JFK Assassination
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

I have posted this question before and I got no responses. In fact most of my posts have gone unnoticed or unresponded to. I feel like I've got leprocy. The assassination has been looked at from every angle in the last 43 years and rarely is there a totally new angle to research. I think this may well be one of those.

I agree that Ruby was sent to silence Oswald because the powers at hand did not want him talking. What would have happened if the stomach wound was not a life threatening wound? Oswald would have been treated at the hospital and knowing that his life was on the line, he surely would have "spilled the beans" just as fast as the dictating machine could take it. Most assassins go for a head shot. Why did Ruby shoot Oswald in the stomach? Either he messed up or it was planned for one reason or another.

My point is this: Why would the conspirators go to all the trouble to eliminate Oswald with only a stomach wound unless they had somebody in the ambulance or at the hospital that could make sure whatever his wounds were, that they would be fatal. I've heard the official version that his stomach wound severed some artery and it was too bad to fix and he lost too much blood. Why should we just accept that without digging a little deeper. Who was in the ambulance that night? Who treated oswald at the hospital? What were their ties to anyone else in the Kennedy conspiracy? My guess is that the wounds were made worse while in the ambulance ride by the paramedic on duty. I think this is a very important detail that has been overlooked...after all if Oswald had lived, what would the history books had said about the assassination? I would like to hear your opinions and any links to articles about the ambulance ride by Oswald to the hospital that day.
john hines
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Post by john hines »

Hello Tom, I'm new to this forum. You do raise a very interesting question, I will try to respond and give you my thoughts the best I can. I would suspect as with the JFK assasination and many other things our government is involved in. There are multitiered agencies and people who are involved only on a need to know bases. Jack Ruby no doubt acted in a manner to protect his involvement and other people's interests that he was associated with who were involved in JFK's assasination. Ruby may not have understood the complete magnitude of culpability of persons responsible for the death of JFK. I would suspect that Ruby was no marksmen, unlike someone such as James Files. Believe it or not, people do miss head shots or just graze the head of their intended target. So maybe going for the torso would maybe guarantee a hit. Maybe to shut Oswald up, who knows? The powers that be I think, felt by allowing Ruby to try to take out Oswald would be harmless, since Oswald was gonna start talking. As in the RFK assasination at The Ambassador, there was undoubtedly more than one shooter. I would suspect to get that many Pawns in one place in that short amount of time to kill Oswald would have been difficult. It is very coincidental that the information on the ambulance or medical personnel that treated Oswald seems very skimpy to say the least. I'm with you, something happened enroute to the hospital or in the back room where they whisked Oswald away.
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Post by Pennyworth »

tom jeffers wrote:I have posted this question before and I got no responses. In fact most of my posts have gone unnoticed or unresponded to. I feel like I've got leprocy. The assassination has been looked at from every angle in the last 43 years and rarely is there a totally new angle to research. I think this may well be one of those.I agree that Ruby was sent to silence Oswald because the powers at hand did not want him talking. What would have happened if the stomach wound was not a life threatening wound? Oswald would have been treated at the hospital and knowing that his life was on the line, he surely would have "spilled the beans" just as fast as the dictating machine could take it. Most assassins go for a head shot. Why did Ruby shoot Oswald in the stomach? Either he messed up or it was planned for one reason or another.My point is this: Why would the conspirators go to all the trouble to eliminate Oswald with only a stomach wound unless they had somebody in the ambulance or at the hospital that could make sure whatever his wounds were, that they would be fatal. I've heard the official version that his stomach wound severed some artery and it was too bad to fix and he lost too much blood. Why should we just accept that without digging a little deeper. Who was in the ambulance that night? Who treated oswald at the hospital? What were their ties to anyone else in the Kennedy conspiracy? My guess is that the wounds were made worse while in the ambulance ride by the paramedic on duty. I think this is a very important detail that has been overlooked...after all if Oswald had lived, what would the history books had said about the assassination? I would like to hear your opinions and any links to articles about the ambulance ride by Oswald to the hospital that day.

I will conjecture that Oswald understood that he wouldn't spill the beans unless he knew for sure he was on his death bed,...if he did make a confession like Harrelson did, you can bet your bottom dollar that there would be a cover-up...if he lived and walked out of the hospital..they could still find a way to get him..I am surprised that nothing happened to harrelson after he made his confession about being on the grassy knoll...this stuff usually goes nowhere because like I said and hyposthesized, the powers that be on the topthat control practically everything are too great....and the money is the power..maybe we will see the times a'changing in the future..hopefully the near future....
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

The only live execution ever on television to this date is still the shooting of Oswald*. They wanted you to see it. That way you believe it. I do not think Oswald was killed that day at all. There are so many questions we still cannot answer. We do not even know really anything for fact. Just guessing and what we are told. Fact JFK died in Dallas on November 22nd 1963. After that? Who knows what is real and what is portrayed as real. Facts are so twisted in this case it makes your head spin. We believe what we see more then anything else. We see a prosecutor going after the real assassins and we believe it.
We see the government going after the truth, we believe it.
Einstein said" Never stop asking why until you can no longer ask why, Then you have a solid theory." We under these rules do not have a solid theory yet today. We are still asking WHY?

*Unless you count that guy in LA who shotgunned himself on live news coverage.
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Why in the stomach? It may have been as simple as Ruby looking out for his friends on the Dallas Police Department. A head shot would have required more time to set up, and more expertise than Ruby was capable of. A miss may have found the head of a police officer by accident. Ruby, I'm sure didn't want to be known as a Cop Killer. Center mass at close range is the safest shot.
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Post by Bob »

I tend to agree with Billy. I also heard that the bullet from Ruby caused massive internal bleeding and that Oswald may have died on the way to the hospital. I remember reading a book by Dr. Crenshaw from Parkland Hospital, saying that Oswald had very little chance of survival. Crenshaw, by the way, also was present when JFK arrived at Parkland. Maybe Ruby did know what he was doing. I would also be interested in knowing the type of bullet used in the shooting. I mean the one REALLY used. Still, one has to wonder about the incident. I only wish the Ruby would have lived long enough to tell us what REALLY happened. He gave some pretty good hints as to who might be involved. I think this web site accurately lays out who was probably part of the conspiracy.
john hines
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Post by john hines »

Oswald was to be transferred over to the Sheriff's Dept. Ruby should never had been there in the first place, since Oswald had been receiving death threats. Imagine, 1963, no digital caneras or camera phones to confiscate. Even after collecting all of those cameras, taking witness statements and developing those photos within 24 hrs, they were probably still trying to sort out who's face was suppose to be there and who's wasn't. Oswald needed to be silenced either way. Jack Ruby took one for the team.
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Post by Bob »

Let's not forget that Ruby once worked for Richard Nixon (see below). Ruby also had Chicago mob connections. Nixon was a political puppet for Prescott Bu$h. Prescott Bu$h also arranged for son George H.W. (Poppy) Bu$h to be in the CIA as he was very tight with Allen Dulles. Oh yeah, who was in Dallas on 11/22/1963? Nixon and Poppy Bu$h. And Jack Ruby. James Files saw him in Dealey Plaza that day I believe. When you remember Ruby, make sure you remember the Chicago mob connection and his political upbringing.

A 1947 memo, found in 1975 by a scholar going through a pile of recently released FBI documents, supports Giancana's contention. In the memo, addressed to a congressional committee investigating organized crime, an FBI assistant states: "It is my sworn testimony that one Jack Rubenstein of Chicago ... is performing information functions for the staff of Congressman Richard Nixon, Republican of California. It is requested Rubenstein not be called for open testimony in the aforementioned hearings." (Later in 1947, Rubenstein moved to Dallas and shortened his last name.) The FBI subsequently called the memo a fake, but the reference service Facts on File considers it authentic.Undercover work for the young Congressman Nixon would have been in keeping with Ruby's history as a police tipster and government informant. In 1950, Ruby gave closed-door testimony to Estes Kefauver's special Senate committee investigating organized crime. Committee staffer Luis Kutner later described Ruby as "a syndicate lieutenant who had been sent to Dallas to serve as a liaison for Chicago mobsters." In exchange for Ruby's testimony, the FBI is said to have eased up on its probe of organized crime in Dallas. In 1959, Ruby became an informant for the FBI.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

I have no doubt that Ruby knew what he was doing when he shot Oswald in the stomach. He was no rookie. A wound to the stomach or chest area is not the high percentage "kill shot" that a head wound would have been. It is easier to hit him in the torso than the head but a hit may not have caused that much damage. I think it was planned that he would shoot him in the chest area. Whoever ordered the hit probably also directed where the woud would be. (biggest chance of doing some kind of damage)

My theory is that there were probably accomplices either in the hospital or on the ambulance or both that made sure Oswalds wounds would be fatal. Why go through all the trouble to shoot him if he could have survived. With all the research that has been done, we have found all these other connections in other areas. Oswald escaped death on the day of the assassination, so every effort had to made to make sure he did not survive. Somebody or bodies had to be put in place to make sure he never woke up.

Can anyone locate an old newspaper clipping or an old interview that has the name of the paramedic on duty in the ambulance the night oswald was shot? Did a police officer accompany him on the ride to the hospital? Were the paramedics city employees or did they work for a private company? Wouldn't it be more than a coincidence if somebody was in a position to treat Oswald on that ride to the hospital and also had a connection to the mob, CIA, or Dallas police department?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

06.04.2007Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:06.02.2007 - Mr. Tom Jeffers Posted this Important Headline that is Central to many investigations.Tom Jeffers - Congratulations on yet another outstanding Post of yours. I apologize for not responding to some of your previous Posts, but I am often out of town on Security and Investigation Cases, and therefore rendered unavailable often lately.I have always doubted the version of LHO's actual injury, and death. You raise some outstanding points. Tom, this is certainly an area of the "Whole JFK Assassination" that is not fully researched, and written about. Perhaps you have found a Major Point that you can fully develop.Several of our Best JFK Forum Members have jumped in on your post. Maybe this is an area that you could more fully develop with them.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter.Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's who maynot be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.