herself.