Lucien Sarti and the Marsailles-Connection

JFK Assassination
Clemens Lowenstein
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Lucien Sarti and the Marsailles-Connection

Post by Clemens Lowenstein »

I just saw parts of "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" for the first time. In
there a "Christian David" - now in jail for killing a policeman (what
coincidence) - claims to know 3 hired (french) assassins, and was even
offered the contract to assassinate Kennedy himself.

"Lucien Sarti" (don't know the proper spelling) is allegedly one of them. If
this was true, there could have been 2 almost entirely seperate teams
(consisting of 3 or more cells each) on Deleay Plaza that day - just to
ensure things getting right.

Or is it possible that this french team was positioned at the Trade Mart (or
whereever else)?

Has James Files ever mentioned such another team being around? (if I
remember correctly he did not know all of the shooters, right?)

Or has there been any effort to discredit this french-connection story yet?
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Post by Bob »

If memory serves me correct, Steve Rivele, the reporter that uncovered this, recently said that he was wrong on two of the three assassins he named in TMWKK. He still believes that Sarti was involved and that there is a strong connection to Montreal.
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

Always keep in mind that tons of people are trying to as we speek to disinform us. At the time Garrison came out with his revelations the country was facing towards LBJ, Maybe just maybe the whole Garrison thing was a disinformation ploy to keep our minds off the truth. He gave us a bunch of people mostly connected to the cia as participants but really no facts that lead us to the real people behind it. And for his efforts he became a federal judge so like I said take everything with a grain of salt and stay outside that box. Not to mention it caused a unch of people to surface that knew info and what did thet get for it? Whacked!
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messers. Clemens Lowenstein, and Bob,

I have just reviewed your email.

I will make copies for Jimmy, and myself.

Military, and Para-Military Operations, whether CIA or Mafia, are very
strictly compartmentalized, and strictly subject to chain of command.
At least the successful ones are.

That being said, Jimmy had no knowledge, or need to know about other
teams, or shooters, if in fact they existed. Although Wim Dankbaar has
turned up very strong evidence of other shooters.

Jimmy's direct, or indirect contacts in and around Dallas were limited to Charles Nicoletti, Johnny Roselli, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, X who killed Officer Tippett, and David Atlee Phillips. Of course, there are a few
others, that must be left unsaid at this point in time.

Bob, what are your thoughts on the Montreal connection ?

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Post by dankbaar »

Yes , there is a connection with Marseille. They had advance knowledge that JFK was goig to be killed in Dallas. Whether they ever delivered any shooters, remains unknown to this date. If they did, I do not believe they were Sarti, Bocognani or Pironti.

The organized crime branch talked about in this letter is in fact the Marseille branch.
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Post by Bob »

Bruce, I definitely think there is something to the French connection here. To what level, I'm not sure. Like Wim, I don't believe that the Corsicans sent over any shooters, but I'm not sure. The Montreal part of the story is interesting. You may recall a Montreal connection in the MLK assassination as well with the infamous Raoul, who was James Earl Ray's handler allegedly. Some people have theorized that Raoul was also in Dallas on 11/22/1963. There is no question in my mind that all three assassinations, JFK, RFK and MLK, were perpetrated by the same dark forces with a huge CIA influence.
John Bruno
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Post by John Bruno »

Don't forget the deaths of Marilyn Monroe and Karen Kupcinet
James Richards
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Post by James Richards »

Bob wrote:Bruce, I definitely think there is something to the French connection here. To what level, I'm not sure. Like Wim, I don't believe that the Corsicans sent over any shooters, but I'm not sure. The Montreal part of the story is interesting. You may recall a Montreal connection in the MLK assassination as well with the infamous Raoul, who was James Earl Ray's handler allegedly. Some people have theorized that Raoul was also in Dallas on 11/22/1963. There is no question in my mind that all three assassinations, JFK, RFK and MLK, were perpetrated by the same dark forces with a huge CIA influence.


I think the Montreal connection may be significant indeed. You may wish to research Robert Emmett Johnson and Arturo Espaillat; two cut-out/handlers of enormous interest. There is no proof of this but Johnson may have dispatched a French mercenary to Dallas. This guy was an explosives expert so I doubt he was involved in what happened in Dealey Plaza but if that operation was aborted, he may have come into play.

Johnson may also have been the infamous Raoul who handled James Earl Ray.


john geraghty
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Post by john geraghty »

I have heard this information also, from Gerry Hemming as it happens. I emailed the soldier of fortune magazine requestng info on Johnson, they gave me some and the editor said that he would ask around for me, he never got back to me.

I have heard it theorised that Mario Tauler Sague was involved with the MLK assassination. It would be interesting to find a photo of Johnson. He aparently authored a few books for Espillat or Trujillo, I'm not sure which one, I will have to check my notes.
Any comments on this?

James Richards
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Post by James Richards »

john geraghty wrote:James,I have heard this information also, from Gerry Hemming as it happens. I emailed the soldier of fortune magazine requestng info on Johnson, they gave me some and the editor said that he would ask around for me, he never got back to me.I have heard it theorised that Mario Tauler Sague was involved with the MLK assassination. It would be interesting to find a photo of Johnson. He aparently authored a few books for Espillat or Trujillo, I'm not sure which one, I will have to check my notes.Any comments on this?John

Hi John,

Robert Emmett Johnson did pen many articles for various print media outlets and was an excellent writer. I am not sure about any books though. He was a man of exceptional intelligence. My information came independently of Gerry Hemming where I also managed some good background on Johnson.

I do have some photos of him but they are from the 1940's. Send me your email address and I will pass them on.

As to Mario Tauler Sague, I too have heard rumors regarding his alleged involvement in the MLK murder. What his role would have been I guess we can only speculate.

