Files Had Facts about JFK Assassination

JFK Assassination
Steffi Chase
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Files Had Facts about JFK Assassination

Post by Steffi Chase »

Mark Johansson made the following comment on the headshot clips thread:

James Files knows hardly anything about the Kennedy assassination except for his and Nicoletti’s/Roselli’s participation. Warden Gomez said explicitly that James Files didn’t read or studied any books related to the assassination during his time as a warden.

This is patently untrue. In a letter dated July 30, 1992 to Joe West, Files stated the following, and I quote:

In regards to your letter of 24 July, I sincerely wish that I could be of some help to you. But that is not possible. Please forgive me for not calling, but at the present time we are in total lock-down status. One shower, one phone call per week. I use that call, to call home, sorry.

I realize investigations cost money, and my knowledge of your investigation is not worth the cost of your coming to see me.

The two items that I know, outside of the movies and the books are, #1. David Phillips perjured himself while giving his testimony during the, "House of Assassinations Committee." And I'm sure that you already know that.

"Outside of the movies and the books" is a statement indicating Files had alot more knowledge than we've been led to believe. I for one no longer have faith in Files story. He's a con man and I do believe we've been conned!

Steffi Chase
M Klein
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Post by M Klein »

To think that the official story, a mediocre red herring, could sway you far more than the volumes and volumes of information that James Files provides is laughable.

He gives names, dates, places, and events -- a plethora of hard information that could be readily proven false, yet has not been. His information about the facts of the issue are unassailable simply because he's speaking the truth.

Your observations about what he's read or not read about the events are extraordinarily superficial compared to the volume of information he puts forth.

BTW, he's not a con man, he's a contract killer for the mafia and the CIA. He was left for dead, but he survived. He's one of the few who did.
Steffi Chase
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Post by Steffi Chase »

The issue here is credibility. In addition, these are not my "observations". I've quoted Files verbatim. I didn't even mention that he misspelled Frank Sturgis's name in addition to misspelling Grassy knoll.

Steffi Chase
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Post by dankbaar »


"Outside of the movies and the books" is a remark that means nothing. It just means that he doesn't know anything more than the average person (who knows what he knows from the movies and the books). I will agree with you that THAT was a lie. The reason for that lie is also simple: He had no intention to talk about what he knows and wanted to shake off Joe West.

Far from logical for a conman / attention seeker. The letter you quote is the first letter from Files to Joe West. It 's in my book. Did you read the book?

Richard Carter
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Post by Richard Carter »

The issue here is credibility. In addition, these are not my "observations". I've quoted Files verbatim. I didn't even mention that he misspelled Frank Sturgis's name in addition to misspelling Grassy knoll.

M Klein,

Of course we all want to be sure that Files is the real deal, but don't
expect for a "Boy Scout" to come forward with a confession. Anybody
that was a mechanic in this murder is not going to be a very upstanding
member of society. Remember that there have been retired FBI agents
reviewing his story, checking details.

On the issue of spelling; what did you really expect from that type of individual?
Did he even finish High School before shipping off to Vietnam? I would think the
answer to that is no.

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Post by Bob »

Richard Carter wrote:The issue here is credibility. In addition, these are not my "observations". I've quoted Files verbatim. I didn't even mention that he misspelled Frank Sturgis's name in addition to misspelling Grassy knoll. M Klein,Of course we all want to be sure that Files is the real deal, but don't expect for a "Boy Scout" to come forward with a confession. Anybody that was a mechanic in this murder is not going to be a very upstanding member of society. Remember that there have been retired FBI agentsreviewing his story, checking details.On the issue of spelling; what did you really expect from that type of individual? Did he even finish High School before shipping off to Vietnam? I would think the answer to that is no. -Rich

Rich, I think you meant to address Steffi. M Klein is in agreement with you. And Wim. And me.
Richard Carter
Posts: 13
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Post by Richard Carter »

Oops - my bad! My apologies.

MSNBC this morning is reporting that some new previously unseen footage Dealy Plaza has surfaced.
I have now seen it yet, but it should start to repeat through the day. For what it's worth...
francois bertrand
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Post by francois bertrand »

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Sequential Time Line Analysis:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Sequential Time Line Analysis is necessary to establish the exact context within which the direct use of a quote may be properly used.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Steffi Chase
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Post by Steffi Chase »

Mr. Brychek:

Firstly, I do not have a clue who you are. Secondly, I have no idea how
you and Mr. Files are connected, nor do I care. Why you have this
need to attack too is a mystery. Mr. Dankbaar was courteous to
respond to my posting and I appreciate that. It seems this writer has
hit a "sore spot" regarding you Mr. Brychek.

I do however note your improper use of grammar in addition to your
poor spelling. I'll assume you and Mr. Files perhaps share that same
typewriter at Joliet.

You asked me to name five assassination books I have read and then
type "no response necessary". Why ask a question if you do not want
a response Mr. Brychek? Your singular inability to put coherent
thoughts on paper only reinforces my belief you are not an educated
individual which surely explains much of your posting.
Thousands of publications have been written on a potential
conspiracy by various individuals or groups. In research
credibility plays a huge role. This concept apparently is beyond
your ability to reason. Your comment regarding 9/11 was not
only despicable but very childish. I suggest to you Mr. Brychek
that your paranoid mentality is standing in the way of a
mediocre career. No response necessary.

Steffi Chase