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Russ Baker's Take on the Passing of Poppy Bush

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 5:07 pm
by Bob
A couple of takes by Russ Baker on the passing of Poppy Bush: ... ver-truth/

Re: Russ Baker's Take on the Passing of Poppy Bush

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 5:02 am
by Slav videoI wonder why Russ hasn’t been taken out, I’m really surprised. He exposed so much.

Re: Russ Baker's Take on the Passing of Poppy Bush

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 12:17 am
by Michael Calder
This youtube interview of Russ is perfect. Salient and the truth. "A curious democracy. Obama hemmed in, presidents may not do what they want to do, Bush dynasty works for other people, The Oligarchy," great. Russ makes the reality clear which isn't easy. I had drinks with Russ a few years ago at a restaurant in Santa Monica. He had read my book and heard through the grapevine I was researching the RFK assassination and was curious what I was concluding. Easy going but sharp as a tack. And brave. Can't do what he does and not be brave.

Re: Russ Baker's Take on the Passing of Poppy Bush

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2018 2:51 pm
by kenmurray
Michael Calder wrote:This youtube interview of Russ is perfect. Salient and the truth. "A curious democracy. Obama hemmed in, presidents may not do what they want to do, Bush dynasty works for other people, The Oligarchy," great. Russ makes the reality clear which isn't easy. I had drinks with Russ a few years ago at a restaurant in Santa Monica. He had read my book and heard through the grapevine I was researching the RFK assassination and was curious what I was concluding. Easy going but sharp as a tack. And brave. Can't do what he does and not be brave.Good to hear from you Micheal.

Re: Russ Baker's Take on the Passing of Poppy Bush

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 1:07 pm
by Dan Allen
Michael Calder wrote:This youtube interview of Russ is perfect. Salient and the truth. "A curious democracy. Obama hemmed in, presidents may not do what they want to do, Bush dynasty works for other people, The Oligarchy," great. Russ makes the reality clear which isn't easy. I had drinks with Russ a few years ago at a restaurant in Santa Monica. He had read my book and heard through the grapevine I was researching the RFK assassination and was curious what I was concluding. Easy going but sharp as a tack. And brave. Can't do what he does and not be brave.Micheal This is a innocent question, I thought books sold on Amazon would all be available on Kindle. I gather it doesn't work like that. In other words, why isn't your book in Kindle?