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Landmark speech by Joan Mellen

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 9:05 am
by dankbaar

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 2:06 pm
by David Octopus
Wim, thank you very much, I'll keep visiting her site more often. I'm huge fan of her work. I'd also recommed interview with Joan by Len from BlackOp radio, very good as well!

Scroll down to show #264 - there are 3 audio segments running almost 3hours in total

Landmark speech by John Mellen

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 10:32 pm
by John Zeroski
For another take on Joan Mellen's book, by a researcher I think is first rate, try

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 11:53 pm
by David Octopus
John> Thanks for the link, missed this review somehow.
But well, we already knew that Mellen is not in the same league of Fonzi, Lopez, Peter Dale Scott, Lane etc. The editors clearly didn't help to iron out those enumerated errors either. What I see as positive factor is that she is lecturing book/touring about the basic points of the Garrison legacy which is very well articulated in her presentation and frankly quite necessary to share with the public nowadays.

Now, if she doesn't like Bobby that's her problem not ours. DiEugenio is right that RFK's agenda was more complex, but we can't deny that RFK was more hawkish in certain aspects than JFK in the begining, read the cuban missile crises files.. He changed and grew up substantially till the bitter end at Ambassador. And clearly at that moment he was almost "commie" in comparison to the Nixonian-defense establishment junta..

Btw. that remark that Mellen once married Ralph Schoenmann made me fell of the couch haha What I know is that Ralph (as Bertrand Russell's secretary) was once under local KGB affiliates surveillance while teaming up with some central european hard core left during the 60-70s, so although he might appear to look like as an agent and/or simple propagandist he is more likely a sincere albeit weird fellow.. Or super triple agent working for moscow/peking who knows ..

Re: Landmark speech by Joan Mellen

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:13 am
by Pennyworth
dankbaar wrote:Stunningly good :

Look at these connections....

Letters to the Editor: Rockefeller/Halliburton connection
By webmaster - Date: 2005-12-07 21:15:15

The Rockefeller Connection to Halliburton
I loved your article “Covered in Oil.â€

Re: Landmark speech by Joan Mellen

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 3:42 am
by myra
dankbaar wrote:Stunningly good :

Wim, I can't thank you enough for pointing out this latest Mellon speech. You're right; it's stunningly good. I had thought I had command of the basic facts by now. Turns out I didn't. She added a lot.

I also appreciate, as someone else said in this thread, that she presents her research as a continuation of Jim Garrison's. He's a big time hero. The real deal.

And, also responding to another post, I don't get the impression she dislikes RFK. She's being very factual, not personal. It's reasonable to look into why RFK blocked the investigation. Sounds like they framed him every step of the way. Hey, the CIA may be a bunch of murderers and liars, but they're good at what they do...

It's also reasonable, IMO, to judge RFK by a different standard than I'd judge--for example--an obstructer like Gerald Ford. I do use a different standard for RFK, since he was a victim of the CIA from at least '68 to the time they murdered him. I won't second guess the good guys in this case.

Back to Mellen's speech. It's a must read. I'm watchin' her website. Thanks Wim.