The Ultimate Theory

JFK Assassination
John Bruno
Posts: 33
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The Ultimate Theory

Post by John Bruno »

The Number Of Shots:


Frame 155- Elm Street(TSBD)-Witnesses saw bullet hit the street after limo turned the corner.

Frame ? -Elm Street curb(TSBD-Western end window)-Could've been caused from the shot that hit the street.

Frame ?- floorpan of limo(Records Building)-This is a mystery

Frame ?- Elm Street manhole cover/the grass(Records Building or North Knoll). A man standing on the triple overpass saw a bullet land in the grass. Also, a rusted shell was discovered on the rooftop of the Records Building in the '70s. The mark lines up to the Records Building.

frame 208- road sign on Elm Street(North Knoll)-Jim Marrs said he seen a bullet hit the sign in an uncut print of the Zapurder Film. Sorry to break the news to you guys, but Zapruder's camera was unable to catch bullets on film because the camera ran at 18 frames per second.

Z186 Kennedy's throat(North Knoll)
Z226 Kennedy's back(TSBD or Dal-Tex)
Z223 or Z234 Connally's back(TSBD)
Z313/Z314 Kennedy's head/windshield(TSBD/North Knoll)

# of gunmen/shooting locations:
*The North Knoll(2) Is Badge Man real?
*TSBD-6th floor(2) Was there a second or third shooter in TSBD?
*Dal-Tex Building-second floor(1)
*Records Building-rooftop(1)
Timothy Franzen
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Post by Timothy Franzen »

Ten shots total seems to be the consensus of more than just your figuring. This website breaks it down, counting the bullets.
John Bruno
Posts: 33
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by John Bruno »

Read it already. I'm getting nowhere with it.

Well, here's my final theory:

Z155-Shot 1: Main Street curb/James Tague---Dal-Tex Building
Z186-Shot 2: Kennedy in the throat-The Pergola
Z226-Shot 3: Kennedy in the back---Dal-Tex Building
Z234-Shot 4: Connally in the back---TSBD
Z285-Shot 5: manhole cover on Elm Street---Records Building
Z313-Shot 6: Headshot #1/limo's windshield---TSBD
Z314-Shot 7: Headshot #2---The Grassy Knoll

5 gunmen, 7 shots. The last two fired a split second apart.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: The Ultimate Theory

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Tom Jeffers, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:03.22.2006 - John Bruno Posted this Headline about The Number of Shots fired 11.22.1963 in Dealey Plaza.Tom Jeffers recently Posted information about his conversation with Retired F.B.I Agent Don Adams alleging his soon to be broadcast opinion that there were 11 shots fired on 11.22.1963 in Dealey Plaza.The video JFK II alleges that there were 13.I recalled this older Post along the same thought process. For those of you interested in The Number of Shots this may be of value to you on that Subject matter.John Bruno made some really Good Contributions.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Posts: 43
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Re: The Ultimate Theory

Post by Davyjones »

How many shots other than his own does James Files remember? 12 other shots must have sounded like a war starting! I think any Pergola shots would have risked Jackie? The more gunmen the less chance of nailing Oswald as the patsy and the higher the risk of evidence of a conspiracy.Still best to keep an open mind I suppose. At the moment its two missed by Oswald,3 Niccoletti (the first rushed by Oswalds premature pop) and Files head shot.(ok I have heard of silencers).
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Ultimate Theory

Post by Dealey Joe »

In my opinion.No way was there 10-13 shots.what would it acomplish, One expert shooter would have been sufficientand possibly a backup shooter.3 or 4 shots were all that was fired beside one missed shot I think from the street beside the pergola, with a handgun.A 45 calibre bullet was found in the grass across the street.
barney 1961
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Re: The Ultimate Theory

Post by barney 1961 »

8/31/10In research done by investigator Steve Revele, he thru help from a friend in the DEA, found out about the French-Corsican-Montreal drug cartel, bringing in heroin fromthe MIddle East and the Golden Triangle of old Indochina as it was formerly known, later N and S Vietnam after the French military abandoned the area. The heroin wasprocessed from Opium base into heroin at an enormous profit for all concerned. By then, rogue elements within our own Intelligence community were actively involvedin such nefarious activities outside the purview of the Justice Dept or any other department to supplement its meager non-wartime budgets and clandestine operationsoutside the overshight of the US Congress.Steve Revelle's 3 year long investigation turned up the names of people, most of us or at least some of us, have never heard before, ie; Christian David, Lucien Sarti,Michel Nicoli, Antoine and Barthelmy Guerini, Michel Roux, Sauveur Pironti, Michel Merz, Roger Bocognani, Paul Mondoloni, Norm Le Blanc, Jean Rene Souetre, QJ/Win, QJ/Rogue, Lucien Rivard, Rev. Alex Osborne, Jules Ricco Kimble, Guiseppe Cotroni, Robert Vesco, Norman Rothman, Charles Martel ( Canadian and Corsican Mafiosa).Madame Nhu, President Ngo Dinh Diem,Ngo Dinh Nau, Lucien Conein, Col. Lansdale, Pop Buell, Gen. Charles Willoughby ( Golden Triangle Dope Ring) .George Senator, Curtis "Larry" LaVerne Craford, Eva R. Grant,