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James Files on Wikipedia

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:13 am
by Joe Balliro
This is just to let everyone know that, as the original author of the article, I am going to be deleting the James Files entry on on May 1st.

This is an invitation for anyone who wishes to take over, to please go right ahead.


Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:36 pm
by Billy Boggs
I read the main argument about the cartridge and its suspected manufacture date. And it seems to be accurate, except for one possibility.

I personally am not pro or con James Files. I take all information and gather it up, analyze it, then look for corroboration. James Files stated that just before he shot he could see the Presidents head thrown forward as his bullet hit, throwing the head back. No one saw this in the Zapruder film until it was slowed down, frame by frame. And sure enough, the presidents head was in fact thrown approximately 4 to 6 inches forward, just prior to the bullet impact from the front.

I'm no expert in head stampings or anything about cartridges. But saying that, when it comes to anything about the CIA you better be careful. It is said that the Fireball came from the CIA. It is also said it was modified to fire .222 cartridge.

How many out there can attest that the CIA does not, or ever has contracted the manufacture of ammunition? And if they did, what would the head stamp look like? The picture I viewed showed a elongated dot, not a dash.

Again, only a possibility.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 6:39 pm
by Joe Balliro
Like you, I am also neither pro- nor anti- Files. However, when Bob Vernon himself comes along and pastes his links right across the top, its kind of difficult for me to just simply erase his entry without suspicion being raised. People will point to me and say "Ah HA! have a pro-Files agenda (Like they've already done in the past)" or something like that.

Then, when people listen to his aunt Christine interview with Bob Vernon saying things like she didn't know he was in the military, or never knew he used the name Sutton, or does not believe he shot Kennedy, it puts pressure on me. And then Files refuses to give his military ID number. How can I go against Bob Vernon and his aunt Christine? It makes me look bad.


Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 1:41 pm
by dankbaar
Here's another link for you Wikipedia page:

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 11:51 pm
by Joe Balliro
Thanks Mr Dankbaar!

I'll post the link as my last edit.


Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 7:38 am
by dankbaar
Here's another quote from the crook:

2 februari 2004

it appears you would rather spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees and have the property tied up in court for anywhere from two to five years, not making money for anyone.

I am,

Robert G. Vernon