Is there anything that we can do?

JFK Assassination
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Is there anything that we can do?

Post by Ricky Clow »

This is just an idea that I have and it's probly just one thing that a JFK assassination reachearcher like us think about at one time or another...there has to be something that we can do to get the goverment to admit to what they did and release every file that there is on the would take somethinking but there would have to be simple ways that we can get this done.....I think we have to nagg the goverment and just keep it up to bad there wasn't another Jack Kennedy out there that could run when that bastard bush gets out of the oval office....We need to solve this and do it sometime because if we don't there will be noway that we'll ever get everything......One crazy idea would be getting a patition signed by as many people in the country as possible i know I would do what I could P.E.I Canada for may be crazy but still there has to be somehting that we can do...i'm sure you guys and gals have some ideas too....
Jorgen Sjolen
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Re: Is there anything that we can do?

Post by Jorgen Sjolen »

Ricky Clow wrote:This is just an idea that I have and it's probly just one thing that a JFK assassination reachearcher like us think about at one time or another...there has to be something that we can do to get the goverment to admit to what they did and release every file that there is on the would take somethinking but there would have to be simple ways that we can get this done.....I think we have to nagg the goverment and just keep it up to bad there wasn't another Jack Kennedy out there that could run when that bastard bush gets out of the oval office....We need to solve this and do it sometime because if we don't there will be noway that we'll ever get everything......One crazy idea would be getting a patition signed by as many people in the country as possible i know I would do what I could P.E.I Canada for may be crazy but still there has to be somehting that we can do...i'm sure you guys and gals have some ideas too....

I don´t think they will release the documents and if they does , what says it is the real documents and that they are not changed/forged/remade?

As Jack Ruby said "The persons behind has so much to loose, and will not let the thruth get out"
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Ricky Clow »

Yes I know they probly burnt 90% of them and forged new ones....
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Post by M.C.Newton »

Well Ricky,

As a teenager (assuming you are a fifteen year old, and that you are Ricky Clow, and not some 58 year old man who's "loosely associated" with the CIA) I would say that something that you can do however small it may seem, is to keep your interest up in things concerning "deep politics" and (while being discerning) be confident enough to speak about questions you have and facts you know.

It's only logical that with each passing generation the interest, in the JFK case for instance, will decline. It will always be there but the real interest will fall and those with first hand knowledge will slip away, and maybe the generation after yours it will become really not even a blip on their radar screens. Not to say that isn't how it is now, but the effect will become more wide spread.

This is starting to feel like the birds and the bees so I can't really do it anymore.

Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Ricky Clow »

Yes I know what you mean..and I'm not in the CIA lol I wish lol