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1960... First assassination attempt on JFK ....

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:15 pm
by Pennyworth
The rest of the info is posted under Presidents; Past to Present...I see no one looked at the thread since I posted it... very interesting info shouldn't be overlooked...

Richard Paul Pavlick
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Richard Paul Pavlick (February 13, 1887-November 11, 1975) was a retired postal worker from New Hampshire who stalked and then attempted to assassinate U.S. President-Elect John F. Kennedy on Sunday, December 11, 1960 in Palm Beach, Florida.

Pavlick, 73 years old at the time of the assassination attempt, had previously lived in the small town of Belmont, New Hampshire with no family. He became known at local public meetings for his angry political rants, which included complaints that the American flag was not being displayed appropriately, and also criticized the government and disparaged Catholics, focusing much of his anger on the Kennedy family and their wealth. On one occasion, Pavlick's anger erupted when he met the supervisor of the local water company at his home with a gun, which was then confiscated.

Pavlick's enmity toward John F. Kennedy boiled over after the close 1960 U.S. Presidential election, in which Kennedy had defeated Republican Richard Nixon by 118,000 votes. Turning over his run-down property to a local youth camp, Pavlick disappeared after loading his meager possessions into his 1950 Buick.

After Pavlick left town, Thomas M. Murphy, the 34-year-old U.S. Postmaster of the town of Belmont, New Hampshire began receiving bizarre postcards from Pavlick that stated the town would hear from him soon "in a big way." Murphy soon noticed that the postmarked dates coincided with visits by John F. Kennedy to the communities and he then called the local police. The local police, in turn, contacted the Secret Service, who interviewed locals and learned of his previous outbursts. In the midst of these conversations, they also found out that Pavlick had purchased dynamite.

During his travels, Pavlick had visited the Kennedy compound at Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, photographing the Kennedy home while also checking out the compound's security.

Shortly before 10 a.m. on Sunday, December 11, as John F. Kennedy was preparing to leave for mass at St. Edward Church in Palm Beach, Pavlick waited in his dynamite-laden car hoping to crash his car into Kennedy's vehicle to cause a fatal explosion. But Pavlick changed his mind after seeing John F. Kennedy with his wife, Jacqueline, and the couple's two small children.

While waiting for another opportunity over the next few days, Pavlick visited the church to learn its interior, but the Secret Service had informed local Palm Beach police to look for Pavlick's automobile.

Four days after the attempt, on Thursday, December 15, Palm Beach, police officer, Lester Free, spotted Pavlick’s vehicle as he entered the city via the Royal Poinciana Bridge. Police immediately surrounded the car (which still contained 10 sticks of dynamite) and arrested him. After his arrest, Pavlick said, "Kennedy money bought the White House and the presidency. I had the crazy idea I wanted to stop Kennedy from being President."

On January 27, 1961, Pavlick was committed to the United States Public Health Service mental hospital in Springfield, Missouri, then was indicted for threatening Kennedy's life seven weeks later.

In a tragically ironic twist, charges against Pavlick were dropped on

December 2, 1963, ten days after Kennedy's assassination in Dallas. Judge Emmet C. Choate ruled that Pavlick was unable to distinguish between right and wrong in his actions, but kept him in the mental hospital. The federal government also dropped charges in August 1964, and Pavlick was eventually released from the New Hampshire State Mental Hospital on December 13, 1966.

Pavlick died at the age of 88 on November 11, 1975 at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Manchester, New Hampshire.

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Categories: 1887 births | 1975 deaths | People from New Hampshire | John F. Kennedy | Failed assassins

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Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:17 pm
by Pennyworth
Assassinations and attempted assassinations of US presidents

Assassinations and attempted assassinations of US presidents since 1865


Abraham Lincoln: Shot on 14 April 1865 in Washington DC by John Wilkes Booth; died 15 April.

James Garfield: Shot on 21 July 1881 in Washington DC by Charles J Guiteau. Died 14 September.

William McKinley: Shot on 6 September 1901 in Buffalo by Leon Czolgosz. Died 14 September.

Theodore Roosevelt (ex-president): Shot on 14 October 1912 in Milwaukee, while campaigning for presidential office. Survived.

Franklin Roosevelt (president-elect): Escaped assassination attempt on 15 February 1933 in Miami by Giuseppe Zingara. Fellow passenger in car shot dead.

Harry S Truman: Escaped assassination on 1 November 1950 in Washington DC, when two Puerto Rican nationalists attempted to shoot their way into the White House.

John F Kennedy: Survived in December 1960, when Richard Pavlick intended to blow him up with a car bomb.

John F Kennedy: Assassinated on 22 November 1963 in Dallas, Texas, by Lee Harvey Oswald.

Gerald R Ford: Survived on 5 September 1975 in Sacramento, California, when Lynette Alice Fromme, associate of Charles Manson, pointed but did not fire a .45-calibre pistol.

Gerald R Ford: Escaped assassination on 22 September 1975 in San Francisco by Sara Jane Moore, who fired one shot from a .38-calibre pistol; the shot was deflected.

Ronald Reagan: Shot in left lung by John W Hinckley Jr on 30 March 1981. Three others left seriously wounded.


Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 12:14 am
by Ricky Clow
Wow, That guy must have been an idiot who the hell would drive around with dynimite in your car? after you unseucfully tried to kill him? He must have been a nut-job.

Ricky Clow

Re: 1960... First assassination attempt on JFK ....

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 3:44 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:O3.22.2007 - Mr. Paul Pennyworth Posted this interesting Headline and supporting information about Mr. Richard Paul Pavlick, and his alleged attempts on the life of JFK. Is anybody familiar with this ? Additionally, has anybody read or researched any more recent information on this subject matter ?03.22.2007 - Mr. Paul Pennyworth additionally Posted information about the histrionics of alleged and actual Attempts of Assassination on U.S. Presidents. Among the many questions that I have are:1. Is this list complete ?2. Are there others failed to materialize for any number of reasons ?3. What about Character Assassination that can, and has proceeded Actual Assassination Attempts ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.