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any comments?

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 8:56 pm
by Rob Waters
I have several questions and comments that i hope someone will give me feedback on:

Ruth Payne - There is something not right about this woman. Does anyone else think she was somehow involved in setting up Oswald or at least connected to the CIA?

Gordon Arnald - Never believed his story.

Gary Mack - i think he is confused.

Did Oswald seduce Judyth Baker and draw her into the Cancer projects for the CIA or was it just a crazy coincidence?

Ill stop here for now. thanks!


Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 11:36 pm
by frits arends
First of all it,s gordon Arnold and not gordon arnald
His testimony has been suported by witneses,and it,s just a very plausible story the same goes for ed hofman

But if you are willing to believe everyting files says wel i dont know
were are the witneses who can confirm files precense on the knol ?

again, files says some interesting things but so did steven revel
and the firsy gabs in his story are allready found his performance does the rest.
the story of files makes a lot honest witneses look like idiots

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 12:06 pm
by dankbaar
First of all it,s gordon Arnold and not gordon arnald
His testimony has been suported by witneses,and it,s just a very plausible story the same goes for ed hofman


Could you please explain this, Frits? By what witnesses has Gordon Arnold's story been supported?


Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:06 pm
by frits arends
The thing that has been bothering me for a long time is that not only hofman is claiming to have seen two men in uniform, but yarborough also indicates something scary about arnold precense there.
perhaps ? never theless arnold was a strange caracter i do agree, but he spoke with his heart.

Help me out

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:15 pm
by Bob
Gary Mack - i think he is confused. - Rob Waters

Gary's not confused. He has just changed his way of thinking, that's all. Somebody got to Gary. It's that simple. He has gone over to the other side. Why? Only Gary can answer that one. Gary?

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:17 pm
by dankbaar
Yarborough said he saw a man hitting the ground when the first shot rang out, but this could not have been Gordon Arnold, because he said he hit the ground after hearing a fusillage of shots from behind wizzing past his ears. Maybe he was referring to Bill Newman.

The problem with Arnold's story is that he is nowhere visible in any of the photographs. Another problem is that the policeman hitting him , asking and taking his film must have taken at least 20 seconds. There is no corroborating testimony for that either. It is harldy conceivable that no one else has witnessed this so shortly after the shots when everybody was looking at the knoll.

Hofmann did not describe men in uniforms. He described a man in suit and a man in working clothes. The distance he observed this from was almost 100 yards. It is improbable that no one else , for example the men on the railroad bridge did not see what he describes. They were much closer and had a clear view to that area.


Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:40 pm
by Bob
More on Gary Mack. I have also debated Gary and he has done a complete 180 from the way he talked at the time of TMWKK (The Men Who Killed Kennedy). As I said, somebody got to Gary.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 2:43 pm
by frits arends
There is off course the picture from witch discovered in 1982 a man on the background this could be arnold ?

and Hofman a man who uses his eyes and ears better than an avarage person AGREE ? talks about a railroad uniform.the back up ?

The problem is , with the story of files it comes allong that to many
witneses might have seen things that never happened
Files claimes he was acting alone,agree,but who of the witneses testified that there was only one man acting behind th knol ?
dispit his scary story

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 8:56 pm
by frits arends
I dont know if this is verry inteligent , your putting down Garry Mack as a persona non grata who only produces horse dump en alway,s did.

To me he wrote that he is stil convinced that a person in uniform is firing from the knoll,were all human there are more people like Wim Dankbaar who are really experts,i am also obsesed for a very long time
a good knowlege average, but non of us was there at the scene as it happened so besides the knowlege of some real facts it is also a matter of WHAT and WHO do you believe.

Garry had some very interesting stuf, and did not buy or pay arnold
or hofman and a few other people to say so.
same goes voor Wim he did not buy or pay Jimmy Files for his story to say, there is no question in my mind about the honesty about it.

Ed hofman absolutely speaks whit his hart this guy is telling his story over and over again in the same emotional way,arnold is perhaps les convinsing ????

I have watched the film from files several times and lets be honest in this case tracking checking and tracing is now almost 2007 almost
impossible all the sourses who could confirm anything are dead

The one thing for me so that i dont throw away the entire story of files
is the simple fact that i really dont believe that Jack Ruby killed oswald
because he thought that he would become a great hero.
So the constant involvment of Ruby gives files story some more credibility for me, that the local mob also was involved and that is confusing in this case.and it doesn,t make things easer.

I wil alway,s agree with Jim garisson that Ruby was a key figure either corsican or local mob

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 11:22 pm
by Rob Waters
dankbaar wrote:Yarborough said he saw a man hitting the ground when the first shot rang out, but this could not have been Gordon Arnold, because he said he hit the ground after hearing a fusillage of shots from behind wizzing past his ears. Maybe he was referring to Bill Newman. The problem with Arnold's story is that he is nowhere visible in any of the photographs. Another problem is that the policeman hitting him , asking and taking his film must have taken at least 20 seconds. There is no corroborating testimony for that either. It is harldy conceivable that no one else has witnessed this so shortly after the shots when everybody was looking at the knoll. Hofmann did not describe men in uniforms. He described a man in suit and a man in working clothes. The distance he observed this from was almost 100 yards. It is improbable that no one else , for example the men on the railroad bridge did not see what he describes. They were much closer and had a clear view to that area. Wim

Exactly my thoughts. it would take WAY too long to take the film, plus someone would have seen it.

Also if you look at the badgemad picture colorized, proportionally they dont fit.

Thanks Wim.