"Executive Action" book/film - was Philips' remors

JFK Assassination
David Octopus
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"Executive Action" book/film - was Philips' remors

Post by David Octopus »

Recently, went through Donald Freed & Mark Lane's book Executive Action (accidently found original edition, yup), what a blast if you consider this was written before all these Senate and House investigations!

Now, what struck me is the part where the D.A. Philips character feels threatened and perhaps a bit of remorse and tried in october 1963 to contact his old pal a West German secret service agent and gave him his "package" with audio cassette about his role in the assass. Now, the authors claim they did consult some foreign agents on the whole book, not necessarily on this vey point..

Was this largely a fiction or are there any clues that Philips was fed up with the agency dirt and the plot. Because as documented by the correspondation with the Philips family he hated JFK till his last day. I know that doesn't mean he couldn't be genuinly fed up or feel some kind of remorse with the plot..
In this very regard I'd like to ask Wim or other moderators of this site to update that page by providing a link or direct citation to the piece at the cuban exile JFK site. Where the HSCA researcher Gaeton Fonzi describes the visit he paid to Philips' brother where he and his doughter identified the Bishop picture as almost certainly to be a match (their brother/uncle)!

Also if you go to the cuban archives and the now declassified "executive session" from Gaeton Fonzi or in fact Lopez HSCA report, it's apparent they had Philips to testify before HSCA that he was very afraid at that time. Perhaps a bit more of presure applied and he could spill the beans a bit more..

The reason I'm asking is the probability that some similar cassette or diary could be found now after all those years from US or foreign agent. There is always a slight chance, just look what amount of evidence the archeologists are still digging up from various historical events recent or very distant in time. Obviously the Onasis and Kennedy family has some materials but these are the last to publish them..

Perhaps I should ask Mark about this point directly he recently done several fantastic interviews at the Black Op radio about JFK/RFK..
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Response To David Octopus:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. David Octopus,

I previously posted something about Executive Action, the movie, with Robert Ryan, Burt Lancaster, and Will Geer. The script for this movie was penned in the mid 1960's. It was filmed later in the 1960's, and released in the very late 1960's, or very early 1970's.

This script and movie were done in "The Artificial Construct Method," but had uncanny insight into JFK'S Assassination as early as 1964. And in my opinion Oliver Stone's movie JFK is based upon this movie. Others have stated that Stone plagarized Executive Action to a degree.

My contacts said that "...somebody directly involved with the actual planning and execution of the plans to assassinate JFK had input into Executive Action," the movie.

David, is this the movie that you are referring to, and if so, how or why do you see a connection between Executive Action and David Atlee Phillips ?

David, you may actually be totally correct. I am not attacking you, please understand that.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
David Octopus
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Post by David Octopus »


Dear Bruce,
In all respect I thought that this was a common knowledge that the major characters from the book/film are based on the real world characters? I'd rather call it recreation of the actual events with some small doze of fiction where they didn't have enough proof..

For instance, Philips can be identified very easily by his described looks, his background (school, early career and interests), the same applies for Clint Murchison, Dulles, de Mohrenshildt, David Ferrie..

If you are interested I can run you down the list of names and connect it with the characters from the book.. But it's not necessary they have either partly the very same names or very similarly sounding names, besides their careers and geographical placement is also accurate.. Perhaps you have only seen the movie not the book, not sure whether they had to change some names for the movie though. This could be verified from some film database etc..

Executive Action by Donald Freed & Mark Lane (March 1974) $3.00
Literary inspiration for the film staring Will Geer, Burt Lancaster and Robert Ryan.
Dell publishing #2348 [Seventh Printing] Very Fine


Freed, Donald and Mark Lane, Executive Action, Assassination of a Head of State,
Dell Publishing Co., Inc., 1974, paperback, 250 pages

Interesting photo and transcript of article from 1973 about the background of the movie: http://images.google.cz/imgres?imgurl=h ... s%26sa%3DG

Ooops, accidentaly FOUND ANOTHER TREASURE, Sprague's book about the assass. "THE TAKING OF AMERICA" by Richard E. Sprague

If he could continue to be the chief counsel of the HSCA panel the history would be different, that's for sure. Perhaps the bush nazi junta marginalized to some degree..

!Sorry ERROR! this is another Sprague, the resigned chief counsel was R.A. Sprague (subst. by Blakey) this guy was only photo expert for Garrison and later for the HSCA, but the book is good..
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Response To David Octopus:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. David Octopus,

Thank You sincerely for your response. I was unaware of the book, Executive Action. Although I do own the Video for a very long time, and have watched it so many times that I need another copy. Hopefully by now it is on DVD.

I will get the book, now also, thanks to your very helpful information.

If, and when you have time, I would really appreciate it if you would complete the task of running down the names, as you referenced in your last post under this thread. This is very critical to me, as I wish to review this with Jimmy Files at one of our weekly lunch meetings.

David, no disrespect was taken. But I was surprised to find out how many JFK Assassination buffs never heard of, or saw the movie Executive Action. And surprisingly enough, I admit that I never heard of, or saw the book until you referenced it on the JFK Forum. As I recall, when I posted the movie Executive Action on the JFK Forum almost nobody had heard of it.

David, Thank You sincerely for information that is very helpful to me with my research and writing.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
David Octopus
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Post by David Octopus »

Dear Bruce,

As I have very rare european language edition of this book from 1974 pls. try to locate the English original and READ it, so we can avoid possible translation generated mistakes. For instance, im my opinion they describe de Mohrenshildt under the name/code in various agencies as "chinese" but the description incl. his past career are crystal clear. Dulles, Philips and Murchison are even more openly identified by their looks, dwelings, interests etc..

I'd propose lets firstly contact directly Mark Lane to confirm it before you will work on it with Jimmy. This book has not been perhaps as wildly circulated as other assass. literature, so there is high likelyhood Jimmy has never seen it.

It seems to me that it's largely based on the "Garrison school" of the case, but apart from some fictional scenes like Ferrie piloting a helicopter instead of plane (or possible?) etc. there might be some subtle details to work on.

Specifically, I'd bet that the part of the story where Ferrie takes a helicopter with an oil-cia asset engineer with blueprints of the D. Plaza to triangulated a dry run in the desert with the shooters is based on some real character. Perhaps Files could have worked with him on another mission or some completly different but reality based aspect might trigger recolection of about new facts..
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: "Executive Action" book/film - was Philips' remors

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

10.27.2009:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:David Octopus came up with some surprising information. This headline and discussion deserves some review and analysis from current members.As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts,or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFKResearchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: "Executive Action" book/film - was Philips' remors

Post by Bob »

Bruce...yes that is very interesting. I wonder what happened to Mr. Octopus? I always enjoyed his takes and the information he provided. Executive Action was a great film. I did not know about the book until David posted this. I'm glad you re-posted this, as this was originally posted shortly before my accident, and I was out of sorts for awhile after that. I have really tried to focus on David Phillips more often, especially after the photo of what I believe was him at Lee Harvey Oswald's midnight press conference. Many people in the JFK assassination research community concur with me or at least think the resemblance is uncanny. Phillips was a key player in the JFK assassination obviously. Phillips and Edward Lansdale were probably the biggest forces behind the assassination as a matter of fact. Plus, we also have the Maurice Bishop angle...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3i7OidcsB3sDid you notice that the infamous Bill O'Reilly did some of that report before he sold his soul to Fox News?Here is the trailor from the movie Executive Action...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SPcJ7-GMsUYou can see the entire movie on You Tube, here it is...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VAOVhwL ... elatedHere is the trailor from another JFK assassiantion-type movie from that same era called Winter Kills...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nKcniFK4eo
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Re: "Executive Action" book/film - was Philips' remors

Post by SeamusCoogan »

David Octopus wrote:Recently, went through Donald Freed & Mark Lane's book Executive Action (accidently found original edition, yup), what a blast if you consider this was written before all these Senate and House investigations!Now, what struck me is the part where the D.A. Philips character feels threatened and perhaps a bit of remorse and tried in october 1963 to contact his old pal a West German secret service agent and gave him his "package" with audio cassette about his role in the assass. Now, the authors claim they did consult some foreign agents on the whole book, not necessarily on this vey point..Was this largely a fiction or are there any clues that Philips was fed up with the agency dirt and the plot. Because as documented by the correspondation with the Philips family he hated JFK till his last day. I know that doesn't mean he couldn't be genuinly fed up or feel some kind of remorse with the plot..http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/phillips.htmIn this very regard I'd like to ask Wim or other moderators of this site to update that page by providing a link or direct citation to the piece at the cuban exile JFK site. Where the HSCA researcher Gaeton Fonzi describes the visit he paid to Philips' brother where he and his doughter identified the Bishop picture as almost certainly to be a match (their brother/uncle)! Also if you go to the cuban archives and the now declassified "executive session" from Gaeton Fonzi or in fact Lopez HSCA report, it's apparent they had Philips to testify before HSCA that he was very afraid at that time. Perhaps a bit more of presure applied and he could spill the beans a bit more..The reason I'm asking is the probability that some similar cassette or diary could be found now after all those years from US or foreign agent. There is always a slight chance, just look what amount of evidence the archeologists are still digging up from various historical events recent or very distant in time. Obviously the Onasis and Kennedy family has some materials but these are the last to publish them..Perhaps I should ask Mark about this point directly he recently done several fantastic interviews at the Black Op radio about JFK/RFK..http://www.blackopradio.com/inc_archives2006.htmlYeah thats a great score getting the book. Thanks to Bob I watched executive action and it bought back memories of watching years back. If I can recall Lane and Freed disowned the film in its finished version. I think Phillips was a skilled scenario man he also confessed to Lane that the assassination could have been done by some 'Rogue intelligence' people, now there is also the story of his brother asking him if he was in Dallas the day of the assassination on his death bed and Phillips said yes. His nephew retold the story and whats believable about all of this is the lack drama, the Nephew never said his dad said anything to him, but he recalls his father just hung up the phone and apparently never spoke to him again. Now I think thats in the Assassinations and in Fonzi's book. I can't recall which.
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Re: "Executive Action" book/film - was Philips' remors

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Bob wrote:Bruce...yes that is very interesting. I wonder what happened to Mr. Octopus? I always enjoyed his takes and the information he provided. Executive Action was a great film. I did not know about the book until David posted this. I'm glad you re-posted this, as this was originally posted shortly before my accident, and I was out of sorts for awhile after that. I have really tried to focus on David Phillips more often, especially after the photo of what I believe was him at Lee Harvey Oswald's midnight press conference. Many people in the JFK assassination research community concur with me or at least think the resemblance is uncanny. Phillips was a key player in the JFK assassination obviously. Phillips and Edward Lansdale were probably the biggest forces behind the assassination as a matter of fact. Plus, we also have the Maurice Bishop angle...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3i7OidcsB3sDid you notice that the infamous Bill O'Reilly did some of that report before he sold his soul to Fox News?Here is the trailor from the movie Executive Action...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SPcJ7-GMsUYou can see the entire movie on You Tube, here it is...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VAOVhwL ... elatedHere is the trailor from another JFK assassiantion-type movie from that same era called Winter Kills...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nKcniFK4eoThanks for the links to this classic Bob. I saw it years back by fluke some old video store had it in NZ, but that was years ago so I was well stoked to see this baby again. Cheers.
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Re: "Executive Action" book/film - was Philips' remors

Post by scottjfkmad »

It was actually me who started a thread about Executive Action a few months back. Having seen the film about 12 times in 5 months, I must say that it was ahead of its time in terms of laying down the foundations for what, today, most accept as a plausible answer as to the ending of JFK life.On the DVD extras, Burt Lancaster is interviewed, and he said when he was presented with the idea of the movie, purely on face value, he didn’t want to do it, he thought it to radical, stirring up too many bad memories for everyone, but once he and his agent sat down and actually read the script, and were presented with evidence showing the possible conspiracy, Burt agreed to do the film, and actually endorsed the full conspiracy theory, and this was 1973….