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SF bay area a possible site for an R.F.K. type hit on Obama?

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 2:43 pm
by bob franklin
Thursday night I'm watching Fox news ch-11, the Governatuh is speaking at a press release about a stalker who has been after him, claiming the gov. is controlling him with "super computers"(complete lunatic). Then in an "unrelated" story, the newscaster reports on a stalker troubling the Mayor of S.F. My mind instantly flashed on Bruce Patrick Brychek's post on a potential hit on Obama. I played it off on my own paranoid fears & suspicions, but after ruminating on it for a couple days, I wonder if someone isn' t laying the foundation for a cover story. Probably just jumping at my own damn shadow. Still...

Response To Mr. Bob Franklin:

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:40 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Bob Franklin,

I have just reviewed your above referenced post.

Of course, everyone likes to be agreed with, and certainly I am no different in that regard. But in addition, I think that my reasoning is sound.

I Sincerely Thank You for pointing this out. Rest assured that I will follow your points also.

Recall that there were three (3) major assassination points for JFK.

1. Chicago, Illinois.

2. Miami, Florida.

3. Dallas, Texas.

For a variety of reasons the first two (2) fell through. But substantial discussion, planning, and ground work went into all three (3).

JFK had to be killed. The Military Industrial Complex had the Viet Nam War going, which had every chance to be geometrically increased. JFK, MLK, and RFK were all killed a long time before Viet Nam fully ended.

Watch Obama and everything around him carefully, as you are doing.

This is a Chess Game of the highest order being played out.

The Military Industrial Complex has their wars going. They will stop at nothing to keep these wars going.

Wars are like long freight trains that can take 5 - 10 miles to fully stop.

Even once fully agreed upon, stopping these wars will be like stopping a long freight train.

Best Regards,
Bruce Patick Brychek.