New film shows JFK moments before assassination !!

JFK Assassination
Peter Bastin
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New film shows JFK moments before assassination !!

Post by Peter Bastin »

Found on CNN: ... index.html


Previously unreleased footage of John F. Kennedy's motorcade in Dallas moments before he was gunned down was released Monday, a surprising new twist in a saga that has gripped the United States for four decades.

The silent 8mm film shows a beaming Jacqueline Kennedy close up in vivid color waving to the crowd.

A group of excited bystanders -- women sporting big 1960s hairstyles -- waves to the cameraman shortly before the motorcade sweeps past. (Watch as the first couple waves at the crowd )

The president's coat is clearly, if briefly, seen bunched up on his back -- a detail that will be scrutinized by conspiracy theorists who see evidence of a plot in, among other things, the fact the bullet wounds on his jacket and body did not appear to match.

The film was donated to the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas by amateur photographer George Jefferies and his son-in-law, Wayne Graham. It was released to coincide with the Presidents Day federal holiday.

Museum curator Gary Mack said he was not surprised Jefferies took so long to come forward.

"Everyone who captured the motorcade before the assassination thinks their pictures are unimportant. But to historians, all photos and home movies are important to possibly answer questions that will be asked in the future," he said.

Located in the former Texas School Book Depository building where Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy from a sixth-floor window on November 22, 1963, the museum is devoted to Kennedy's presidency and the events surrounding his assassination.

The footage was taken less than 90 seconds before the fatal shots were fired. The 40-second film also shows the scene of the crime the following day.

Footage could spark more conspiracy theories
The footage is sure to be new fodder for conspiracy buffs who have long maintained Kennedy was the victim of a sinister plot orchestrated by shadowy elements in either the government, the "military-industrial complex," the Mafia or communist Cuba.

"I've already seen the footage on a conspiracy Web site -- it's interesting for the conspiracy researchers to study Kennedy's coat which appears to be bunched up on his back," Mack said.

He said since Kennedy's jacket was riding high on his back, the entry wound in his body did not match the expected position in his coat -- grist for the conspiracy mill that charges more than three shots were fired.

Investigators maintain the shooting was carried out by Oswald acting alone. The most complete and best-known film of the Kennedy assassination to come to light was taken by bystander Abraham Zapruder.

Mack said the new footage offered the best view of Mrs. Kennedy in the motorcade he had ever seen.


Not really a break-trough, but another film emerging after 1963 ? Whatmore is unseen or unheard by the public in JFK murder ; probably that is the key-issue in our world.... It really is an Iceberg principle: if we only knew what was under the watersurface.....
M Klein
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Post by M Klein »

This story is the top link and picture right now on Drudge.
Kevin Fisher
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Post by Kevin Fisher »

I still can't get the tragectory of the bullet from the 6th floor to exit thru JFK's throat.

Should come out in his chest area.

The throat is still too high of an exit area for a bullet coming down at JFK at such a hard angle.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Response To Kevin Fisher:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Kevin Fisher,

You will never "get the trajectory of the bullet from the 6th floor to exit through JFK throat" for a couple of reasons:

1. The shot from the rear that hit JFK was fired by Charles Nicoletti from the Dal Tek Building, not the Texas School Book Depository.

2. Oswald never, ever fired a shot from anywhere, including the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository. It is also highly doubtful that any shots were ever fired by anybody from inside the Texas School Book Depository.

3. Jimmy Sutton's (aka Jimmy Files) shot from the Grassy Knoll which killed JFK by hitting him in the right temple area was a Mercury Tipped Hollow Point, fired from a Remington Fireball XP - 110, that exploded upon impact. JFK'S face and throat had exit wounds from schrapnel. This was previously documented by Wim Dankbaar with one of the coroners.

4. No bullet went through the front windshield from either direction, at any time. The front windshield was cracked from the inside from shrapnel from the Mercury Tipped bullet that came through JFK'S face and throat.

Kevin, all of this has been covered, and recovered right here on the JFK Forum. Please take time to thoroughly study Mr. Wim Dankbaar's JFK Forum as it is clearly the best overall JFK Forum anywhere on the planet earth. Kevin, I am not attacking you, as I really enjoy your posts, and some of your other posts have really been great. Maybe Wim can develop an overall Subject Matter Index for this JFK Forum as many issues have been addressed in the past, and as Bob points out in another post new members are joining all of the time. It is probably prohibitive for new members to read everything at this point in time without some kind of Index.

Kevin, on the other hand I do appreciate you asking this question because the only dumb questions are the ones that we don't ask.

In addition, Kevin, if you asked this question at this point in time, it probably means that many others would also ask it. Thank You.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
francois bertrand
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Post by francois bertrand »

Mr Brychek,

i have just finished to read Ultimate Sacrifice. Great book. What do you think of that scenario? it's seem to me terribly credible...

Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Response To Mr. Francois Bertrand:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Francois Bertrand,

Although I have the book Ultimate Sacrifice, and I read about 4 - 5 books at the same time, alas Francois, the truth is that I have not completely read this book yet. I have only skimmed it. I promise that I will put it on my list to read in the next 30 days.

One immediate problem that I had with the book Ultimate Sacrifice is that the authors state emphatically that Johnny Roselli was a "Don" in the Mafia. Johnny Roselli, aka Colonel Ralston, was many things, but certainly not a Don. He was a trouble shooter, an assassin, a lady's man, a show off, a double crosser, a liar, a cheat, impressed with himself, a braggert, he dressed like a pimp at almost all times, and never would have gone into a sewer in his $ 3,000.00 hand made Italian suit, shirt and tie to shoot JKF. But a Don - no, no way ever.

Additionally, Jimmy Sutton met with Johnny Roselli on several occasions, and Jimmy has described Roselli to me numerous times over the years.

With that point in mind I must immediately wonder about the total credability of the book Ultimate Sacrifice ? But I will read it with an open mind, though more inclined to question everything than I usually might.

Francois, I have been tied up in major Security and Investigation matters for months, and my reading is totally behind schedule, as everything else is for me right now.

Also, I was back in the hospital for a while for a major check up on the two major eye surgeries that I had last year, which further put a kink in my reading schedule, and many, many other plans were all delayed.

Francois, would you please, at your convenience simply outline what you are hinting at, as you now have my curiosity aroused.

Good to hear from you, Francois. Stay in touch.

Best Always, Respectfully,
Bruce Patrick Brychek.
M Klein
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Post by M Klein »

So Jackie is being protected, with Agent Hill on the bumper behind her. But the President is not being protected. Great job, guys.
francois bertrand
Posts: 93
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Post by francois bertrand »

that's true... they call him Don... but Rosselli report to his boss,
Sam Giancana...They also say he was a trouble shooter, an assassin,
a lady's man, a show off, a double crosser, etc... but one must not
be distract by that while reading..

I was listening Stone'JFK movie last night (again...) At one moment,
Garisson (play by Costner) say it can't be mafia because mafia didn't send Oswald in URSS. Mafia can't do a cover-up like that, etc... so it must be cia... Well, if you haven't read Ultimate Sacrifice, it's make sense. But after reading the book, it's so clear... all pieces come together.. yes, mafia did it and forced the cover up ! You know why, who and how... Primary target was Bobby Kennedy, not JFK. As said Marcello: "if you want to kill a dog, cut the head, not the tail"

Ultimate Sacrifice is a big book, difficult to read. It's obvious authors
are researchers and not writers... But it's a must read. And it's far more interesting that trying to guess if a gun shot was fired at Z224 or Z219...

to Mr Brychek: can't do a summary in english... too hard for me to translate !

very respectfully
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Post by dankbaar »

Jeff Fargus
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Post by Jeff Fargus »

Response to Bruce Brychek:

"...fired by Charles Nicoletti from the Dal Tek Building..." Shouldn't that be "Dal Tex Building"?

",,,documented by Wim Dankbaar with one of the coroner's..." Shouldn't that be "one of the coroners"? Plurals don't use apostrophes.

He who criticizes others' spelling should probably be sure his own spelling is in order.