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Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2019 5:56 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
08.01.2019Thursday12:56 p.m.,Chicago, Illinois time:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Controlled and Owned Main Stream Media, Drug Controlled Hypnosis, Electric Shock Treatments, Hypnosis, Lobotomies, LSD, Manchurian Candidates, Mass Hypnosis, Mind Control, Sodium Pentothol, Subliminal Mind Control, Torture both Mental and Physical, etc., (Feel Free To Add Your Own.):Given the Totality of the Histories of Corrupted Corporate Involvements, Governments, Intelligence Communities, the Military Industrial Corporations, etc.,:WHERE DO YOU SEE THE ANALYSIS, CONTROL, DOCUMENTATION, READINGS, RESEARCH, STUDIES, WRITINGS, etc., OF THE HUMAN THOUGHT PROCESSES HEADED ?WHERE DOES THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FIGURE INTO ALL OF THIS ??DO YOU TRUST ANY OF THIS ???As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.MARK ZUCKERBERG WANTS TO READ YOUR HUMAN BRAIN:Facebook is bankrolling research into technology intended to read peoples’ thoughts.BY ERIC LUTZJULY 31, 2019Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg testified before a combined Senate Judiciary and Commerce committee hearing in the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill on April 10, 2018 in Washington, DC.BY THE ASAHI SHIMBUN VIA GETTY IMAGES.Fresh off a maneuver to seize control of the global financial system, Facebook on Wednesday announced that it has been bankrolling research into developing technology intended to read peoples’ thoughts. The research, outlined by University of California San Francisco scientists in a paper, involved affixing electrodes to the brains of human volunteers, asking them questions, and attempting to determine what they are about to say by analyzing their brain activity.Facebook and the researchers suggested the technology could be useful for “patients who cannot communicate,” but the tech giant also described ways the brain-computer interface could be used by consumers. “Imagine a world where all the knowledge, fun, and utility of today’s smartphones were instantly accessible and completely hands-free,” the company wrote in a blog post. “Where you could spend quality time with the people who matter most in your life, whenever you want, no matter where in the world you happen to be. And where you could connect with others in a meaningful way, regardless of external distractions, geographic constraints, and even physical disabilities and limitations...That’s the future we believe in.”Whether you view that future as thrilling or terrifying depends on how much you trust Mark Zuckerberg, who has faced a deluge of criticism for his company’s handling of user privacy—including, recently, from Chris Hughes, his former roommate and collaborator who has publicly accused the Facebook co-founder of pursuing “domination” without thought to the consequences. “He’s human,” Hughes wrote of Zuckerberg in a bombshell New York Times op-ed last March calling for regulators to break up Facebook. “But it’s his very humanity that makes his unchecked power so problematic.” Reports have since emerged that Hughes is meeting with regulators in Washington to prod them into taking action against the company he helped create.While it’s kind of hilarious that Zuckerberg, who’s apparently oblivious to optics, is pursuing even more power, the notion of Facebook getting its hands on brain-machine interface technology raises serious privacy concerns. “To me, the brain is the one safe place for freedom of thought, of fantasies, and for dissent,” Nita Farahany, a neuro-ethics expert at Duke University, told the MIT Technology Review. “We’re getting close to crossing the final frontier of privacy in the absence of any protections whatsoever.”Other private companies have gotten involved in brain-machine interface research—including Elon Musk’s Neuralink, which unveiled a “neural lace” earlier this month that the entrepreneur said could let humans “achieve a kind of symbiosis with artificial intelligence”—Facebook’s A.I. aspirations feel especially ominous given its history of playing fast and loose with user data. On the one hand, it seems likely that such efforts will prompt skeptics to keep an even closer eye on Zuckerberg’s ambitions. On the other, it’s unclear whether the potential for exploitation will resonate with the average social media user. We’ve already given Facebook access to our personal lives and invited Amazon into our homes. Why not our heads, too?


Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:09 pm
by kenmurray