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Treading where Angels dare not go.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 9:41 pm
by Billy Boggs
In a previous thread by Bruce Patrick Brychek "CIA PROTECTED ADOLPH EICHMANN AND OTHER TOP LEVEL NAZI'S: " Bruce asked a very good question (Not to be confused with the likes of "Mel Gibson rantings," but I wonder if the Hebrew-Jewish Community is aware of the Nazi Connections in America ? And if not, why not ? ) I will try to answer.

First off, there is a great amount of confusion concerning the word "Jew". Jews, for the most part are a race of people who come from the Caucus Mountains area. Judaism is a religion practiced by many genetic peoples around the globe. A ethnic Jew may or may not practice Judaism. An Orthodox Jew is a Jew who practices his Jewish faith. And from the following clip you can see another type of Jew.

Anti-Zionist Jewish Protesters 3:22

As you can see in the video, the religious god loving Jews are verbally attacked by this "other" type of Jew. The religious Jews are belittled and shouted down by a man using vulgarities and personal attacks. There is also comments made by the Orthodox Jew about how the leadership of the Jewish faith changed hands after WWII from the Orthodox Jews, to the Zionist Jews.

The Orthodox Jew also have some concerns about the supposed "Holocaust" of WWII. In regards to this I found it of great interest to find out that Pre WWII Germany only had approximately 125,000 Jews living there. Anyone else find that interesting?

To hear the Orthodox Jews describe this "Zionist" as an atheist may be sincere, but the truth may be that this "Zionist Jew" may in fact, practice a religion. One where you are taught to insult, degrade, treat human beings as filthy animals. Anyone care to guess what religion might do this? This religion would be secretive and ancient. It would be the "wolf In Sheep's Clothing" infiltrating all religions and institutions.

Here is a clip from a 1989 Oprah show where she interviews a Satanic cult survivor. Pay very careful attention to what she says. ... orship.wmv

So, Bruce, I would answer you this way, The Orthodox Jews are frightened to death to speak out, for they know of this Satanic infection within their own ranks.


Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:15 pm
by M Klein
This "JFK" forum has reached a new low.

It's no surprise that there is only 1 registered member reading it right now.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 6:07 am
by Billy Boggs
M Klein wrote:This "JFK" forum has reached a new low. It's no surprise that there is only 1 registered member reading it right now.

Yes, its a all time low, depending on which side of the line you stand on.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 6:29 am
by Bob
Yes, Israel plays a large part in the troubling puzzle called the middle east. The U.S. is joined with them at the hip. Israel will turn 60 years old in 2008. It's been a turbulent 60 years. The U.S. is partly responsible for that turbulence. It will never happen, but we need to adhere to a common theme. We are all brothers...Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Athiest. Believe in mankind.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 4:59 pm
by Billy Boggs
I agree with you Bob, we are, all brothers. But I disagree with "It will never happen". Its happening right now.

We researcher must accept that there are those who do not want the truth to be known. For if humanity knew the truth we would be unstoppable. The stars would be our only limit.

President Kennedy knew some of the truth and for that he had to be killed. Yes, he was going to change the world. He was going to take on the Federal (Zionist/Jewish) Reserve. He was going to destroy secret (CIA/skull&bones) societies. He was going to stop the war (military industrial complex). And for the grand finally, he was going to take us to the stars (Moon ). He was going to release Humanity from this prison Planet (New World Order) Earth.

A new low? Yes in deed, for those who want to continue to control us and sacrifice us to their ancient god. Or it can be a new high. For the first time in history we can see our true enemies, our slave masters.

"We are all brothers...Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist. Believe in mankind." United, we shall be!


Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:09 am
by R Croxford
"We are all brothers...Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Atheist. Believe in mankind." United, we shall be!
Amen Bro.