The Day of the Jackel and JFK Assasination

JFK Assassination
Tom Bigg
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The Day of the Jackel and JFK Assasination

Post by Tom Bigg » recently watched "The Day of the Jackel", a movie about how an assassination attempt on de Gaulle in 1962 was thwarted. There was then a follow-up that never happened, that goes into the elaborate planning, ruthlessness, killings and methods of an english assassin. Likewise the French police forces, headed up by a crackerjack detective, spares no efforts to track down, both identify and catch the suspected assassin. The effort to kill de Gaulle was precipitated by the Algerian independence. France had also pulled out of Vietnam, strange that we rushed in. (Fools rush in where angels fear to tread). So on one side of the Atlantic you have a country's police forces united in protecting its political leader. On the other, you have an entirely different story--intelligence services and police lackadaisical about the protection of the President, giving lip service only to his protection. What are the real reasons for this difference? You would think other countries would be very observant of the differences as well.
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Re: The Day of the Jackel and JFK Assasination

Post by JDB4JFK »

If I'm not mistaken wasn't it latter found out that the company Permindex was involved in hiring the assassination of de Gaulle? The same company Clay Shaw was on the board of!!! Also involved in the JFK assassination per Jim Garrison!
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Re: The Day of the Jackel and JFK Assasination

Post by Bob »

David Talbot writes about the attempted coup in France in his book, The Devil's Chessboard.Here is part of Jim DiEugenio's review of that book which talks about the attempted overthrow of DeGaulle. ... d-talbotAs good as the writing on Lumumba is, Talbot’s section on the CIA’s aid in the April 1961 attempt to overthrow Charles DeGaulle might be even better. Truth be told, it’s one of the absolute pinnacles of the book. This dramatic encounter has been touched on tangentially in other JFK- or Dulles-related volumes. But I have never seen it treated as thoroughly, or at this length before. At a talk he did in Los Angeles, the author mentioned that he found a book published in France, and had it translated into English. It must have been a good book, because the details Talbot provides were almost all new to this reviewer.What Talbot is describing is the bold attempt by the leaders of a dissident military faction in Algeria to invade Paris, in order to force DeGaulle to abdicate. There were four main generals who formed the axis of French soldiers who vehemently opposed DeGaulle’s policy to cut loose the French colony of Algeria, a policy on which Kennedy was in agreement with DeGaulle. Recall that in 1957, Senator Kennedy made a brilliant speech from the Senate floor harshly criticizing France’s colonial war to maintain control of Algeria. It was this speech, more than anything else, which brought Kennedy into direct conflict with the Dulles brothers and Vice-President Nixon. Kennedy predicted that if France did not voluntarily give up Algeria, she would find herself in the same situation she just emerged from after her defeat in Vietnam. The Algerian war caused the fall of the Fourth Republic and the return to power of DeGaulle—who understood the wisdom of Kennedy’s words. Just as the military veterans in Algeria did not.On April 22, 1961, the dissident French generals seized power in Algiers. They immediately spread the word that they would next strike in Paris. (Talbot, p. 412) The plan was a combined paratrooper and tank attack. Once these assaults were in process, the Elysée Palace would then be seized as well as other key government outposts. Anticipating the attack, DeGaulle prohibited air traffic over Paris, and cinemas were shut down.The leader of the coup was Maurice Challe. Challe had been a top figure in Algeria and then a NATO commander in 1960-61. Through that association, he had relationships with high-ranking French officers. NATO also helped him meet American Pentagon and CIA representatives. As Talbot notes, the French papers stated that both Dulles and Bissell backed the coup. (p. 414) In fact, one paper called the coup attempt, “The Strategy of Allen Dulles.” The CIA did not like the many disagreements DeGaulle had with NATO policy, and they thought the Soviets would move into Algeria if France left. What’s more, the CIA actually tried to drum up corporate support for the coup and American aid for it in Paris. One counselor to the Henry Luce press stated, “An operation is being prepared in Algiers to put a stop to communism and we will not fail as we did in Cuba.” (ibid) Challe ignited the coup because he thought he had American backing all the way up to JFK.In this, he had been duped. And since we have seen this MO before, it was probably by Dulles. Scotty Reston of the New York Times reported that in spite of Dulles’ denials, the CIA was indeed “involved in an embarrassing liaison with the anti-Gaullist officers.” This had contributed to the growing perception at the White House that the Agency “had gone beyond the bounds of an objective intelligence gathering Agency and has become the advocate of men and policies that have embarrassed the Administration.” (p. 415)The conflict between Dulles and DeGaulle went back to World War II. As OSS chief in Bern, Dulles opposed the segment of the French Resistance headed by DeGaulle. He preferred a more rightwing leader. (Considering that DeGaulle was, at most, a moderate, this shows how far right Dulles was oriented politically.) DeGaulle himself accused Dulles of scheming against his Resistance leadership at the end of the war. Dulles backed a more conservative rival. In typical Dulles methodology, this man had betrayed DeGaulle’s assistant to the Gestapo. (ibid) Once assuming power again, DeGaulle had grown so suspicious of Dulles he had tried to purge CIA influence in the capital of Paris, which was difficult to do since Dulles journeyed there each year to personally pay off informants and agents. The relationship was so chilly that DeGaulle refused to see the DCI personally. Dulles then wrote distorted reports to Kennedy, one which presented the possibility of a coup over DeGaulle’s mishandling of Algeria. In another memo, Dulles predicted DeGaulle would be gone by the end of 1961. And the basis for removal would be Algeria. (p. 417)During the coup attempt, Kennedy called Hervé Alphand, the French ambassador in Washington. He told him that America supported DeGaulle. But he could not vouch for the CIA, because “the CIA is such a vast and poorly controlled machine that the most unlikely maneuvers might be true.” JFK also asked for information on suspected Americans aiding the coup so he could deal with them after. Finally, Kennedy told Ambassador James Gavin that the USA should extend help to DeGaulle in resisting the coup. (In some versions—which Talbot does not explicitly cite—it is stated that Kennedy offered France the use of the Sixth Fleet.) Although he appreciated the offer, DeGaulle declined. But after the calls, Kennedy went public with this support for the embattled French premier.The plot fizzled because DeGaulle resorted to the airwaves. In a dynamic speech, he appealed directly to the people to preserve France. (p. 420) His ringing plea rallied the populace, especially on the left. A general strike was called; there were massive demonstrations against the Algerian war; hundreds of people went to airfields to stop any troops from landing from Algeria; civilians went to government buildings to protect them from attack. In the face of all this—which promised a brutal and bloody civil war—Challe surrendered.But that is not the end of the story. Because later, Talbot actually caps this gripping chronicle. After the author relates the events of Kennedy’s murder, he quotes a much-suppressed interview of DeGaulle. This was made by one of his ministers upon DeGaulle’s return from Kennedy’s funeral in Washington. The French premier compared what happened to JFK with what almost happened to him over Algeria. He said Kennedy’s security forces were in cahoots with a renegade military. And the plotters invented Oswald as a cover story to cover their tracks. He continued in this vein by saying that Oswald was probably supposed to be shot. When he was not, Jack Ruby became the clean-up guy. DeGaulle concluded by explaining the rationale of the plotters: “Better to assassinate an innocent man than to let a civil war break out. Better an injustice than disorder.” (p. 567) It’s amazing that this analysis was made within days of Kennedy’s murder. The only political leader I know who had a comparable rapid understanding of what really happened was Fidel Castro.
Tom Bigg
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Re: The Day of the Jackel and JFK Assasination

Post by Tom Bigg »

Thanks, Bob. Watching "The Day of the Jackal" you get a sense of what a real, serious, tough minded government does to interdict crime and potential assassinations. It makes the USA look like a lackadaisical banana republic, with incompetent police and intelligence agencies. The assassin and his backers leave nothing to chance, operating with high security and caution at every turn. The conspirators have their errand man kidnapped from Italy to France and subject to fierce interrogation, literally tortured to death! Of course, France had gone through WWII with the Nazis nearly destroying their country and its heritage but not killing their spirit. They had the Algerian nightmare, out of which the assassins developed their plans. In comparison the US security and JFK seems like the Keystone cops in their work. What a joke!
Phil Dragoo
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Re: The Day of the Jackel and JFK Assasination

Post by Phil Dragoo »

The Ambush Day of the Jackal Trailer secret army organization, the oas, continued its war on the French government. On August 22, 1962, they came close when they spayed de Gaulle’s Citroën with machine gun fire, leaving fourteen bullet holes in the car. Afterwards de Gaulle was unshaken, “My dear friend, these people shoot like pigs.” The planner was sentenced to death and shot. Altogether, there were two dozen assassination attempts on de Gaulle.The Audacity of de Gaulleby Henrik BeringFriday, February 1, 2013 August 1962, a group called the OAS (Secret Army Organization in English) plotted an assassination attempt on President De Gaulle, who they believed had betrayed France by giving up Algeria (in northern Africa) to Algerian nationalists. Near dusk on August 22, 1962, De Gaulle and his wife were riding from the Elysee Palace to Orly Airport. As his black Citroen DS sped along the Avenue de la Liberation in Paris at 70 miles per hour, 12 OAS gunmen opened fire on the car. A hail of 140 bullets, most of them coming from behind, killed two of the president’s motorcycle bodyguards, shattered the car’s rear window and punctured all four of its tires. Though the Citroen went into a front-wheel skid, De Gaulle’s chauffeur was able to accelerate out of the skid and drive to safety, all thanks to the car’s superior suspension system. De Gaulle and his wife kept their heads down and came out unharmed.1962Citroen helps De Gaulle survive assassination attempt ... mptCharles DeGaulle, President of France:"Vous me blaguez! [You're kidding me.] Cowboys and Indians!" - upon being briefed by a reporter on the lone-nut theory; reported by David Talbot in a Salon article entitled The Mother of All Cover-ups.JFK Assassination Quotes by Government Officials ... tmlCharles de Gaulle’s information minister Alain Peyrefitte, wrote a book which was never translated into English entitled “C’etait de Gaulle” (About de Gaulle). In it the French president, just home from JFK’s funeral, confides to Peyrefitte that he knew that the CIA was behind the assassination.“What happened to Kennedy is what nearly happened to me. His story is the same as mine …. The security forces were in cahoots with the extremists …. But you’ll see. All of them together will observe the law of silence. They will close ranks. They’ll do everything to stifle any scandal. They will throw Noah’s cloak over these shameful deeds. In order not to lose face in front of the whole world. In order to not risk unleashing riots in the United States. In order to preserve the union and to avoid a new civil war. In order to not ask themselves questions. They don’t want to know. They don’t want to find out. They won’t allow themselves to find out.” ... DeGaulle's pullout from Algeria was followed by the mass murder of tens of thousands, including boiling alive and "demasculization"--something Castro did to select Bay of Pigs prisoners.To say OAS was enraged would be understatement. Our friend from military intelligence in the day spoke of how dangerous and destructive Kennedy was.Forsyth's book is excellent. The film is a duel of two keen intellects. In the end the assassin was a cipher.Douglass' Unspeakable presents a miasma surrounding Kennedy. It would need to be focused. Robert Kennedy, Jr., told Charlie Rose his father thought it was rogue CIA officers.1942 Donovan sent Dulles back to Switzerland where the latter amassed caches of sniper rifles and silencers--of the type requested by Cubela in '63 and provided in '65.1942 British develop silenced DeLisle carbine as sentry-removal tool.1942 British-trained Czech commandos attack Heydrich with multiple gunmen after a sharp turn slows the general's Mercedes Benz.
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Re: The Day of the Jackel and JFK Assasination

Post by kenmurray »

Tom Bigg
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Re: The Day of the Jackel and JFK Assasination

Post by Tom Bigg »

RFK, Jr. is quoted on this book as seeing it credible: he believes it was an inside job. But the Kennedys don't have much in the way of ethical credentials, RFK, Jr. ex wife killed herself, had a lot of dirt on these people. Some of them may be successful politicians but are poor human beings.