JFK and SAM: The Connexction ...

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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JFK and SAM: The Connexction ...

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

JFK and SAM: The Connection Between the Giancana and Kennedy Assassinations, by Antoinette Giancana, John R. Hughes, DM,OXON,MD, PHD, and Thomas H. Jobe, MD, copyright 2005, Published by Cumberland House Publishing, Inc., 431 Harding Industrial Drive, Nashville, Tennessee, 37211.

Doubts about conspiracy theories, doubts about the CIA and the Mafia working together closer and longer than you ever imagined, doubts about Cuba, doubts about how Accardo, Giancana, Nicoletti, Sutton/Files, worked with the CIA on a variety of projects, then you need to read this book.

Why did the daughter of Sam Giancana, Antoinette Giancana, personally write to Jimmy Sutton/Files and request a confidential visit with him ? Why did Jimmy allow such visit ? Know that Jimmy knew Antoinette growing up. Know that Jimmy was often in Sam Giancana's home, alone with Sam Giancana, Charles Nicoletti, and Johnny Roselli.

Do not waste your time on Bugliosi's book which tries to save The Warren Commission Report, which was overruled by the House-Senate Subcommittee On Assassinations anyway in the late 1970's.

Read the book that tells about the total history of the CIA and the Mafia.
Read the book that verifies that Jimmy Sutton/Files is who he says he is, and was. Read the book by the Mafia Princess who appeared in Playboy magazine in the 1980's.

The daughter of one of the most powerful Mafia Don's ever, asked permission to visit Jimmy. Why ? Was Omerta broken, or honored ?

Also, read about the House-Senate Subcommittee On Assassinations that actually held major hearings, had subpoena power, and actually interviewed CIA, FBI, and Mafia leaders involved in Cuba, The Bay of Pigs, and the JFK Assassination, and beyond.

An easy read, yet a powerful book. Simple in its appearance, deadly accurate in its delivery.

A real "Deadeye" of a book.

I would be anxious to hear any and all thoughts, after your read the book.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 2931
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Contract on America

Post by Pennyworth »

http://www.amazon.com/Contract-America- ... 082173833X

Has anyone read this book? Just curious.

I haven't read it....
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Post by dankbaar »

Davdi Scheim, the author, is in the new DVD.

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Re: JFK and SAM: The Connexction ...

Post by Pennyworth »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,JFK and SAM: The Connection Between the Giancana and Kennedy Assassinations, by Antoinette Giancana, John R. Hughes, DM,OXON,MD, PHD, and Thomas H. Jobe, MD, copyright 2005, Published by Cumberland House Publishing, Inc., 431 Harding Industrial Drive, Nashville, Tennessee, 37211.Doubts about conspiracy theories, doubts about the CIA and the Mafia working together closer and longer than you ever imagined, doubts about Cuba, doubts about how Accardo, Giancana, Nicoletti, Sutton/Files, worked with the CIA on a variety of projects, then you need to read this book.Why did the daughter of Sam Giancana, Antoinette Giancana, personally write to Jimmy Sutton/Files and request a confidential visit with him ? Why did Jimmy allow such visit ? Know that Jimmy knew Antoinette growing up. Know that Jimmy was often in Sam Giancana's home, alone with Sam Giancana, Charles Nicoletti, and Johnny Roselli.Do not waste your time on Bugliosi's book which tries to save The Warren Commission Report, which was overruled by the House-Senate Subcommittee On Assassinations anyway in the late 1970's.Read the book that tells about the total history of the CIA and the Mafia.Read the book that verifies that Jimmy Sutton/Files is who he says he is, and was. Read the book by the Mafia Princess who appeared in Playboy magazine in the 1980's.The daughter of one of the most powerful Mafia Don's ever, asked permission to visit Jimmy. Why ? Was Omerta broken, or honored ?Also, read about the House-Senate Subcommittee On Assassinations that actually held major hearings, had subpoena power, and actually interviewed CIA, FBI, and Mafia leaders involved in Cuba, The Bay of Pigs, and the JFK Assassination, and beyond.An easy read, yet a powerful book. Simple in its appearance, deadly accurate in ints delivery.A real "Deadeye" of a book.I would be anxious to hear any and all thoughts, after your read the book.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Do not waste your time on Bugliosi's book which tries to save The Warren Commission Report, which was overruled by the House-Senate Subcommittee On Assassinations anyway in the late 1970's. '

At 1600 pages more reading than the Holy Book..exactly hoooo is going to read it???

I went down to the book store to see it...the clerks are still looking for it lololololol!!!

It could make a good doorstop!~!!!
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Response To Mr. Paul Pennyworth:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Paul Pennyworth,

I do have the following two (2) books, but have not read either yet.

1. Contract On America: The Mafia Murder Of Presidenmt John F. Kennedy, by D. M. Scheim.

2. Reclaiming History: The Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy by Vincent Bugliosi. This has been out less than a month, and is already selling at 40 % off on Amazon.com. I was able to buy it at 50 % off at my
local book store. I bought 1 of the 2 editions they ordered. They are not ordering more. And I was thus far the only inquiry.

Paul, I will read Contract On America shortly. I usually read about 3 - 5 books per week. Reclaiming History is at the bottom of my list for now. But I did buy it, and I will read it cover to cover. That's how I am. While I criticize Bugliosi's point of view, I will not really comment on the book until I read it fully. I actually want to try to get inside his head to understand his total thinking process. I probably won't get to this book however, until much later this year.

Paul, I would certainly like to hear your thoughts on Contract On America when you are so inclined.

Finally, put it in The For What Its Worth Column, but I enjoy many of your posts. Frankly, your name is one of the regulars that I enjoy overall.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 2931
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Re: Response To Mr. Paul Pennyworth:

Post by Pennyworth »

[quote="Bruce Patrick Brychek"]Dear Mr. Paul Pennyworth,

I do have the following two (2) books, but have not read either yet.

1. Contract On America: The Mafia Murder Of Presidenmt John F. Kennedy, by D. M. Scheim.

2. Reclaiming History: The Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy by Vincent Bugliosi. This has been out less than a month, and is already selling at 40 % off on Amazon.com. I was able to buy it at 50 % off at my
local book store. I bought 1 of the 2 editions they ordered. They are not ordering more. And I was thus far the only inquiry.

Paul, I will read Contract On America shortly. I usually read about 3 - 5 books per week. Reclaiming History is at the bottom of my list for now. But I did buy it, and I will read it cover to cover. That's how I am. While I criticize Bugliosi's point of view, I will not really comment on the book until I read it fully. I actually want to try to get inside his head to understand his total thinking process. I probably won't get to this book however, until much later this year.

Paul, I would certainly like to hear your thoughts on Contract On America when you are so inclined.

Finally, put it in The For What Its Worth Column, but I enjoy many of your posts. Frankly, your name is one of the regulars that I enjoy overall.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.[/quotI haven't read but will get around eventually. I lived in vegas for years unfortunately and have every reason to believe that Chauncey Holt and James Files are telling the truth, and nothing but the truth so help them God!
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Response To Mr. Paul Pennyworth:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Paul Pennyworth,If you can, I am curious as to what you found out in Las Vegas about Jimmy Files, and Chauncey Holt.Are you aware that Chauncey Holt assassinated Bugsy Segal in Las Vegas on orders of Meyer Lansky, with tacit approval from Lucky Luciano ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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JFK and SAM: The Connection ...

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

11.03.2009Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:On 05.21.2007 I Posted this Headline about the new book, JFK and Sam: The Connection Between The Giancana And Kennedy Assassinations.For the newer JFK Forum Members, and those who may have not read this Headline, there are several major points of interest here.Most notably, Ms. Antoinette Giancana grew up knowing Johnny Roselli, Charles Nicoletti, and James Earl Sutton/Files. Antoinette Giancana places James Earl Sutton/Files in Sam Giancana's home, with Rosselli, Nicoletti, and others.This is how well Jimmy was known with Accardo, Giancana, and the top players in the Chicago Mafia. What are some of your thoughts on Jimmy's history of credability now ?Why did the daughter of Sam "MoMo" Giancana seek Jimmy's approval to include him in this book ? Why did Sam Giancana's daughter believe Jimmy, and others would have you not believe him ?Why did Antoinette Giancana originally want to write this book with James Earl Sutton/Files ? Antoinette Giancana grew up with Jimmy. She didn't need any proof.As always, I strongly recommend that you read, research, and study the material yourself, amd then formulateyour own Opinions and Thoughts.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings, on anyaspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Phil Dragoo
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Double Cross

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Bruce I have Double Cross by Sam and Chuck Giancana.It has been over ten years since I read it in conjunction with Mafia Kingfish by John H. Davis.I see that Giancana was killed June 19, 1975, and the next month Hoffa; the next year Gambino and Roselli.I have been introduced to the story of James Files on this forum. I found the two videos of him speaking to off-camera interviewers to be credible and compelling.Now to see another Giancana family member relate Mr. Files to this is of the greatest interest.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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JFK and SAM: The Connexction ...

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

11.03.2009Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Phil - In Sequential Time Line Analysis you have touched on something that I am developing. Giancana, HoffaNicoletti, de Mohrenschildt, Rosselli, and several others were all killed within a relatively short amount of time. The connections were overpowering.I will share a little of the results of my research that I am gathering for some of my writings along this line.* Sam Giancana was killed by Johnny Roselli for the CIA.* Chuck Nicoletti was killed by the CIA.* Johnny Roselli was tortured, killed, and dismembered by the Mafia for killing Giancana for the CIA, and for serving two (2) masters, and choosing the CIA over the Mafia. Johnny Rosselli died a very hard, gruesome death. THEN WAS LEFT TO SWIM WITH THE FISHES.* Jimmy Hoffa was killed by the CIA. Part of Jimmy Hoffa's "Release Deal" was that Hoffa would never run for President of the United States. Who feared Hoffa ? Who could totally cover it up ? Who saw Hoffa as a threat ? Boy, those sound a lot like my questions of who killed JFK, MLK, and RFK, don't they ? Phil, compliments on your selection of books. If you have time, re-read all of them together, and JFK and Sam. The synergy of your insight will increase geometrically.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.