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Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 4:18 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
02.10.2018:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:“HILLARY CLINTON’S FINGERPRINTS ARE ALL OVER THE FBI’s INVESTIGATION INTO TRUMPS’s ALLEGED RUSSIAN TIES:”The Deep State and The Secret Government Are Alive and Well. JFK, MX, MLK, and RFK ARE STILL DEAD. AND THEY HAVE BECOME A FLEETING MEMORY TO 95%+ OF ALL AMERICANS.The Top Down Approach, and Sequential Time Line Analyses MUST BE DEVELOPED.The Secret State, The Secret Government, The High Cabal, The 17 Known Intelligence Agencies, and The Military Industrial Corporations have all been compromised FROM “We the People…”THERE IS NO DEMOCRACY.DEMOCRACY IS A PLACEBO.THE “TRUTH” IS WHAT “We the People…” ARE TOLD WHAT IT IS.The Truth today is buried before, during, and after any and all revelations.“We the People…” CAN NOT GET “THE TRUTH” TODAY.HOW CAN WE EVER EXPECT THE TRUTH ABOUT THE REMOVALS OF JFK, MX, MLK, and RFK IF WE DO NOT FOCUS ON THE TOP DOWN APPROACH, AND SEQUENTIAL TIME LINE ANALYSES ?THE BOTTOM UP APPROACH IS FOR FUN, A HOBBY, SOCIAL CHIT CHAT, and TO SAY I AM A JFK RESEARCHER.THE HARDEST WORK TO DO IS TO ANALYZE, EVALUATE, INTERVIEW, READ, RESEARCH, STUDY, THINK, WRITE, and UPDATE WHEN and WHERE APPLICABLE and POSSIBLE.THAT IS WHY 95% OF THE JFK RESEARCH COMMUNITY WAITS TO BE SPOON FED LIKE BABIES IN A HIGH CHAIR. (02.10.2018, BB.)As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.THE FEDERALIST:The Federalist RSS Feed Follow The Federalist on Twitter Follow TheFederalist on Facebook Follow the Federalist Radio Hour on iTunesHillary Clinton’s Fingerprints Are All Over The FBI’s Investigation Into Trump’s Russia TiesBIG GOVERNMENTHillary Clinton’s Fingerprints Are All Over The FBI’s Investigation Into Trump’s Russia TiesHer campaign's is linked to at least three separate pieces of information fed to the FBI, including the dossier the FBI used as a pretext to spy on a Trump campaign associate.By Rachel StoltzfoosFEBRUARY 10, 2018A significant part of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s basis for investigating the Trump campaign’s Russia ties is looking more and more like a political hit job carried out by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign. Her campaign’s fingerprints are on at least three separate pieces of information fed to the FBI, including the Christopher Steele dossier Republicans say formed the basis of a secret warrant obtained to spy on Trump campaign associate Carter Page.A former State Department official confirmed on the record Thursday that Clinton associates were funneling information to Steele as he was compiling a dossier commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign and DNC. That’s on top of the recent revelation that a top Department of Justice official fed the FBI information compiled by his wife, who was working for the firm Clinton and the DNC were paying to dig up dirt on Trump, Fusion GPS.The dossier was quoted “extensively” in the FBI’s application to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, according to a memo released by Republicans on the House intelligence committee. In a January letter to the FBI made public this week, two Senate Republicans also said Steele’s information formed a “significant portion” of the warrant application.“It is troubling enough that the Clinton Campaign funded Mr. Steele’s work, but that these Clinton associates were contemporaneously feeding Mr. Steele allegations raises additional concerns about his credibility,” Sens. Chuck Grassley, who chairs the Judiciary Committee, and Lindsey Graham wrote in the letter referring Steele to the FBI for a criminal investigation.Taken together, here’s what we know so far about the extent of Clinton’s involvement in the FBI’s case.1. Clinton ally Sidney Blumenthal funneled information to the FBI through a contact at the State Department.In an account published by The Washington Post, former State Department official Jonathan Winer describes how research compiled by a Clinton ally made its way into his hands and then to the FBI. Winer was in charge of combating transnational organized crime at the State Department under Bill Clinton in the 1990s, and returned under the Obama administration to work on international law enforcement. Between his two gigs, he became friends with Steele, who as a result began feeding information to the State Department, and tipped Winer off in Sept. 2016 to the Trump dossier he was compiling.That same month, Winer met Blumenthal, who provided him with notes on Trump and Russia compiled by another Clinton insider, Cody Shearer. “What struck me was how some of the material echoed Steele’s but appeared to involve different sources,” Winer writes in The Washington Post. He decided to show the notes to Steele, who told him the information could be used to corroborate his dossier. Steele walked away with a copy of the notes, which he provided to the FBI.Shearer and Blumenthal, known respectively as “Mr. Fixer” and “Vicious Sid” in Clinton world, are staunch allies of the Clintons. Winer notes he didn’t know whether the information Blumenthal fed him was accurate, but says he fed it to Steel anyway because he was “alarmed at Russia’s role in the 2016 election.”Grassley and Graham express concern in their criminal referral that Steele was “vulnerable to manipulation” while compiling his dossier on Trump, as he has admitted to meeting with at least four different news outlets during that time (in violation of an agreement he had with the FBI), and indicated he received unsolicited and unverified tips on Trump and included them in his dossier. “Simply put, the more people who contemporaneously knew that Mr. Steele was compiling his dossier, the more likely it was vulnerable to manipulation,” they wrote in their letter.Of course, the Clinton network knew to some extent about the dossier, since Hillary’s campaign and the DNC had commissioned and funded the effort through Fusion GPS. Whether Blumenthal was planting bogus information to manipulate Steele or passing along what he regarded as a legitimate tip is unclear, but it’s certainly not a good look.Regardless, this second unverified and unsolicited dossier made its way to the FBI thanks to the Clinton camp.2. Steele was at that same time compiling a dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign and the DNC.As noted, Steele was already well into work on a dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign and DNC regarding Trump’s Russia ties when Winer approached him. Perkins Coie, a law firm representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, had hired Fusion GPS to dig up opposition research on Trump prior to the election. Fusion in turn employed Steele, a former British spy, to compile the dossier. His work was entirely funded by Democrats.The FBI was never able to verify the salacious claims in Steele’s dossier, so relied heavily on his reputation to infuse the document with credibility before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court, according to the Republican memo and criminal referral. The bureau continued to vouch for him before the court in subsequent applications to renew the warrant, even after learning he was “desperate” to stop Trump from getting elected, had broken the bureau’s trust by dishing to the press in one case, and potentially lied to the bureau outright in several other instances — a criminal offense. The court learned none of this, and continued to grant the FBI permission to spy on a U.S. citizen based in part on Steele’s research.3. A top DOJ official fed the FBI research on Trump from his wife also paid for by the Clinton campaign and the DNC.The third piece of information provided to the FBI in connection with Clinton allies is research compiled by the wife of former senior Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, who worked closely with Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and her replacement, Rod Rosenstein. Ohr was also a friend of Steele.Ohr’s wife was employed by Fusion GPS to help compile opposition research on Trump. According to the Republican memo, Ohr eventually turned over all of the information she compiled — while working ultimately for the Clinton campaign and the DNC — to the FBI. It’s unclear whether this information made it into the FISA applications, but it’s one more example of evidence received by the FBI that can be traced back to the Clinton campaign.According to the Republican memo, the FISA court was never informed of the Ohr’s connections to Fusion GPS and Steele.In sum: To obtain a warrant to spy on a Trump campaign associate, the FBI relied heavily on a dossier that was never substantiated, put together by a former spy “desperate” to stop Trump. That dossier was paid for by powerful Democrats on Trump’s rival campaign, who also paid for opposition research the FBI received from a powerful couple inside President Obama’s DOJ. Separately, two Clinton allies worked together to funnel a second unsubstantiated dossier to the FBI through the State Department.Rachel Stoltzfoos is managing editor of The Federalist. Follow Rachel on Twitter.Barack Obama Bruce Ohr clinton campaign Democratic National Committee Department of Justice DNC Donald Trump Federal Bureau of Investigation Hillary Clinton Jonathan Winer Russia Sidney Blumenthal Steele Dossier Trump DossierCopyright © 2018 The Federalist, a wholly independent division of FDRLST Media, All Rights Reserved.


Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 9:40 am
by Phil Dragoo
George W. Bush in Dubai insists Russia "meddled" in U.S. election--would that include Hillary's provision of U.S. uranium for 150M to her "foundation" and 500K for Bill's Moscow speech?Would it include Steele's imaginary hookers financed by Hillary--perhaps with some of those Russian millions?The cast of characters includes Clapper the NSA chief who lied his agency did not spy on Americans--then Snowden blew that up.Brennan who stipulated jihad is a legitimate religious tenet, the Riyadh station chief convert, as Saudi and Friends of Saudi and Qatar and Kuwait donate millions to the "foundation".Comey who weaseled with Lynch and a host of hack ghouls perverting intelligence to political ends.The good old days of Dulles' CIA thwarting the policies of the "temporary resident of the White House" continue.Brennan likely hacked Michael Hastings' Mercedes C-250 in 2012--can't have scandal in an election year.We live--continue to live--in the world of Enemy of the State (1998).Cash from Russia and tyrannical regimes (Qatar figured prominently in the creation of ISIS) was used to create the Big Lie to persuade a FISA judge (9 of 11 appointed by the son of Malcolm of Chicago) to permit surveillance of political opponent.And we're worried about Russia? How much more Stalinist does it get? Nixon in his wildest dreams didn't approach this----in fact he was provoked and sabotaged by CIA in the agency of McCord----who placed and replaced the duct tape to draw the guards' attention so they would call DC police.Helms put McCord in place, just as he had Harvey contact Maheu who reached out to Roselli and thus to Giancana, Nicoletti, Files.And Harvey and Roselli would die within a month of each other in '76.What happened to Seth Rich? A rifleman attacks Republicans at the baseball diamond. A truck partially derails the engine of a Republican train.The CIA told Lopez and Hardway, "You'll be gone. We'll still be here."The Warren Report is still the Gideon Bible for government, media, academia.The Mockingbird's right and left wings (O'Reilly and Rachel Maddow) drink Krazy Kommie Killed Kennedy Koolaid.We were supposed to have fifth generation U.S. and Russian fighters contending over Syria as tens of thousands of Muslims from Africa flooded CONUS.The Vietnam War was fought and the Cold War preserved and the Federal Reserve restored over 35th's dead body.Soros has vowed to destroy 45--without the dead lizard-king David Rockefeller.Kennedy is not admired by today's Democrats and Trump is opposed by many of today's Republicans.And any cooperation or dialog today is opposed as strongly as fifty years ago--when CIA and KGB removed those who would end the Cold War.Alinsky's love of Lucifer tracks with Marx and his bizarre poetry seeking godhood by destroying life.In the street the masked Basement Bolsheviks sport only black--Today as in 1961 on Earth God's work must truly be our own.