Is The Zapruder Film Authentic?

JFK Assassination
Ricky Clow
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Is The Zapruder Film Authentic?

Post by Ricky Clow »

This is something that has been in my mind for as long as i have been interested in the assassination, Is the Zapruder Film authintic? This here has some evedence that it is somewhat of a fake but I don't know what to belive anymore ... +film+hoax
Adn I also herd rumores that there is another real version of the Zapruder film that looks much different from "The oringional Zapruder Film" I would like to hear anyone's thopught on this......also maybe Zapruder did film the guman on the Grassy Knoll (Possible) and thats another reason to change the film...
Ricky Clow
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Response To Ricky Clow:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Ricky Clow,

As simplistic as it may seem to some, your question is pointedly brilliant.

Given the fact that it was hidden away, the Military Industrial Complex, the CIA and the FBI, along with other U.S. Government Agencies, and aspects of the government controlled media, all had access or control over it, my simple response is that:

I must assume that it has been tampered with, perhaps many times.

Knowing that people have been killed, reputations have been destroyed, and wars have been fought because of the JFK Assassination, anyone who believes its total authenticiy is just plain simple, or ignorant to the lengths that people have gone in the U.S. since 11.22.1963 to cover up everything possible connected with the JFK Assassination.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

It is at this point I must once again bring into question Abraham Zapruder associations. Yes, Abraham Zapruder was in deed a 33rd degree mason, but also of Russian Jewish decent. And Abaham has another very interesting connection to the assassiantion.

"Abraham Zapruder was born on 15th May, 1905. He moved to Dallas, Texas and in 1953 he joined with Jeanne LeGon to form the clothing design firm called, Nardis of Dallas. Jeanne LeGon designed the clothing and Abraham Zapruder cut the patterns and the material for her.

In 1959 the partnership broke up when Jeanne LeGon married George De Mohrenschildt. Zapruder established his own company manufacturing ladies dresses.

On 22nd November, 1963, Zapruder filmed the motorcade of President John F. Kennedy. Zapruder's colour film shows the president being shot and became an important part of the evidence looked at by those investigating the assassination.

Soon afterwards Zapruder sold the 26-second film for $150,000 to Time-Life magazine, which published individual frames but did not allow the film to be screened in its entirety.

Zapruder later testified before the Warren Commission, and the CBS: The Warren Report. The Zapruder Film was also an important part of the evidence used by the Warren Commission."

If in fact the video has been tampered with, Abraham Zapruder was sure to know this. 150,000 $ would have bought alot of silence.

It would also be logical the Abraham Zaproder and George De Mohrenschildt knew each other, and if that is the case, then it may even be possible the Abraham might have even met Lee by way of the Russian association with George De Mohrenschildt. Im fairly certain the Russians kept a close community.

Again, if this connection plays out, it could be in fact, Abraham had for knowledge of what was to happen, not threw his Masonic connections but rather his Jewish Russian connections.

I would suggest he was "Tipped" off to be in the right place, at the right time!
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Re: Is The Zapruder Film Authentic?

Post by Pennyworth »

Ricky Clow wrote:This is something that has been in my mind for as long as i have been interested in the assassination, Is the Zapruder Film authintic? This here has some evedence that it is somewhat of a fake but I don't know what to belive anymore ... +film+hoax Adn I also herd rumores that there is another real version of the Zapruder film that looks much different from "The oringional Zapruder Film" I would like to hear anyone's thopught on this......also maybe Zapruder did film the guman on the Grassy Knoll (Possible) and thats another reason to change the film... Thanks Ricky Clow

LOLOLOLOL!OLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! My Rick, you ARE fun today..By chance are you and Billy related?
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Re: Is The Zapruder Film Authentic?

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:Ricky Clow wrote:This is something that has been in my mind for as long as i have been interested in the assassination, Is the Zapruder Film authintic? This here has some evedence that it is somewhat of a fake but I don't know what to belive anymore ... +film+hoax Adn I also herd rumores that there is another real version of the Zapruder film that looks much different from "The oringional Zapruder Film" I would like to hear anyone's thopught on this......also maybe Zapruder did film the guman on the Grassy Knoll (Possible) and thats another reason to change the film... Thanks Ricky ClowLOLOLOLOL!OLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! My Rick, you ARE fun today..By chance are you and Billy related?

All fun aside Ricky, I agree with Bruce ... It is Avery provocative question you are speculating on ...
Clemens Lowenstein
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Post by Clemens Lowenstein »

I always thought it was suspicous that the frames that were supposedly destroyed by accident are those during the first hit.

If I remember correctly Wim has more than once stated, that he doesn't believe the film was tampered with, however missed to express why he was so sure.
Ricky Clow
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Zapruder Film,

Post by Ricky Clow »

Ya, I'm always going to stand on the side that says that "The Zapruder Film" is altered or fake. And LOl as far as I'm conserned me and Billy arn't related? And if Zapruder didn't get to devolpe the fim how would they know what was on the film? I also have thought about something else? Why don't they go out adn get a camera exactly like Zapruders, get a car some what like X-100 and somewhat redo the film I bet it would probly come out either worse or better? And I'm glad of all of these replys i'm getting It feels good to be a 15 year old school kid that feels like he has a place well thanks...anymore comments would be great.

Ricky Clow
Maarten Coumans
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Post by Maarten Coumans »


On the Groden DVD "JFK: Assassination Films". He shows an undamaged version of the Z-film. Without the cut on 155 and the roadsign.

There is a reconstruction video:

Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Its apparent to anyone who has studied the assassination to any length that the crime was in fact a conspiracy.

It has been show that the area of the shooting was being controlled to a great extent as to who was going to be in the general vicinity of the shooting. I have shown above as to the connections between George De Mohrenschildt and Abraham Zapruder.

George De Mohrenschildt also had experience in film making.

In 1941 De Mohrenschildt went to work for his cousin, Baron Maydell, and his company, Film Facts, in New York. Maydell was also known to have pro-Nazi sympathies. During this period he made a documentary about the resistance movement in Poland. He also failed in his attempt to join the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). ... childt.htm

The history on Abraham Zapruder seems to be silent on much of his life. Other than a dress maker he is also called a Cinematographer by NNDB.

More information on Abraham Zapruders past is required.
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

More info:

In 1941, he moved to Dallas to work in the garment industry and co-founded a company called Nardis. In 1959, he founded his own company that produced two clothing brands, Chalet and Jennifer, Jr.'s. His offices were located in the Dal-Tex Building, just off Dealey Plaza (it is the building directly across the street east of the Texas School Book Depository).

Now, Abraham is connected twice to the Assassination. He must have known George De Mohrenschildt, and his offices were in the Dal Tex building. Where exactly were his offices, and are they the same offices that showed men in the fire escape area. Where does James Files say Nicholetti shot from?