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A New Beginning A Turning Of The Page A Closing Of A Chapter

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:10 am
by Tommy Wilkens
I hope there are other JFK Murder Solved Forum members who will welcome this new beginning for our Forum.After we all were insulted and belittled basically thrown under the bus I can only imagine that like myself other good Forum members will agree this is long over due.A new beginning a fresh start is badly needed.Now we just have to hope the Forum member who openly insulted and belittled every member here but a hand selected few.In his own words "We will continue our work with Bob Fox, Phil Dragoo, Ken Murray, Robert Clayton Buick"..Lets just hope he will keep his word and only come here sparingly.In his own words "My Involvement, Postings, and Headlines in the future will be substantially reduced Here at the JFKMS Forum as there seems to be less than credible interest in anything more than the Most Simplistic, Circuitous Minutiae That Has Achieved Minimal Results In The Last 54+ Years And Counting." My hope is that this Forum can now continue the outstanding research and study that so many have contributed here so that we all can learn more .Each member here is valued and no matter what your contributions are they are welcomed.This Forum and others who have researched and studied and shown a real interest in who killed John Kennedy are way more valued and appreciated than being labeled as "a Bunch of Cliff Note's Mentality, Social Chit Chat Simpletons, seeking desperately to align or belong to something, that have a Wikipedia Mentality, and functions at the level of Babies in High Chairs Waiting to be Spoon Fed". Forum members we are all better people than those insulting words so lets all learn from this, shake our heads and move on and continue in our research and study of this open case.I thank each of you and I hope I have expressed some of the feelings of other Forum members.

Re: A New Beginning A Turning Of The Page A Closing Of A Cha

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:13 am
by bobspez
First and foremost I wish to thank Bruce for the incredible amount of work he has put into this forum. Having read his statement I honestly believe that the derogatory remarks were aimed at what he called "95% of the JFK research community" not the members of this forum. And he is correct on many levels because facts have become totally superfluous in our media, our schools and our institutions. There has been a concerted effort for decades to "dumb down" the country which has succeeded. There seems to have been a concerted effort to pollute reasonable conspiracy theories with outlandish ones, so that all the theories get painted with the "nut brush". Self declared liberals like Noam Chomsky have declared the assassination of JFK and 911 to be of no real consequence. The democratic party has split into progressive and corporate neo liberal wings that are as opposed to each other as Democrats and Republicans were in the 60's. Words like liberal have been demonized by neo conservatives, equating it to Stalin era communism. Words have lost their true meaning, and propaganda, thinly disguised commercials and fiction all pass for news and history.As I have stated in the past on this forum, the JFK assassination was part and parcel of a basic ideological dispute of the rich and powerful maintaining their control of the government and the country. The dispute was born when the Russian revolutionaries of 1917 assassinated the Czar, his family, and his ministers, and took over control of the Russian government. For the first time in history the royal bloodlines of England and other European nations, all of whom were related by marriage over the years, were physically threatened. In the past wars were fought, but win or lose, royalty was never deposed and slaughtered as a consequence of losing those wars. The ideology of the divine right of kings was perpetuated by the rulers and the church to legitimize their absolute sovereignty. Those royal bloodlines of England extended to our colonies, and our Senators were our own aristocracy, the equivalent of the British House of Lords. Regardless of who has been president, our own aristocracy of inherited wealth and power, has always maintained control of the country, and does to this day. That aristocracy created the wars, the coups and assassinations around the world, the colonial conquests, to maintain their wealth and power, as they have done throughout history. JFK stood up to that power elite, and RFK and MLK attempted to, and they were all eliminated. So to those who say the forum should stick to just the JFK assassination, I have to disagree, because the context is everything. The context is demonstrated by the self serving hypocricy of those in power, the institutions they have created, the police, the military, the congress, the federal "oversight" agencies, whose number one job is to preserve their own wealth and power. There's evidence of it everywhere, so to confine the forum to just one act committed 54 years ago, and ignore the context that continues to this day in all of our trusted institutions, is to put on a blindfold with just a single pinhole in it and blindly look for answers.A single example I posted on recently is our federal war on drugs, which although completely powerless from the standpoint of reducing drug use, nevertheless feeds the prison industrial complex, law enforcement and judicial system with millions of people to be arrested, tried and incarcerated, and put on parole, branded with the record of their inprisonment. I pointed out that against this backdrop, the war in Afghanistan preserves the source of 2/3 of the world's opium, while the Taliban has banned it. Afghanistan also produces the majority of the world's marijuana, in the form of hashish. But the people who support the war on drugs in the US, have for 14 years waged a war to preserve the world's number one drug producing regime in Afghanistan. Now those people are decrying the "opiod epidemic" in the US. In the meanwhile Switzerland and other European countries and Canada, offer their addicts free heroin administered by doctors in medical facilities. End result, less incarceration, less crime, less criminal drug enterprise, less addiction, and no overdoses for those who get their free heroin from the state. This is just a single example of how money and power in our country trumps (no pun intended) humanity and common sense. But the mindset is pervasive. It's not really our country. It's their country. We just work for them.I fully understand Bruce's frustration, and realize his frustration ought to have been magnified because he contributed thoughtful commentaries and questions for many years and his output was easily a thousand times more prolific than mine. Maybe the task is impossible. It seems we can light a candle for those who are open to seeing it, but millions of people and billions of dollars are against us.

Re: A New Beginning A Turning Of The Page A Closing Of A Cha

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 11:56 am
by Bob
Folks, I haven't been here very often as of late, because I have been focusing on a goal of mine that I have been trying to achieve for almost 30 years. That goal was reached a little over a week ago, I'm happy to say. That achievement will lead to bigger and better things in terms of my writing career.Okay, enough about that. I have been trying to catch up with things here and I have to agree with bobspez. Tommy and Slav are reading way way too much into what Bruce has posted. As Bob said, Bruce mentioned the 95%, not this forum. What do you see when you go to another JFK assassination forum for the most part? The 95% that Bruce was talking about. Not all the time, of course, because there are some very serious and good JFK assassination researchers in those other forums.In terms of this forum, it officially started in February of 2006, but before that, there were at least two other forums which were hacked and taken down before that. I was in each one of those as well. I first got here around 2002. I have over 5,700 posts in this forum, but I had hundreds more in the other two forums. I never knew what this forum would do for me. I got to know great people like Wim, Bruce, Ken, Phil, Joe and so many others like our current members. I never believed that I would become competent enough in my JFK assassination knowledge to be allowed on Black Op Radio three times and on Jim Fetzer's show twice. Plus, thanks to Bruce, I've been able to talk with Jimmy a number of times now.Again, let's take a deep breath and quit over-analyzing things here. I have grown a tough skin since I have become a writer. Sometimes you can see a harsh opinion from a reader, as they respond to an article I've written. But you know what? That's life. We aren't robots. Everyone is different. I might write something and one reader can see white, while another can see black. People read what they want to read at times. I think that is the case here with what Bruce posted. That's my humble opinion.

Re: A New Beginning A Turning Of The Page A Closing Of A Cha

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:21 pm
by Phil Dragoo
Bruce decries the preponderance of the JFK research community, not the membership of the extant forum.For him, the top-down approach not the tactical picture is worthy of research and discussion.In Kinzer we find the significant role of the Dulles brothers, raised by secretaries of state, the world their train set under the Christmas tree.Allen was heading the U.S. diplomatic mission in Bern when Germans sent Lenin to Petrograd to disrupt the Russian pressure on the Eastern front.The head of the Bank of England (1922-1944) Montagu Norman would guide and nurture the Reich from the petri dish of Versailles where John Foster and Allen Welch interned.The pair would operate in Germany for Sullivan and Cromwell. Mary Bancroft would be Allen's mistress and comrade, liaisoning with the Rommel plot--and would link to the Paines to place the patsy in the puzzle palace.Near death Allen would snort, "That little Kennedy--he thought he was a god."In truth it was Marx whose early poetry sought godship in destruction of life.The culture war proceeds apace, allied with the Islamists--witness the tsunami of jihadi hordes in Europe.Erdogan is a madman and Merkel is delighting in revolution as well--behold the Left-Islamic alliance.The Vietnam War was fought over Kennedy's dead body--it's clear from Newman's second edition JFK was not going to give the military its war.LBJ would lose it by incrementalism crippled by ROEs and micromanaging targeting--refused the November '65 request to mine Haiphong----failure to break the Ho Chi Minh Trail was the reason cited by Col. Bui Tin.CIA did not intend to get Castro--but used the op to cover its plot against the king.Drago termed the murder of idealism a dramatic construct--many mourned--while many gloated.All the offended catalogued by Marrs decided in the manner described by Prouty and washing the matter through a Red Plot and mob figures protected the Sword and Shield of the cabal.Angleton and Phillips created the legend of Oswald--the absolutely vital lightning rod for the half century of the government/media/academia fairies and harpies to hold up as the lone assassin.Meantime we are in Afghanistan guarding the smack, not eliminating it with flame throwers and defoliant.Hence the opiod hysteria and the prison epidemic as aspects of a war on drugs are parted, revealing the man behind the curtain.The McDill request for software to run multiple false identities fulfills Cass Sunstein's variation on Bernays and C.D. JacksonThe psywar to keep the proles busy with bread and circuses while muzzling them with political correctness and gatling gun charges of sexual harrassment are everywhere in bloomYet it is as Ralph Nader told George Noory tonight, with one percent laser focused on the 535 change can be madeWe shall not be paralyzed by a question of number and placement of shooters Rather we shall demand where lies the national security in the actions of a lone individual which require the delay and redaction of the documents revealing what our government has been doing to We the People

Re: A New Beginning A Turning Of The Page A Closing Of A Cha

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 1:17 pm
by Slav
Tommy great postBob spez great postBob congrats on your achievement We are all very passionate and maybe too passionate and maybe do read things wrong sometimes, sometimes people need a brake, time out, what I have been seeing is people seeking info and it’s not being given on this board which I believe and Tommy believes to be the master of all boards, Wim ask for info and the request is ignored like he is invisible, a better way is simply to explain a little like, well I could or can’t give you info at this time because of blah blah blah, you know all members here are really good, we lost Tommy for a bit and thank god he is back we lost a lot of people in all the years, Bruce of course is an outstanding member and is very emotional and Irish lol, we need to take a deep breath step back and work together so when we do attract new members and educate a new generation ,so they think we are the most credible board around.We can’t be fighting between ourself we should respect our needs and each other, now if a few people left this board would not be the same anymore, I believe somehow we are all meant to be here, look at Bob Fox same Birthday as JFK and so many other coincidence, And Tommy who has the George Demo market cornered from all his travels and a very excellent sincere member, Phil who post are always a academy award along with Bruce who means the best but sometimes his post are misread, Ken who has more gig in his head than his computer has, Tom Bigg and Bobspez who fits in perfect and a great new member and a great singer also and Dealy Joe who has been outstanding for many years, do we really want to lose anyone ? I agreed sometimes things are misread and the meanings are not what they are meant to be, we need to attract new people to make the group biggerI’m just wondering why the Facebook people don’t come here to post ? I’m not good on Facebook and don’t understand how to use it.Let’s forgive and forget, remember sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.We all have the same goals the same purpose for being here.I think that James Files answering questions is amazing and I guess I wished he was doing it here as well.Wim has spent so many years and so much money putting this board together to make it possible for everyone to be here, if this board wasn’t here I don’t see a second board that comes close to this one .Everyone here means well and somehow that meaning is being lost and confused.

Re: A New Beginning A Turning Of The Page A Closing Of A Cha

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 2:09 pm
by Tommy Wilkens
bobspez thank you for your reply to my post.I read your reply and you are a dedicated Forum member and all of us here appreciate that from you.The contributions from this long time early Forum member have been many many I completely agree.When personal frustrations have grown to the point were you openly disrespect belittle and print derogatory remarks against others I think many will agree its time for a change when things have gotten to the point that your openly making statements like what we all read.I believe most will agree this was completely over the line and unacceptable .That post no matter who it was directed at was wrong .You can bend it shape it turn it around flip it make excuses for why it was made and try to justify what was said as in some strange way it was OK to say. But the bottom line is it was wrong and is wrong.You can try to justify this whole thing by saying "your just reading to much into this".Well that idea can be sung till the cows come home but wrong is wrong no matter who does it. It does not matter if his words were not meant or directed towards our Forum members here.They were hurtful and disrespectful words towards who ever he was directing the derogatory remarks towards.Not everyone is as seasoned and well read as many here on our Forum.But in there own small way they feel they have tried they have at least made an effort no matter how uneducated or strange.My hope is that we can move forward here on our Forum were we all contribute as much as each of us feels we can.And what ever is contributed it is appreciated and helpful.I thank each of you and look forward to contributing to our Forum in the future.

Re: A New Beginning A Turning Of The Page A Closing Of A Cha

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 2:19 pm
by Tommy Wilkens
Slav your post was outstanding .I really think you hit it just right.This is a very special Forum and each of us here have played a big part in that .I know speaking for myself I am very proud to be a contributing member here.And I look forward to and want to continue being a member here.Thank you Slav for your friendship and your contributions here!!

Re: A New Beginning A Turning Of The Page A Closing Of A Cha

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 2:39 pm
by Bob Jonas
bobspez wrote:...I honestly believe that the derogatory remarks were aimed at what he called "95% of the JFK research community" not the members of this forum. I believe this is likely the case, but that said, I'm not sure why Bruce would then go on to say that he's not going to be spending much time on here any longer if that were the case. Sounded to me like we were somehow agitating him by focusing on the actual assassination rather than the myriad of other topics he brought to the table that may have been related at the extreme upper level of the atmosphere. While that ties it all together, it is still extremely important for the minutiae details to be fleshed out and examined to add validity to the larger picture components. Otherwise, you simply have grand scale accusations without the backing of the small detail facts. I think we all come at the assassination from different angles and that is what makes this forum so informative. I am a small detail guy who relies on Bruce and others here to clue me in on the big picture just as I hope us tiny detail folks help the big picture people. Just my Bobservation. Let iron sharpen iron.

Re: A New Beginning A Turning Of The Page A Closing Of A Cha

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 3:12 pm
by kenmurray
Bruce is right in referring to 95% of the JFK Research community. And that 95% is from BOTH the Lone Nut and the CT side.Von Pein, Max Holland, Posner, Hugh Aynesworth, John McAdams still promoting the WC version of events.CT side:The Jackie did it theory.The Driver did it theory.The Mortal Error did it theory.The Oswald meant to kill Connally theory. (Which surfaced in 1988 25th anniversary of the Assassination.) .And it made the Cover of Time Magazine!

Re: A New Beginning A Turning Of The Page A Closing Of A Cha

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2018 6:35 pm
by Slav
and sorry I forgot Bob Jonas a person who is like a sponge reading and getting up to speed and contributing who needs info from all directions top bottom side, all the other post here bob are still related to jfk the will of the people who took him out, we need everyone to understand the full picture and how most thing are related and an outcome of that day.