JFK Reloaded

JFK Assassination
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
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JFK Reloaded

Post by Ricky Clow »

When I first got interested in the JFK Assassination I herd about a game called "JFK Reloaded" one night I was so bored I was on the internet for 5 hours trying to find someplace where I could download this just so I could see what it was like. finally I found out that it was cancelled but I found where I could download it and I did, I find the game to be interesting but very poor taste...Alot of people that I herd of that downloaded the game got it for fun but me I play it for a purpose. The people that made the game made it to prove that Oswald could have done this...The perfect score is 1000, when the game was first released that there was a 10,000$ reward for 1st place, the person who won the contest only got a score of 700 and something I find that the creaters of the game just gave us more evedence that it proves that Lee Harvey Oswald did not Shoot President Kennedy. I would like any other thoughts on the game....
Ricky Clow
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Sorry, Ricky, havent seen it. If you could give a link to download it, I would be more than happy to evaluate it and give you a reply. I would think much research ends up that way. You try to prove one thing and you end up disproving it. The reverse also applys. Funny world.
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
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jfk realoded

Post by Ricky Clow »

ok what you do is go www.the-underdogs.info then scroll down and on the left hand side in the search put in jfk reloaded and at the bottom it will say where to get it then click get here then follow the instructions.
Ricky Clow
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

I will, but if it requires too much info, its a no go.
Billy Boggs
Posts: 194
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Okay, found it, dloaded it, and played it, if that is what you call playing.

First, its very simple. You are only posed with the rifle scope and time line. After running it about 50 times my best score was 535. i have had 10 years experiance with simulations of scopes and real life. The sim seems to increase bullet drop from the real world. To drop over a foot is probably unrealistic at the range it proports. We are only looking at around or less than 100 yards but the sim drops the bullet as if it were 200.

One shot, one kill is not out of the question. I was able to do this a majority of the time but the sim requires the full senario for points.

I did find it interesting that after firing all the police around the car headed up the grassy knowl, as in the real event.

As a sim, you get bored rather quickly. So I "Practiced" my rifle skills on a target that would have changed history, for the better Any guesses?
Ricky Clow
Posts: 223
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JFK Reloaded

Post by Ricky Clow »

humm i'm either guessing LBJ or George Bush??
and i'm glad you thought the game was interesting.
Rob Waters
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Re: JFK Reloaded

Post by Rob Waters »

Ricky Clow wrote:When I first got interested in the JFK Assassination I herd about a game called "JFK Reloaded" one night I was so bored I was on the internet for 5 hours trying to find someplace where I could download this just so I could see what it was like. finally I found out that it was cancelled but I found where I could download it and I did, I find the game to be interesting but very poor taste...Alot of people that I herd of that downloaded the game got it for fun but me I play it for a purpose. The people that made the game made it to prove that Oswald could have done this...The perfect score is 1000, when the game was first released that there was a 10,000$ reward for 1st place, the person who won the contest only got a score of 700 and something I find that the creaters of the game just gave us more evedence that it proves that Lee Harvey Oswald did not Shoot President Kennedy. I would like any other thoughts on the game.... Ricky Clow

i have had the game for awhile now but it stopped working. unable to connect to the server. any ideas why?
Jorgen Sjolen
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Re: JFK Reloaded

Post by Jorgen Sjolen »

Ricky Clow wrote:humm i'm either guessing LBJ or George Bush?? and i'm glad you thought the game was interesting.

Is anyone of them in the game?
I don´t rember them beeing there atleast (long time since i played it)
Billy Boggs
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Re: JFK Reloaded

Post by Billy Boggs »

Jörgen Sjölén wrote:Ricky Clow wrote:humm i'm either guessing LBJ or George Bush?? and i'm glad you thought the game was interesting.Is anyone of them in the game?I don´t rember them beeing there atleast (long time since i played it)

Check the third car back, back seat, passenger side
Rob Waters
Posts: 126
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Rob Waters »

Here is the link to the free download. enjoy.

http://www.cool.com.au/computers-techno ... 060414256/