Jimmy Files and LHO in Dallas

JFK Assassination
Larry Daniels
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Jimmy Files and LHO in Dallas

Post by Larry Daniels »

I appreciate the information that you have made available concerning the events of 11/22/1963. I was a teenager when JFK was killed, and am a native Texan. I have been interested in the assassination since it occurred, and have always discounted the single-bullet theory, and the fact that LHO was a lone assassin.

I am very interested in the Jimmy Files story, and as a 30 year law enforcement officer, find him credible in many ways.

One problem that I am having, however, is reconciling the portion of Jimmy's story concerning LHO showing him around Dallas for several days prior to 11/22. According to what I have been told by some of LHO's co-workers, and statements made by LHO's supervisors at the TSBD, he did not miss any days of work during the short time he worked there.

What are your thoughts concerning this. Is it possible that LHO was with Jimmy Files only on the weekend prior to the assassination?

Keep up the great work!
Rob Waters
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Post by Rob Waters »

hi Larry,

you may want to check out the Judyth Vary Baker DVD. She talks a lot about the jobs he had, i.e. the Reilly Coffee Co, where he could come and go to do certain things for the CIA/FBI. Reilly and the owner of the SBDB had CIA ties. If i am incorrect here, someone please correct me.

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Post by dankbaar »

Rob is correct.

Reily and the TSBD were cover jobs. He could leave whenever. He worked all floors on the TSBD, nobody would notice when he slipped out for a few hours.

Roy Truly was informed he worked for the FBI, according to Judyth.

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Post by Bob »

Remember that the TSBD was owned by David Harold Byrd in 1963. Byrd was the founder of the LCAP (Louisiana Civil Air Patrol), of which Oswald was a member. Other members include David Ferrie, James R. Bath (Dumbya Bu$h's national guard buddy and bin Laden money man in Texas), Charles Rogers (one of the three tramps) and Barry Seal, one of the biggest drug runners in U.S. history. Seal was coincidentally murdered with Poppy Bu$h's telephone number in his car. The LCAP was always considered to be a breeding zone for the CIA.
steve manning
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Post by steve manning »

I've always wondered the same thing and if there were any actual records of oswalds work week in light of what Files has said about their activities together? Are there specific sources for this data? Apparently there is some conflicting "testimony" here, can it be resolved more clearly with some sort of tangible evidence?

William Robertson
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Post by William Robertson »

Steve, If like me you are convinced by John Armstrong's incredible research into the fact that there were two people using the name Lee Harvey Oswald then you have to wonder which one James Files met. (Harvey& Lee is the book, available from Last Hurrah bookstore). I have to say as a former detective that I find Armstrong's work convincing beyond any doubt; there were two different people using the same name.

You have the 5 foot 11inches tall, stocky, talkative, beer drinking, non-russian speaking Lee Harvey Oswald and the 5 foot 7 inch, thin, quiet, russian-speaking teetotaller Harvey Oswald (the one who went to Russia and was arrested for allegedly shooting at JFK).

Now, if Harvey is working at the TSBD under the eyes of Roy Truly, Lee Oswald is free to do all the other stuff that we know he did - test driving cars, going to the rifle range, getting gun sights fixed etc etc.

So, it would be very useful if James Files was to give a description of the physical features and character attributes of the guy he met, then we could figure out which of the two he was with.
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Re: Jimmy Files and LHO in Dallas

Post by ChristophMessner »

There is a photo Oswald took of Files. Are there photos existing Files took of Oswald?
John Beckham
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Re: Jimmy Files and LHO in Dallas

Post by John Beckham »

FBI memo from June 3rd, 1960 , over Hoover's signature, stating someone was using Lee's ID in the states while Lee was in Russia? is it fake? Lee Harvey Oswald and a Harvey Oswald? i've read some on that speculation, and it sounds reasonable. i mean if you were setting someone up.
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Re: Jimmy Files and LHO in Dallas

Post by ChristophMessner »

I'm a little sceptical about Jimmy's confession, that he drove around with Oswald the days before, but I cannot exclude it either. I can believe that Oswald had direct orders from David Atlee Phillips and that Jimmy worked for the CIA, too, but why should Jimmy endanger his boss Nicoletti with a spy looking into his cards and why should Phillips handle youngster Jimmmy directly rather than Nicoletti or Giancana and why should Oswald endanger himself so much to be silenced by the mafia later on?
tom jeffers
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Re: Jimmy Files and LHO in Dallas

Post by tom jeffers »

oswald's job was a cia cover and he could come and go as he pleased. after talking with bruce yesterday, i want to clarify what happened that week. oswald just showed up at jimmys motel room that week. only 2 people knew where jimmy was at and for what purpose, chuck and phillips. jimmy assumed oswald was sent by phillips since they both had the same handler but he did not know for sure. oswald and jimmy never discussed what he was there for because you just didn't talk about those things with others that are not in you own little core group. jimmy and oswald drove around during the course of the week and oswald showed jimmy around but nothing was discussed as to why they were driving around. jimmy was gathering information that he needed but again oswald was not told what he needed it for. a lot of the information just came up in casual conversation.jimmys knickname back then was "the kid" because if you see his picture in the motel room, his build and face looked lie a 15 year old kid. he was the kid that ws seen with oswald at the so called shooting range. it wasn't an actual shooting range for the public but an out of the way dump/salvage yard place that the locals went to to shoot guns. while they were there, there were a couple of other people shooting guns.