JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

09.28.2017:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:I OFTEN POINT OUT THAT I REVIEW OR SKIM EXTREME RIGHT TO EXTREME LEFT BECAUSE I LIKE TO KNOW WHAT IT OUT THERE. I AM CURIOUS ABOUT THE POSSIBLE INPUT OF JFKMS FORUM MEMBERS AS I TRACK THE AFTERMATH OF THE REMOVAL OF JFK ON 11.22.1963, AND WHERE "We the People..." ARE HEADED AS A NATION. OFTEN I DISCOVER THAT THE TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION.523 HOMICIDES IN CHICAGO, ILLINOIS YEAR TO DATE.2,821 TOTAL SHOOTINGS IN CHICAGO, ILLINOIS YEAR TO DATE.6,500+ OPIOID DEATHS IN CHICAGO, ILLINOIS YEAR TO DATE. (I JUST LEARNED THIS NUMBER TODAY).TODAY I FURTHER LEARN THAT THERE IS DISCUSSION AMONG "PROGRESSIVES" THAT WANT "PSYCHEDELIC MEDICINE" LSD AND HEROIN LEGALIZED.AS THE WAR ON DRUGS CONTINUES TO FAIL, AND DRUG USE IN AMERICA GROWS EXPONENTIALLY, WE NOW HAVE ANOTHER OUT OF CONTROL DRUG CRISIS WITH OPIOIDS AND OTHER PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS. (09.28.2017, BB).RenewAmerica.com September 27, 2017 AMERICA’S SURVIVAL, INC., RELEASES VIDEO ON WHY “PROGRESSIVES” WANT “PSYCHEDELIC MEDICINE.” By Cliff KincaidA new video from the public policy group America's Survival, Inc. documents how so-called "progressives" are now demanding acceptance of "psychedelics," or mind-altering drugs that create hallucinations. America's Survival, Inc. President Cliff Kincaid interviews Dr. Tina Trent about how Barack Hussein Obama implemented the George Soros vision of legalized dope and how the "progressive" pro-drug movement he is leading is now demanding legalization of LSD and heroin.The video, titled "Obama's Revolution and the Drugging of America," is available for free viewing on the ASI YouTube and Roku channels. Dr. Trent is a writer and citizen activist who was a researcher for the ASI website http://www.SorosFiles.com, based on a 2011 conference designed to expose the evil plans of the Obama-supporting billionaire hedge fund operator. Kincaid's first investigative report on Soros, a convicted inside trader, appeared back in 1994 and highlighted his investments in off-shore accounts and foreign banks accused of money laundering.Powerful and wealthy supporters of Barack Hussein Obama such as Joby Pritzker of the billionaire Pritzker family are among the noted backers of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). The group claims the use of LSD and other drugs facilitates religious experiences and humanity's progress."This is the Brave New World of Aldous Huxley," Kincaid says in the interview, "where Soma is prescribed for the population, to keep them distracted or content.... It's also the 'expansion of consciousness,' to undermine traditional religion and implement a New Age philosophy" that will actually spark cases of mental illness, violence, and terrorism.Trent is a scheduled speaker at an upcoming November 10 ASI conference that will examine the impact of Obama's Marxist Revolution and look at the prospect of the legalization of mind-altering drugs worldwide, as recommended by the Soros-funded Global Commission on Drug Policy.Kincaid can be reached through the ASI website at http://www.usasurvival.org© Cliff KincaidAs always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts,or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFKResearchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Post by Slav »

https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/201 ... ever.html2 reasons, population control 65000 death a year is good for business and Herion consumption is good for profit. I know of a few good people who got hooked on herion and it ruined there life.
Tommy Wilkens
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Post by Tommy Wilkens »

Interesting question Bruce.Until the drug polices in this country change and the deep seated mind set that drugs and using drugs is a criminal offense nothing will ever change.These old outdated laws have created the monster that we live with today in our country.For some crazy reason our law makers can't see the light. We as a country should search out other nations who have also faced and suffered from this epidemic and finally refused to continue down a road a path of total failure.A very successful example of a program that has shown incredible success was in the Netherlands.The Dutch have refused to except failure and have shown and proven that this horrible problem can be turned around with different thinking and a different approach to this problem.It was in the 1990s when the Netherlands started a program that provides long-term addicts with free government heroin.In practice, this means that addicts are allowed to inject or smoke heroin three times a day in a solemn, no frills room in a building run by municipal health services.Combined with a specified care program, it has been responsible for almost the complete disappearance of heroin addicts from public view.In the United States, heroin is on the rise like it's 1983, while an ever-shrinking group of Dutch addicts is only getting smaller and older.In a 2002 study, there were an estimated 25,000 addicts in the Netherlands (out of a population of more than 10 million), but only about 2,000 were considered hardcore addicts, according to the Central Committee on the Treatment of Heroin Addicts.Heroin use under the age of 40 is practically non-existent, according to Amsterdam's health services. Far from public sight, they are supplied with lab-synthesized heroin, more pure than anything they’ve ever smoked or injected before. In the Netherlands, heroin is so thoroughly feared that it even scares people under 40, who weren't around to see the heroin epidemic of the 1980s and early 1990s with their own adult eyes. In those decades, heroin abuse and the crime that came with it was about the biggest city nuisance thinkable. Every large train station in the Netherlands was sprawling with junkies.But the Netherlands fought the problem head on. Needle exchange programs were set up. Addiction was being treated as health problem, not a criminal one. Methadone buses showed up in areas with high abuse. Slowly but surely the situation came under control. In 1992, more than one million needles were exchanged for clean ones in Amsterdam alone, according to the city's Department of Health. In 2013, it was less than 200,000.In 1985, nearly 100 percent of methadone patients were aged below 40. In 2014, almost all of them were older than 40. Aid programs are so abundant, it's now hard to find an addict who hasn't been in touch with one.It took the Swiss to come up with the idea of giving out free heroin — the real deal — to all addicts who could convince the program that they had tried kicking the habit but were unable to. The Netherlands perfected its pragmatic approach and adopted the program.Heroin users who want to participate in the free heroin program have to show that there's no clear indication that they are ever going to be clean if they kept on going down the same road. The men — nearly all of them are men — must be able to indicate that they’ve been addicts for a long time, and have attempted to quit their drug abuse numerous times. And they have to be over 30.The program can be hailed as a great success. Crime has plunged in neighborhoods where heroin use was endemic. Users have less trouble with the law, and their lives have stabilized and improved.I do think that our country is beginning to see the light in some forms (legalizing Marijuana) but when it comes to heroin and other hard core drugs were still on the road of failure.Taking those steps in the right direction will take modern day thinking and courage to make a change.
Phil Dragoo
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Post by Phil Dragoo »

In Albarelli, A Secret Order, https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Order-Inv ... 1936296551, we are shown the panoply of CIA-affiliated psychiatrists and drug mechanics in service to MK-ULTRA and the other mind control programs.Ostensibly Sidney Gottlieb's two-decade romp was curtailed by Helms in '73. We may treat this as we do anything coming out of Langley. With Le Scoup de Poop.Huxley's dystopia where a gram is better than a damn was followed by Blair/Orwell's jackboots and telescreens.All of this into the Cuisineart and voila we are all persons of interest.Clapper to the contrary notwithstanding.Soros is behind this as was Moriarty in Holmes' London.Along with the rest of the faceless deep state.Afghan poppy fields in the hands of the Taliban were a vital resource lost--towers collapse and the poppy crop soars.Manipulation is the key imperative and drugs are but one tool--along with the telescreen.When the shrieking fairies and carping harpies of media insist the sky is falling, it is not.It is the megaphonic dog whistle to legions of lemmings that skydiving is where it's at----Comrades, you have nothing to lose but your minds.Obey.And, obey.Fleming's model was Intrepid. In The Spy Who Loved me Bond observes the pros don't drink or smoke.And the dealer is never the user.Hillary deleted, used BleachBit, hammers, suicides--but you, Peon, will be pinned to a board like a bug.Legalize chloroform killing jars.You are getting sleepy.Listen to nothing butthe sound of my voice,Sirhan----did you know Kamala Harris refused Sirhan's last parole request--
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Post by bobspez »

I have to agree with what Tommy posted. In places where drugs are removed from the black market, crime goes down, incarceration and legal fees goes down, loss of employment and producttivity due to arrests goes down, taxes go down and amazingly drug use goes down. Canada and Britain have been making clean heroin and needles available for addicts for years with no appreciable worsening of addiction, but appreciable benefits to addicted human beings and society as a whole. My opinion is if you are an adult and want to be addicted to anything, it is your right. You are accountable for your behavior as an addict or as a non addict. Behavior can be a legal issue but addiction or drug use shouldn't be. Every drug should be legal for every adult.It's really the person, not the substance that counts. I haven't smoked pot since 1982 when they instituted random drug testing at work and I couldn't afford to lose my job, but I was a drinker since the mid 1960s. I was a steady drinker for 50 years. I drove drunk thousands of times. I never got a ticket or had an accident while driving drunk. Simply, I learned to drive drunk. I never hurt anyone, I never got into fights, missed work or school, got arrested or had financial problems. How much I drank was my business. A year ago I had heart issues and gave up liquor and caffeine. I'm still the same person. Instead of using a couple of drinks to get to sleep I now listen to the radio with my headphones until I'm drowsy. Many people I know have been daily weed smokers since the 60's. They all are retired, raised families, have grandkids. They all were responsible people. Keith Richards and Mick Jagger are hundredmillionaires in their 70's. Keith once said he never had a drug problem, just a police problem. I've been hospitalized 6 times in the past 5 years. I used oxy in the hospital and at home. It is a great pain killer. I never got addicted. I only took it when I needed to. I have three mostly unused bottles in my dresser. I had a tooth abscess last week and got a tooth pulled. I used one. It was a blessing. There's so much hypocrisy about drugs. They can be used for good or for evil like anything else. Just like cars, food, money, sex, liquor or gambling (or as some people call it, investing). They can open your mind or flush it down a toilet, like anything else. I had some beautiful trips on pot, alcohol and even opium once. I had a really bad trip on pot which was mixed with PCP and/or LSD unknown to me. It put me into a depression with flashbacks that lasted about a year. I got over it when I stopped fighting it. It just evaporated. But I wouldn't have traded or undid any of those experiences. They made me what I am. With all the hulabaloo about the opiod epidemic, no one mentions the 400,000 deaths a year due to preventable hospital infections, medical errors, and prescription drug interactions.That's two 911's a week ever since 911. It makes all the opiod deaths and homicides pale in comparison. But there's no war on medical errors, hospital infections or prescribed drug interactions. Some good steps are being taken. Dr's and pharmacies are checking all the drugs a patient is using for interactions. There's hand sanitizers everwhere in the halls of some hospitals. But doctors and nurses still kill plenty of people due to errors and it's just considered natural. It never hits the news. Most families don't even know it happened that way. There are good hospitals and bad ones that outnumber the good ones. I've been in both. All the victims are innocent victims. But the elephant in the room is mostly invisible.