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The magic bullshit theory

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 11:04 am
by dankbaar

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 4:58 pm
by Bob
Yep, it is definitely a magic BULLSHIT theory. When was this filmed Wim? Do you have an english text for this? How receptive was Gary Mack to appear in this film? It probably was mentioned in the film, but if I am not mistaken, more bullet fragments were taken out of Connally's wrist than is missing from the so called "magic" or pristine bullet. Plus we still have Gerald Ford moving the entrance wound up several inches as well. Bullshit indeed.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 8:56 am
by dankbaar
This was filmed february 2006, a year ago.

Gary Mack knew that it was for a special report in Holland. He was in fact rather cooperative, but he was not told that the program centered around James Files. We didn't think it was smart to tell him up front.


Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:16 pm
by dankbaar
Here's another convincing argument from Gary Mack:


A Confused Gary

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:16 pm
by Jim Thompson
dankbaar wrote:Here's another convincing argument from Gary Mack:

The Dal-Tex field of fire was Elm St. & could not have included Houston St.

Since LHO did not shoot down Houston St., the logical best chance for a hit from the 6th floor TSBD nest, then he was forced to shoot down Elm St. because he was NOT in the TSBD. Thus, logically construed, if Oswald was the lone shooter, he was shooting from the Dal-Tex building with the best chance.

Therefore, Mack would contend that the coke swilling Oswald in the TSBD lunch room must needs be a doppelgänger. That's why after 40 years no one knows why Oswald did it. Somebody's got a screw loose somewhere. But what can Gary do? Move the museum over to the Dal-Tex second floor?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:38 pm
by dankbaar
Take it from me that Gary is not "confused", he's just trying to do the best he can.

Just received this email:

Hello,I watched the dutch video on the magic bullet theroy i got what i could out of it..I'm not saying that I belive in the magic bullet theroy which I don't but in the video there is 1 incorrect peice of evidence the locations on which Gov. Connolly is not seated directly in front of Kennedy, He was slighty of to the left and down..He was on a jump seat.I was going to send several pictures but i was unable to attach them but u should be able to find some RickyP.S: This is a really dumb question but do you know of any other 15 year old kids who arae interested in the assassination??

My answer:

Yes , lost of youngsters (schoolkids) are interested in the case. I knowyour argument is what the Warren apologists try to brainwash you with, butit is really bullshit. See picture attached. Draw a line through the necks of the three men, you'll see it's exactly parallel to the side of the car. Wim

Job Security

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 4:48 pm
by Jim Thompson
dankbaar wrote:Take it from me that Gary is not "confused", he's just trying to do the best he can.

Good point. It's hard to imagine Gary pointing to the museum's "Oswald's sniper nest" & saying to an innocent 15 year old museum visitor: "And this is pure bullshit." Gary might lose his job. By the way, what exactly is Gary's job there? Janitor? Stall sweeper?

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:15 pm
by Bob
As I mention in another post, Gary is the poster child for changing his opinion about the JFK assassination. If you saw him in the original TMWKK in 1988, his opinion about this case was 180 degrees different than it is now. Why? Only Gary can answer that. We can only speculate. I'm sure his business venture with the TSBD museum has something to do with his current opinion. Speaking of the Texas School Book Depository, maybe Gary can respond to these coincidences. On 11/22/1963, the TSBD was owned by D.H. Byrd. Byrd was good friends with LBJ and also founded the LCAP. Who was in the LCAP again? Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, Charles Rogers, James R. Bath, Barry Seal and John Ligget to name a few. We know about Oswald and Ferrie. Rogers was one of the three tramps according to Chauncey Holt. Bath was George W. Bu$h's buddy in the Texas Air National Guard who also refused to take a medical exam. Bath was also the money man for the bin Laden family in Texas. Bath invested some bin Laden money in Bu$h's failed oil company called Arbusto. Seal was the greatest drug runner in U.S. history who was murdered with Poppy Bu$h's telephone number in the trunk of his car. Ligget was a mortician that specialized in head and facial reconstruction, and it is speculated that he was used to alter JFK's head wound. The LCAP has two very clear connections to the Bu$h family. Add that to what we already know about Bu$h from this website...

I'm sure Gary thinks these are just coincidences.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:29 pm
by Ricky Clow
Oh I am the 15 year old and I couldn't care if he told me it's bullshit cause its true !!

Bob Query

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:31 pm
by Jim Thompson
Bob wrote: Byrd was good friends with LBJ and also founded the LCAP. Who was in the LCAP again? Lee Harvey Oswald, David Ferrie, Charles Rogers, James R. Bath, Barry Seal and John Ligget to name a few. We know about Oswald and Ferrie.

Charles Rogers, James R. Bath, Barry Seal and John Ligget - all in LCAP. Wonder about the unit (units?) of LCAP that they were in & the times of their stints in LCAP. What are the sources for this info?