JFK Assassination
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by bobwc »

I was born in 1946. All my life I was brainwashed about how evil certain foreign governments were. Coming of age for me was to discover how dirty and crooked our own government was.
I just finished watching the movie "The US vs. John Lennon" It is sickening the levels to which the US will go to control what they presume and call a threat. When in reality, it is just someone speaking out for real freedom and trying to prevent 1 more life being wasted in America's cpnquest of the world.

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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Bob »

John Lennon was one of the greatest humans to ever pass in earth's history. Not only was he a talented musician, but he was an advocate for peace when war was the only option. According to LBJ and Nixon. The Beatles music STILL towers over any attempt to repeat their greatness. They were the elixer that took away the pain of of the JFK assassination when they landed in America in February, 1964. John Lennon was assassinated for his views and opinions. Just like JFK. Just like RFK. Just like MLK. He was an enemy of the state. The state of fascism. God bless John.