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Even in a conspiracy, all shots could be from the rear

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:22 am
by Kevin Fisher
I have never heard that scenario -- that two or more gunman were shooting from the rear, and no shooter was positioned at the front.

But I think that we must look at that as being a possibility.

I mention this, for most conspiracy buffs seem to demand that the record show that there was a shot from the front, as if they forget that that does not have to be the case for them to advance their point that a conspiracy took place in Dallas in November 1963.

The absence of a shot from the front does not eliminate the possibility of conspiracy.

Don't forget that.

Maybe confederates were found on the knoll area and parking lot -- eg, like the Secret Service imposters -- but evidence seems to show that it wasn't necessary for them to have shot a weapon at all(a shot from the rear found its mark on JFK's head, afterall).

Likewise, pro lone-gunman advocates try to ridicule pro-conspiracy belief by demonstrating only that there was no shooters from the front. I have never heard a Posner ally state that there could not be another shooter at the rear. It is as if the area to the front of the limo is the only area "good" enough to house confederates, and that a lack of a shooter there prohibits one to arrive at the conclusion of conspiracy.

In my beliefs, I don't have to have a shooter at the front. I can even live with one shooter in the 6th floor window. A shooter, that is, with an assistant, on a radio, communicating with confederates on the Plaza, who are backed by those in high positions, situated in different parts of the country, and ready to benefit from the shot of one bullet, that from our one shooter.

One shooter could still be a conspiracy, folks.

Posner could be right. Maybe there was only one shooter.

But we could still be right at the same time, too.

I wonder if Posner ever thought about that.

And have you?

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:53 am
by M Klein
Every bit of info on this website is about this very topic, with breakthrough information about a front gunman.

There's no need to create a front shooter theory, for the confession and physical evidence are right here.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 5:13 pm
by dankbaar
Kevin Fisher,

I want to have some proof now of your true identity. Could you please provide it to me by email or give me a call at +31 23 5268730?

I would also call you if you email me your number.


Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:14 am
by Kevin Fisher
dankbaar wrote:Kevin Fisher, I want to have some proof now of your true identity. Could you please provide it to me by email or give me a call at +31 23 5268730? I would also call you if you email me your number. Wim

Proof of my true identity? What do you want from me? A birth certificate? An historical biography of me? A badge from the Hitler Youth camp? Panties from J Edgar Hoover? Sheet music showing that I, and not Lennon/ McCartney, wrote Sgt Pepper? That my rifle is registered under the name of O. H. Lee? That I was the one who got away that night at the Watergate Hotel? That I, as a cross-dresser, went down the fire escape in a polk-a-dotted dress the night Bobby went down?

Proof of my Identity? What am I to say? What am I suppose to convey to you?

I'm not big on discussing such intimate matters with men.....

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:27 am
by dankbaar
I just note you let up a lot of balloons to discuss whether the Warren Commission / or Gerald Posner could still be right. Neurospasm, all shots from the rear, etcetera. This is a waste of time here, we have passed that stage. In short, your posts appear to aim to take away credibility for a grassy knoll shot, and thus also the gist of this website. At the same time you portray yourself as a conspiracy believer, the classic "wolf in sheepclothes method".

Therefore I have grown doubts that you are who you say you are. I don't believe your name is Kevin Fisher. I neither believe you have seen any of the DVD's or the book.

It's pretty easy to prove your identity to me, for example by calling me or letting me call you. If you're a US citizen, you could also show me your entry in or I note you are refusing this. Therefore, you are banned untill you prove that you registered under your real name, which is a requirement here.



Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:27 pm
by Bob
I'm not sure what to think of Kevin. But his view does seem slanted to the "rear". Anybody that considers Posner's "theory" as a viable one is probably either not well read or a disinformant.